The Reincarnated Wizard Who Will Eventually Become the Strongest

100 - - 37 "The Dragons came to the Earl of Walker" ②

Despite the surprise that Alicia could talk to a dragon, the family was then taken to the largest guest room of Count Walker's house.

At first, the dragon said it was fine to go outside, but he could not leave the guest entrusted to him by the king outside, and Sam and the entire Count family asked to go inside the house.

As a result, the burning dragon nodded his head in agreement with Sam and the others.

Fortunately, the scorch dragon is humanoid and the cubs are only about one mail long, so they can move around the mansion without any difficulty.

"Well, well, the baby dragons are wonderful to ride!"

One of the baby dragons was carrying Alicia on its back, but Sam was tired of being surprised, so he pretended not to notice.

It turned out that Alicia, who is usually quiet and timid, had the most courage of all the Countesses.

It was a gift for her to be able to befriend a dragon that was considered a natural disaster, and at the same time, I was impressed by how gentle she was.

Alicia found herself getting along well with her mother dragon, and the burning dragon accepted this as a good thing.

The dragons were soiled and Alicia led them to the bathroom.

Alicia said, "Let me lend you some of my clothes. I'm sure they would be suitable for you too.

"Mm-hmm. I've never put my sleeves on someone's clothes before, but it's interesting. I'm sure I'll be of great help."

The conversation was pleasantly exchanged.

The bathroom of the Count's house is large, so there is no problem to enter with the dragons.

Leaving the family of burning dragons in Alicia's hands, Sam and the others decided to rest their weary bodies and minds.

"...... Alicia-sama surprised us, didn't she?"

Yes, very much so. I am beyond amazed that my own sister can be so unafraid of dragons."

Sam and his friends were having a cup of tea and catching their breath in the dining room.

Lise sips from her teacup, admiring her sister's guts.

"I never thought that the shy Alicia had such talent, and I am ashamed that as a father I could not see it.

"You mustn't be so downhearted, my dear. I too thought Alicia was a shy girl.

A little dejected were Jonathan and Grace.

As parents, they were more than a little shocked that they had failed to see the true nature of their daughter.

But I think that's understandable. Who would have thought that they could talk to a dragon?

The same is true for Liese and Erika.

"Alicia has always loved dragons. She used to read stories about them.

"That said, it's amazing that you're not afraid of the real thing. I thought I was going to shit my pants!

"Hey, Erica, don't be shy!"

Even your sister Liese was surprised!

"I was surprised, but I didn't pee my pants! Don't say funny things in front of Sam!"

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry."

Even a friendly little dragon is said to be as powerful as the top ones.

To Liese and Erika, who have experience in battle, it may have seemed like a terrifying threat had just arrived.

"I wonder if even Kensei-sama can fight against a dragon - no, she never had a chance to fight in the first place..."

"Not usually!"

"Sam really fought well. And I'm glad you made it back in one piece."

"Yes, it is! I was surprised when you said you were going to fight the dragon, but I am relieved to see you back here.

"Thank you, Lise and Erica."

As the sisters expressed their happiness that Sam was safe, Jonathan and the others, who had been depressed, looked up and smiled at him.

"It's been a hectic time, Sam, but we're glad you're back safe and sound. And once again, well done on your position as court wizard and on your rise to the most powerful position in the world. Congratulations."

"Sam keeps me on the edge of my seat, but I am so proud of you."

"Thank you, sir and madam!"

Sam's joy was overwhelmed by the compliments he received from both of them.

He could not hide his joy at being recognized by Ur's parents.

"I thought I knew you were strong, but I guess I still underestimated you. I'm sorry."

"No, you don't need to apologize to me, because they were worried about me. Rather, I am sorry for making you worry.

Sam himself was glad that the Countesses were concerned about him.

Jonathan said that I underestimated him, but it was my fault for not showing all of my abilities properly.

In fact, I am sorry that I have caused them so much worry.

"I would have invited the Delights and the others to a celebration, but I'm sorry.

No, this is not the time.

Delight and his son are not here because they have gone home.

Günther tried to follow them as if he were going back to his home, but a servant at his parents' house said to him, "Enough, please come home! He returned to the duke's house reluctantly.

