In the morning, the bad guys were hanging out in front of the classroom.

Among them, one remarkably bad man approached us.

"Aniki!!! Oshiyasu!!!

The man, Senpai Bob, bent his hips beautifully at right angles and lowered his head.

"" "" "Shush!!!

And the Yankees behind them, Bob's party members, were thrilled.

"... senpai, what does this mean?

Though I understand, I couldn't help but ask about the situation.

"Aniki! How rude to call you senpai! Call me Black!!

"... and what does this mean, Senpai Bob?

"Ghhh... it seems that these guys realized the wonder of oniichan's late, and this is how I made my brother-in-law..."

No, thank you.

Answering in a daze, Senpai Bob looked like the end of the world.

"Aniki... don't say that..."

"" "Aniki..." "

Bob and his delightful companions like abandoned puppies.

Stop, don't look like that.

"... hah... I don't care what you call me, but I'm not going to senpai's party.

That said, a little light came back to their faces.

"Aniki...!! I'm afraid you're going to talk about me!! Therefore, if you honor me as the head of" Nightmare "(Grand Head), I won't do anything..."


As he tried to get into the classroom, Senpai Bob smiled slightly and sticked out a piece of paper.

"I asked the Dean to apply for the Chancellor (Grand Head) this morning! You're already officially registered for the party!

"... what?

Looking at the paper sticking out, the party registration application was signed by Beatrice.

It is carefully marked with a heart mark at the end of the name.

This is definitely interesting.....

I can only sigh at the thoughtfulness of preparation.

"Please, do whatever you want....."

Class is about to start, and it seems like there is no other way to resist it anymore, so it leads to the situation of giving up.

The members of Nightmare were joyful when they clapped their hands.

When she entered the classroom in the morning with a lot of fatigue, Aria seemed worried.

"Sirius-kun... are you okay...?

"I managed to... get tired in the morning"

"Ahh... that was tough..."

Aria is a really good boy to worry about personally....

"Hey Director (Grand Head), good morning!

Lancelot smiles happily beside Aria.

"... please don't, I'll chop you up.

Lancelot was afraid of exaggeration when he put his hand on the thunderbolt.

"Oh... I'm scared to piss you off, Chancellor (Grand Head)!"

When she released her energy and intimidated her, she raised her hands and shook her head as if it was really a reflection.

"Stop it! Your intimidation is not fashionable!

"... Lancelot's jokes aren't too stylish, are they?

"I'm sorry!

Looking at us like that, Mr. Air looked stunned.

"Absolutely... Sirius."

"What does that mean!?

I don't know.

Air smiled and went back to her seat.

After school, when Senpai Zion and the others came to the arena, there were straw and people there again.

I have a mild headache when a familiar sight spreads all day long.

"" "" Aniki!! Snooze!!

"... why are you here?

Are you sure you want to wipe it out with magic? Senpai Zion hit me on the shoulder when I first started thinking.

"I spoke to Bob."

"It's not Bob, it's stuck!!

"Senior Bob, please be quiet."


After drinking Senpai Bob, who cut the story off one by one, it was quiet and crisp.

"Senpai Theon, why did you call them?

"They, Team Bobs..."

"It was called 'Nightmare' -"

Senpai Bob, be quiet.

"Ha, yes!!

... this is handy for you, too.

"Okay, Nightmare is the biggest party in Central Adventurer School. Teamwork is also said to be top-notch. I wanted them to learn teamwork."

Wow, you know what I mean?

"So why don't we all play a mock game against the three of us?"

"Ah? Are you licking our party?? Ooh?"

Senpai Bob is getting close to Senpai Zion and getting cancer with great momentum.

I want you to stop because it only looks like a dick on top of an honorary student.

"Well, on the contrary, do you think you can beat Sirius by teaming up with a few of you?

"Fuzzy goooo!! You can't beat my brother!!

"Right. That's why I said all of them."

When Senior Theon answered with a troubled face, Senior Bob sharpened his mouth.

"I don't know... it's against the rules to put oniisan on the team..."

"There it is. Bob, you certainly had magic tools to limit the opponent's power. Sirius, I want you to follow it."

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell is this guy talking about?

"Ah... there are shackles that absorb the magic of the wearer and convert it into weight. I can't believe I let you put something like that on my brother."

"Sirius, do you think you're going to be weak with that kind of handicap?

"Nnawakiya!!! Aniki!! Let's put it on!! It's okay, it's just a little heavy accessory for my brother!!

Senpai Bob had a smile on his face and offered out a dark, gothic shackle.

Senpai Zion looks at it from behind.

You're too chocolate, pussy.

I received a sigh and a shackle. [M]

"I can't help it...."

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