The Reincarnated Wizard Who Will Eventually Become the Strongest

101 - - 38 "Liese confessed to me".

"Sam, can I have a word?"

A day full of events, from the duel to the attack of the dragon.

Lise came to Sam's room.

"Of course. Please come in."

Lise, wearing a nightgown and what appeared to be only a hint of makeup, gave a small smile and said, "Thank you," and entered the room.

"I'd like some tea if you don't mind."

"I'm sorry I came to visit you so unexpectedly."

"I hope you don't mind."

I asked him to sit down on a chair and prepared the tea in a very efficient manner.

Sam was just about to drink the tea because he could not sleep yet.

Lately he had been reading the magic book left by Ur, but today he was a little tired and had not even opened the pages.

"Oh, that's a strange smell."

"It is a tea from the land of the east, the land of the sun."

He pours the light green liquid into a teacup.

A calming aroma wafted through the room, tickling Sam and the others' nostrils.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."

They drank the tea without a word.

(What's the matter, Lise? You seem a little nervous. ...... Well, I guess I'm nervous too. A woman of your age alone in a room, I'm not just a little nervous, I'm a lot nervous.)

Sam is a man.

If a beautiful woman like Lise comes to your room in an unguarded state, you will be nervous.

Especially, Lise is usually so close to me that I am conscious of her as a member of the opposite s*x.

However, it is not right to have ill feelings toward Liese, who is like a family member.

As a brother and a disciple, he tries to keep his composure.

"It tastes different from tea, but it's delicious. I like it."

"I'm glad it was to your taste. I like tea too."

In my previous life in Japan, I did not have much experience with tea, but now that I can drink it in this other world, I feel nostalgic.

I have no desire or regrets to return to my former world, but it is quite a strange experience to be able to get something that I had in my former life in another world.

"By the way, what can I do for you?"

"A lot happened during the day, and I wanted to talk to you properly. Am I bothering you?"

No, it's not like that. I wanted to talk to Liese-sama, too.

"Oh, I'm so glad. Sam - once again, congratulations on your position as court wizard and on being the most powerful."

"Thank you."

It tickles me when Lise, the master of close combat, praises me.

"But I was so worried about you."

"I'm sorry for your concern."

"I've always wondered why Sam didn't use his skills in training with me, but after seeing that, it makes sense. You didn't dare."

"Yes. My skills are dangerous. It wasn't so dangerous before, but when I use it together with offensive magic, it has become something evil. You can't use it easily in a normal fight.

"I know. I don't want to be cut in half like Albert. But I'm glad you won. To be honest, some people thought it was too much. But as long as Sam is safe, I don't care about Albert.

I was prepared for some people to say that it was too much.

He had anticipated it all, and Sam had killed Albert to break all his fears.

He knew that there was no harm in keeping him alive, and he did not know what kind of foolishness the defeated man would do if he was allowed to live.

Taking his life would save him from regretting later that he should have killed him.

"But I never thought you would fight the dragon afterwards..."

"It's true. And it was Albert's fault.

"As far as I'm concerned, he really didn't do anything wrong. But it did teach me one thing.

"What did you find out? Well, what is it?

"That's, you know, how I feel."

"Are these the feelings of Liese-sama?"

Unable to understand what she was saying, Sam tilted his head.

Lise continued to speak to Sam.

"You know, I have always thought of you as my little brother.

"That's very kind of you."

"Hmmm, I was just so cute because he's my first apprentice and he's so worthwhile to teach.

"I thank you too, Lise. Thanks to you, I have learned how to play close combat."


Lise hesitated for a moment.

But then, as if she had made up her mind, she spoke.

"I found myself thinking about Sam more than about my brother.

"Well, what does that mean?"

"I was happy that he treated me the same way he did when he found out about my past, but I had feelings for Sam that I didn't deserve."


I am at a loss to understand what she is trying to say.

"I've been trying to hide these feelings from you. But then I realized that Sam was going to fight the dragon and that I might never see him again, so I thought I should at least tell him how I feel.

I understood that the battle with the burning dragon had worried Liese greatly.

Before Sam could say a word of apology, Liese continued to speak.

"Listen, this is just something I want to tell you on my own, so you don't have to reply or anything. I'd rather you keep this between us.

"Ah, if Lise-sama says so. But what?

"-I like you, Sam."


I didn't understand what he said.

"I adore you as a man."

Finally, Sam understood the meaning of Liese's words.

But he couldn't hide his upset.

(What? Huh? Huh? Liese-sama said that about me?)

It was hard to believe that a beautiful woman and a master swordsman would fall in love with a child whose only skill was magic.

It would be more convincing if she laughed at me and said, "I was only joking.

But Lise's face was too serious, her cheeks were slightly red and she was looking straight at me with moist eyes.

Even Sam, who has little experience in love, could clearly see that her feelings were true.

"Um, Lise-sama..."

"I know you love your sister Ur. But I still wanted to tell you."

Yes. It's true that Sam still loves Ur.

That will never change.

I'm sure Sam will love Ur for the rest of his life.

Ur never wanted that.

He told me that one day he would be with someone else, have a family, and be happy.

It is not an easy thing to do, even if it is the word of a loved one.

So I only thought that such a time might come someday.

But I never dreamed that Lise would tell me that she loved me.

How could I not be happy to be liked by such a kind and charming person like Lise?

Sam tries to find the words to reply.

However, he was so upset and confused that he could not get the words out.

Lise, perhaps sensing this, opens her mouth.

"You don't have to answer me. I just wanted to let you know how I feel.

"Lise-sama, but..."

"Really, it's okay. I just want you to remember. I just want you to remember that there's someone out there who loves you. Even though Ursula is gone, there are still people who care about him.

Liese stood up and moved closer to Sam.

Then she bent down and gently placed her own lips on Sam's.


"I'm sorry. But please forgive me for this."

Lise smiles at Sam's surprised, slightly mischievous face.

Liese gently strokes Sam's hair as he stiffens under the sudden confession and kiss,

"Good night, Sam. Have a nice dream."

With these words, he leaves the room.

Sam tried to stop her, but he could not think of what to say to her and could not call her name.

In the short time that followed, Lise left the room.

Sam, who was left alone, put his hand to his lips,


He becomes even more nervous than when he fought the dragon.

What should I look like when I meet Liese tomorrow?

What will I say in reply?

She said she doesn't want it, but I think that's also insincere.

(What am I supposed to do?)

The confession from the person he loved like a big sister made Sam spend sleepless nights.

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