When I wore the black shackles, I learned the feeling of being sucked by magic.

And with that, the weight of the shackles increases.

It feels like I've messed up the training weights I had in my previous life.

As I was shaking my hand and checking my movements, I noticed that Senpai Theon and Senpai Bob were staring at us.

"What's the matter?

"Hmm... I was surprised to suggest to myself that it combines the magical and muscular power of shackling and flattening."

"Brother Stream Stone!!

Hey, hey.

"... please don't put that on juniors."

"Well, it turns out to be Ouilai, right? I knew you had powers you couldn't compare to those prisoners."

Indeed, in the end.....

... hmm? Did you just say prisoner? Is this what criminals do?

Okay, let's start a mock fight.

"Sirius-san, good luck...."

Without me, Senpai Theon went up into the arena flat.

Senior Christelle looked at us with pity.

Senpai Kristel is the only conscience here....

On one side of the arena, Senpai Zion, I, and Senpai Kristel stood, while on the other side, there were ten members of "Nightmare", including Senpai Bob.

"Now, all the members who are here today. Are you serious?

Senpai Bob laughs uncomfortably with his fist.

The member behind had a slightly nervous look, but still had a firm stance.

"Oh, I don't mind."

"I'll do my best....!

"I'll try my best."

Well then, let's get started!

When Senpai Zion declared so, he began to spin the chakram.

Senpai Kristel, Senpai Bob, and members of the "Nightmare"... it's been a long time since the team members began to develop their magic and energy.

Well, me too....

Lightning Aura


The magic flowing into the magic is absorbed into the shackles and the weight of the shackles increases with it.

No, I'm using magic to strengthen my body, but it's hard to fight.

Immediately after removing the magic, the weight of the shackles was restored.

Continuous magic can only be stopped.....

I gave up magic and increased my physical abilities by putting more effort into "practicing spirit" than usual.

I'm a little anxious because I can't use the magic enhancements I always use.

Soon Senpai Bob's smile disappeared from his face, and he had a serious expression.

I wondered if Senpai Bob had moved his hand behind his body, and the members of the team who were raising their magic behind started singing magic at once.

It's a mix of attack magic and sabotage magic, isn't it?

"Sirius, do you think you can go?

Senpai Theon listens with an unbelievable smile.

"It's okay."

"All right, I'm going in. I'm going in. I'm going in! Mr. Christell, hold the enemy back!

Senpai Theon began to run toward the enemy at a time when he would like to hear or not hear my answer.


"Got it!

I'll run behind Senpai Theon, too.

"'Fine Ice (Diamond Dust)' 'Ice Flower (Glassfiore)'"

Crystal's magic begins to drift fine ice crystals into the arena.

This "Fine Ice (Diamond Dust)" is different from the last time I fought with Senpai Christelle, and this time it has been adjusted so as not to disturb my magic.

Combat measures are perfect.

And finally Senpai Theon and Senpai Bob meet.

Senpai Bob has two members.

When Senpai Bob gave out his hand signs quickly, each member spread sideways.

I had a crowd of members lying next to those seniors. [M]

"Aniki, get ready!!

"I'll kill my balls!!

"Shhhhh!! Gaki!!"

Parry the attack of the two Regiment members with a thunderbolt, shake it big, and throw a 'thunderbolt' with the bottom of the palm of one with a wide gap.

After all, using magic increases the weight of the shackles, but it doesn't seem to be a problem to release magic with less magic consumption in an instant.

"Gabby!? Ababa!?"

"Huh!? Put it on and do some magic!?

"Come on, Flushing Stone!!

"Isn't this impossible...?

The squad members who had eaten the soles of their palms were twitching and twitching as they blew up.

Meanwhile, when I hit the bottom of my palm, I used to slash the other one from the blind spot.

The other team members circled around the blind spot and fired an attack, even though they tried to knock him down at the counter.

The crew never go after each other deeply and try to hit and go around each other's blind spots.

When we try to push it, the containment fire comes from the sorcerer in the back.

The constraints of the shackles are also great, but it is very difficult to do without them.

They are calm and cautious against their appearance.

Looks like we're fighting with a stance that waits for us to make a mistake.

... maybe the purpose is to nail me away from senpai?



Looking horizontally at Senpai Zion's condition, Bob's rush with a gold crushing rod was using a "helical drive (screwdriver)".

" Blaze Bomb !"

Senpai Bob changed the trajectory of the gold crushing rod by explosion without putting in his hair and attacked Senpai Theon.

But Senpai Zion will easily deviate from it.

However, the supporter's crew attacked Senior Theon with a sword from the blind spot to match Senior Bob's attack timing.

After all, you've been thorough in taking blind spots with multiple people...!

The ice splash broke between Senpai Zion and the Regiment at the end of the arrow that I wanted to help with magic, preventing all attacks.


Shoot a Thunderbolt (Thunderbolt) into the attacking team and remove them from the arena.

"Haha! Let's do it!!

Senpai Bob's corner of mouth catches up.

Suspiciously, when I activated "Magic Sensing", I sensed a magic convergence in the sky above Senpai Christel.

Oh no...!!

I was delayed in realizing it because I had minimized the use of magic and reduced the frequency of "magic sensing".

Senpai Christelle looked up at me with a soft expression, but it was already too late.

The man who was lurking in the shadows and chanting shouted.

"Eat it!! Special" Thunderbolt Crash "!"

A dazzling flash flashes over Senpai Christelle.

- More like lightning magic!?

"White Clothes." "Shrinkage."

I wrapped up the "whitish" with a chicken or a bee, and kicked my way to senpai.


A knife made of metal black steel (wobble) that does not pass the magic "barely", shakes all night over your head.



After the aftermath of the "Thunderbolt", electricity flowed through my body, but I managed to prevent a direct hit on Senpai Kristel.

I wasn't completely able to cut off the magic all night, but the rest level worked.

I am more resistant to lightning magic than other magic, so there is no problem as long as it is about afterwaves.

The shackles absorbed magic, and the White Air (Vicki), which required delicate magic adjustments, was immediately removed. It can only be activated for a moment to protect senpai.

Also, since I wielded my sword while wearing a shackle that absorbed the magic of "white air (vibration)" and doubled its weight, the shackle swallowed into my wrist. It hurts.

In the blink of an eye, I moved instantly to the side of Senpai Kristel and looked at me and the intact Senpai Kristel, and the whole of "Mightless Douya (Nightmare)" was solidified.

"Hah, haaa!? At that distance, I can wear it and make it to Thunderbolt!??

"What reflexes and physical abilities do you have...."

"Ba, it's a monster....."

"Brother Stream Stone!!!

Seeing such teammates, Senpai Zion shrugged his shoulders and threw Chakram at the teammates full of gaps.


"Ah! Dirty, Theon!!

"Streamstone Theon is abdominal black!!

"What's wrong with being full of gaps?

Senpai Sion laughed in trouble, and the team returned to the battle.

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