
backs of the two people illuminated by the sunset were pulled for a long, long time.

"It hurts—hiss, damn spots!" Su Xiuyu woke up from the pain, and as a result, he felt more pain after waking up. His body was wrapped in white gauze, almost wrapping himself into a mummy. Su Xiuyu swore in his heart that he would definitely find an opportunity to take revenge and come back. Damn, now there is nothing else that does not hurt except for the brain and face.

The wooden door creaked open, and it was not Uchiha who came in, looking at a youthful appearance, looking almost exactly the same as the later Uchiha Sasuke, it seems that he is Uchiha Senna, the younger brother of Uchiha Madara Madara .

Su Xiuyu thought in his heart, it was estimated that the words he just scolded were for you to Izumi to hear, and it was really a little embarrassing to say bad things about his brother behind his back and be caught on the spot by his brother.

"When we first met, I was Senna Uchiha, and Madara was my own brother. Because the patriarch was holding a meeting, my brother went to the meeting as the eldest son, and left me down and specially beckoned me to take care of you. Izumi seemed to have heard Su Xiuyu's complaint just now and wanted to explain it for his brother.

Su Xiuyu was even more speechless at this time, but fortunately, Su Xiuyu is getting thicker and thicker now, thinking that as long as he is not embarrassed, it is Izumi who is embarrassed.

"It's okay, thank you for taking care of you. Your father won't target Madara anymore, he was also in a critical situation that day, there is no way-

" "Where, I've already heard my brother say, if it weren't for your help, Jiri would be a cold corpse by now." We need to thank you. Izumi thanked him very politely, not at all seeing the inherent arrogance of the Uchiha clan.

"I've already applied the best medicinal herbs to you on you, and you should be able to heal in a few days." However, it may be painful, because this honey secret medicine of the Uchiha family is very effective but can cause severe pain. So you'd better rest for two more days. Su

Xiuyu now finally understood why the pain was so bad—sure enough, the spot was intentional, although the drug is good, but the side effects are torturous and so troublesome.

Su Xiuyu simply did not plan to leave the hospital bed, since the physical injury has not healed, he will lie down for two more days.

In the past two days of lying down, Su Xiuyu has constantly felt the skills of the imperial land and experienced the magic of the power of the imperial soil. As his second cultivation power, Su Xiuyu hoped to combine the imperial soil of the Northern Tufu with his own soil escape, in this way he tried to obtain a more terrifying earth escape technique. In the future, he will at least start chasing Madara and Madara from Muji Ninjutsu.

Quanna always talked to Su Xiuyu about such and such topics while taking care of Su Xiu in the past two days, and it seemed that he wanted to be close to Su Xiuyu. It's a pity that Su Xiuyu can't get close to him. Su Xiuyu, the bottom of each family during the Warring States period, is not clear at all, and it is embarrassing to say too much and leak his mouth.

"Xiu Yu, you are finally awake. It's a pleasure to see you. Madara greeted Su Xiuyu with a smile after coming in.

Su Xiuyu replied, "But I see that you are very unhappy", choking back what Madara wanted to say next.

"Actually, I see that your injury is almost fine, do you want to think about what we said before?" It is to go to the Blood Pool clan to take revenge, and Uchiha must avenge the dead clansmen.

Su Xiuyu looked at Ban's urgent look and knew that Madara had made up his mind, and he also needed more battlefield experience.

"Your body is definitely not suitable for battle. Here are a few Uchiha standard equipment. Madara took out a type of armor similar to the red armor he wore himself, a knife (sword) made of high-quality Chakra metal mixed with forging, and the corresponding detonation charms, kunai, shurikens, etc.

Su Xiuyu took the skirt armor and sword and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"No, I still have the clan meeting that is not over." Madara simply said and left.

As soon as he saw that there was nothing left and right, Su Xiuyu sneaked out of the Uchiha clan, constantly using the teleportation technique to hurry, and now he has a basic security guarantee in the Warring States, so take a look around, before the strength was too many times and did not dare to run around. Su Xiuyu was thirsty and was about to go to a lake to drink saliva, when he found that this remote lake also happened to meet a rare beauty.

With striking red hair and a face like white porcelain, he looked three or four years younger than himself.

"Who is it?" The girl turned around vigilantly and took out the kunai and aimed it at Su Xiuyu.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pass by here, I originally just wanted to drink saliva by the lake, and I happened to see you here, not to disturb me. Another question, are you from the Vortex family? The

woman who was originally guarded lowered her guard a little after Su Xiuyu finished speaking, "I am indeed from the Vortex clan, are you judging by your hair?" In fact, the reason why a woman lets down her guard is very simple: she has had a hazy perception since she was a child, and can generally perceive a person's goodwill and malice. Even the first time he saw Su Xiuyu was frightened by instinct, he was very guarded, and the Warring States period was turbulent, and it was always right to be careful.

And this strange man's first words did not lie, yes, the perception of this woman of the whirlpool clan can also judge whether what a person says is true or false. Since there was no problem with the introduction and no lie, then this teenager should indeed have strayed here by accident, not stalking himself.

Su Xiuyu looked at this beautiful girl a little familiar, but if he thought about it, he hadn't had contact with the Vortex family yet, and he didn't know what this inexplicable familiarity was. It won't be that you look at people and parents are beautiful and feel familiar. "Girl, come on, this is the dessert made by my family." Su Xiuyu boldly threw a small box of snacks over.

The beautiful red-haired girl took the dessert and asked with a smile, "You won't poison it, will you?"

Su Xiuyu was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect the girl to ask so bluntly. Busy shook his hands, "No, no, why does the girl think so..." The

red-haired girl replied with a sweet smile: "Mom told me that you can't eat outside indiscriminately, especially you can't accept things from strange men." After speaking, he stared at Su Xiuyu with a smile, wanting to see how Su Xiuyu responded.

"My mother also told me that the more beautiful a girl is, the more she will lie." Su Xiuyu winked at the red-haired girl.

The red-haired girl covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing, she hadn't met such an interesting little brother for a long time. In the Vortex Clan, either a serious book or a daily fight and kill, or an old guy who studies the sealing technique all day long, those skin children dare not listen to themselves, as the princess of the Vortex Clan, the girls feel that they are bored. This stranger is different.

"My name is Su Xiuyu, and I am a ninja. A traveler.

"I—my name is Uzumaki Mito, and you may or may not have heard my name." Vortex Mito said his real name with a smile.

"What? You repeat, what is your name? Su Xiuyu once suspected that he had heard wrong.

"I said my name is Vortex Mito, what's the problem?" Whirlpool Mito wondered that the man named Su Xiuyu was fine just now, how could it be abnormal when he heard his name.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious to ask something, which is-

" "You just asked, a big boy twisting and pinching like something."

"It's Uzumaki Mito, do you have a marriage contract now?"


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