All three of them were happy for Sam's safety and his victory over Albert as if it were their own.

Especially Sinatra and his son, who had been humiliated by Albert, were even grateful to Sam.

"But now that you've become a court wizard and the most powerful man in the world, I'd like to congratulate you in a big way," he said.

"Well, well, my dear. Why don't you change your mind at a later date?

"Yes. I'd like to invite you, too, but I'm not sure if it's right to let you get involved in human affairs or not, and leaving you alone is also a problem.

Jonathan seems to be concerned about the burning dragon.

(I'm sure they would normally join us if we invited them, but as the Master said, it's not a good idea to get them involved in human troubles).

We want the burning dragons to stretch their wings in a leisurely manner.

Jonathan is a good man, but not all nobles are.

There will be people who will try to take advantage of the dragons, and there is no guarantee that there will not be people like Albert and the Marquis of Gordon who will think that they are not worthy of them.

Considering the future of the dragons, I was worried about letting them get involved with humans more than necessary.

Besides, it was enough for Ur's family to say "congratulations" to him, without having him throw a celebration.

It would be a punishment if I wished for more.

"By the way, sir..."

What is it?

"Actually, the king told me that I did a good job defeating Albert, what does that mean?"

"Huh? Did His Majesty say that?"

"What do you mean?"

"No, I have no idea what that is."

At Sam's question, Jonathan took one look at his wife and daughters, who tilted their heads, and nodded.

"...... I wouldn't mind telling Sam or any of you. You know that Albert was an aristocrat, don't you?"

"Yes. I heard about you before.

"Of course he has been at odds with the royalists, but he has also been doing whatever he wanted behind the scenes, as in this case. These are the things His Majesty wanted to stop."


"They were able to put on a big face because they had the strongest forces in the kingdom. But now that they've lost that, they won't be able to do anything for a while. Besides..."


"Those who were involved in the kidnapping of the Burning Dragon children will be severely punished. I'm sure His Majesty will show no mercy to those of a hostile faction.

"What will happen?"

The aristocracy is a real pain in the ass.

Sam asks, thinking this inwardly.

"The ringleaders and key players will not escape the death penalty. They were responsible for the destruction of this country. No matter what anyone says, we cannot resist. They'll tear down our homes."


"Did you know that Albert was an earl?"

"No. Was he an earl?

I'm surprised that such a classless man even had a knighthood. It really doesn't suit him.

"All court wizards are given the title of count. Albert was originally a viscount, but his own family will have to take responsibility now that Albert is dead."


"You got what you deserved! He couldn't get enough of making fun of Mr. Delight, and he even made a pass at Fran!"

"Oh, my God, that's so creepy!"

Both Lise and Erica snicker at the idea that Albert's family will be held responsible for their late son, as they should be.

Lise, in particular, seems to feel more strongly about this, since her friend had been inconvenienced by Albert.

As for Sam, he would be relieved if all of Albert's bloodline that harassed Delight and Fran so much is destroyed.

It would have been troublesome if he had remained in the family and had been resented.

"His Majesty will inform you personally about Sam's future. I'd like to ask you a few questions: ......"

"Yes. Yes, sir?"

Jonathan asked Sam, a little hesitantly.

"Is it okay for Sam's family name to remain Scheidt?"

"Well, I don't have any plans to change it, but why?"

Unsure of the intent of the question, Sam tilted his head.

Looking closer, he sees that not only Jonathan but also Grace is looking at Sam with concern.

(Is there something wrong with being a shyte? I like the family name that Uru gave me.)

"I know that you have had an unfavorable environment in your family home. But you are, by nature, a Samuel Reinbach. When you're given a title, the family name stays with you. Can I keep the name Scheidt?"

"No, I'm not a Reinbach anymore."

"...... I see."

"If it is not too much trouble for you and your wife, I would like to continue to be Samuel Scheidt. I would be more than happy to receive a knighthood and to keep the magical name of Ur as the family name forever."

Hearing Sam's honest response, Walker and his wife bowed deeply and expressed their gratitude.

"--Thank you."

Sam, who is not a parent, cannot imagine how much emotion was put into those words.

But Sam, in his own way, wanted to leave what Ur left behind in this world.

He was relieved that his parents had given their permission.

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