"Daring, you impudent! Who asks people if they have a marriage contract as soon as they meet? Vortex Mito drank.

"No, you listen to me. I asked you if you had a marriage contract, not to be frivolous with you, I really just wanted to ask if you had a marriage contract-" At this time, Su Xiuyu realized that Mito might have misunderstood his meaning. It should be mistakenly thought that he was teasing her about the marriage contract.

Oh my God, I just wanted to ask if this future sister-in-law knew Pillar now, but was mistaken by Mito for Noboruko.

"Aren't you acting as an apprentice? Or is it just a simple question if I have a marriage contract? Mito

seemed to be really angry, Su Xiuyu felt that he was getting darker and darker, so let's hurry up and go straight in.

"No, no, no, I'll change the question, just now I asked inappropriately, I want to ask you if you recognize the Thousand Hand Pillar."

"The Thousand Hands clan is an ally of our Vortex clan, our two races have been friendly for generations, I naturally know the Thousand Hands clan, as for the Thousand Hands Pillar, he is the eldest son of the current Thousand Hands Patriarch Thousand Hands Buddha, I have heard of it, but I don't know him. I heard his name from the older generation in the family. Vortex Mito didn't understand why Su Xiuyu shifted the topic to the Senju clan.

It turned out that he didn't know it now, and Su Xiuyu's heart seemed to be relieved. Of course, Su Xiuyu can't say that in the future, you will marry Thousand Hand Pillar because of marriage. Thinking that the two had not yet met, he was faintly happy in his heart.

"I'm sorry I didn't tease you by asking about the marriage contract, can you trust me?" Su Xiuyu explained.

"Is it? Make a note of this for now, don't blame me if you want to be so unobtrusive in the future! Mito raised a small white fist in a threatening gesture. In fact, Vortex Mito was not angry at all, her perception had long detected that Su Xiuyu was not lying, he really just wanted to ask about the marriage contract. Why did you simply ask me about the marriage contract, is it....

This is just the first time we met, and this guy is too bold... I am still young, is it too early to say what to marry now... Thinking about the whirlpool, Mito's face was a little blushing. How can this guy be so bold, but it is much more cheerful than his own twisted clansmen. Vortex Mito also didn't want to think that he was the princess of the Vortex clan, which peer in the clan dared to talk to him.

Su Xiuyu didn't know why she met Uzumaki Mito in this wilderness, could it be that she sneaked out?

In fact, Su Xiu Yumeng is right, but it is not all right, in fact, there are still guards of the Uzumaki clan nearby, after all, Uzumaki Mito, as the princess of the Uzumaki clan, cannot be so negligent in safety precautions.

There is also an enchantment technique near Mito's feet, which ensures support until her escort arrives after launch.

Of course, all this Su Xiuyu is not clear, Su Xiuyu's current practice has not yet involved the sealing technique.

At this time, Su Xiuyu was struggling in his heart how to get along with Uzumaki Mito - so that he would have the opportunity to learn the sealing technique, after all, the sealing technique of the Vortex clan of the Hokage World is first-class, but this is the foundation of the whirlpool clan's survival, and how can it be easily taught to him as an outsider.

The most important thing is that I lacked experience with girls in my previous life, and now the topic has fallen silent for a while, and I don't know how to continue the conversation.

"That—that—meet here next time?" Su Xiuyu scratched his head, and had to cheekily continue to have a relationship with Uzumaki Mito.

"Ah, I'm not sure." Uzumaki Mito's face blushed, why is this Su Xiuyu so bold, this dares to ask me to meet next time? Although Uzumaki Mito has no ill feelings towards Su Xiuyu for the time being, he will not have a good impression of the first meeting, and he can only say that the impression is not bad. But out of the girl's reserve, she still did not give Su Xiuyu a positive answer.

Sure enough, it's still a little defensive, this is rejected, Su Xiuyu thought to himself.

Two people do not know that their thoughts and each other's thoughts are not on the same channel at all, creating a wonderful misunderstanding.

Su Xiuyu had to cheekily say that he would come over in the next few days, and when Mito was free, he would come over, and forget it if he didn't have time. Then Su Xiuyu left with an instantaneous body.

Su Xiuyu, who left first, did not hear the "um" of the whirlpool Mito like a mosquito at all.

"Mito-sama, the man just now?" In the perception of the two guards, Su Xiuyu had already left some distance. If it weren't for the whirlpool Mito quietly gesturing for them not to come over just now, the two would have been ready to come up and capture Su Xiuyu.

"It's okay, it should be a person from the Thousand Hands clan, and I just mentioned the Thousand Hands Pillar." Uzumaki Mito lied, after all, Su Xiuyu had just introduced his name, and when he heard it, he knew that it had nothing to do with the Senju clan. But Su Xiuyu most likely knows the Thousand Hand Pillar, otherwise he would not mention the Pillar.

The two breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that it was the Senju clan, and since the Warring States period, the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan have been allies. If it is the little princess of the Thousand Hands clan, it is not a big deal to contact it.

The two secretly decided in their hearts to go back and discuss this matter with the Great Elder to see if their little princess fell in love with the children of the Thousand Hands Clan at first sight. Now the little princess's face is flushed, hey, sure enough, which girl is not pregnant with spring?

At this time, Su Xiuyu and Uzumaki Mito did not know how many oolongs were behind the two guards' chaotic Mandarin Duck Spectrum.

Su Xiuyu returned to Uchiha's clan land. These two days are the days of revenge that he had agreed with Ban to hunt down and kill the Blood Pool clan, and Su Xiuyu did not intend to miss this opportunity to go to the battlefield.

"Madara, you Uchiha clan-" As soon as Su Xiuyu spoke, Madara retorted, "What do you call your Uchiha clan, aren't you Uchiha clan?" Change the word, we Uchiha family.

Su Xiuyu rolled his eyes and continued, "How is the relationship between our Uchiha clan and the Uzumaki clan?"

Madara was curious about how Su Xiuyu asked about the Uzumaki clan this time, after all, in the past, Su Xiuyu had never cared much about the ninja clan other than Uchiha and Senju.

"Well, how to say, the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan have been friends for generations, and you know the relationship between us and Senju. So in general, we and the Vortex family are not very good. But there were no major conflicts, and our two communities hardly had each other, so there was no direct conflict of interest. Madara seriously considered it, and then carefully told Su Xiuyu about the elements.

"Actually, when I went out for a walk today, I met a girl from the Vortex clan..."

Before Su Xiuyu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Madar, "Oh, what's wrong, are you fancy the little girl?" Need me to help you?

"In this way, I send a greeting post in the name of Uchiha, and we will go to visit the Shimouzumaki clan together."

"Madara, what's going on in your head?" Su Xiuyu had a question mark in his heart.

"Don't worry about Xiuyu! The people that our Uchiha clan fancy, the Uzumaki clan will definitely give face! "


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