The elder of the clan smiled and watched the two children playing there and making trouble, they had experienced too much in their long lives, and their other half had long died in the long journey. Looking at these two lovely juniors, there is love and nostalgia in my heart.

"Hello Grand Elder." Su Xiuyu hurriedly stopped messing with Uzumaki Mito, and Mito's elders all appeared, and they needed to show enough respect.

"It's called Uchiha Shuyu, right? The little one took the Mito girl and walked with me, and talked with me, the old man.

Su Xiuyu nodded, and the two kept a suitable distance and followed the Great Elder slowly.

"How is the little one staying in Uchiha? Listen to the kid between the pillars call you Su Xiuyu, originally not from the Uchiha clan. The Great Elder asked the doubts in his heart this time.

"Elder Dai, this is a bit complicated, but now he is indeed a member of the Uchiha clan, and he should be counted as Madara's younger brother." Su Xiuyu didn't have much to explain, so he had to take Ban's younger brother to make an introduction.

The Great Elder listened and didn't ask more, and he probably had a spectrum in his heart.

"So what do you think of our Vortex clan?"

"The Uzumaki clan is also one of the Warring States clans, objectively speaking, in addition to being slightly inferior to Senju Uchiha in terms of force, it is no less than Hinata and other Hao clans. What's more, the sealing technique of the Vortex clan is unique in the world, and in terms of sealing art, people of other races are difficult to match.

Su Xiuyu evaluated the whirlpool family very objectively, but did not mention more. The first time he came into close contact with the Great Elder of the Vortex, I didn't know what he thought, so it was difficult to talk about it from the heart.

The Great Elder didn't say anything after hearing this, but walked slowly, just sighing softly.

"Our Vortex Clan's sealing technique is indeed excellent, but hearing the evaluation of you, an outsider, not only do I feel unhappy, but I am even a little worried."

"I'm afraid that every ninja clan looks at our Uzumaki clan like this."

The Great Elder didn't know whether he was sighing or deliberately testing Su Xiuyu.

Su Xiuyu was not surprised to hear this, and the extermination of the Vortex clan in the later life was not unrelated to the coveted sealing technique of the Vortex clan. When Pillar was alive, no one dared to bully Pillar Ma, and after Pillar died, Uzumaki Mito's face did not save the country of Uzumaki. Even Konoha, a natural ally, didn't even send any support.

It all seemed so bizarre. After all, the Vortex family was passed down in the chaotic Warring States Period, and as a result, it was mysteriously destroyed a few years before World War II. It's really sad and lamentable. Without the protection of the pillars, the country of vortex has no way to resist the attacks of several major powers.

"They do not have great strength, and they rely on the protection of their allies, and at the same time they are coveted by hunters, and in the end, there must be no good results." Su Xiuyu also ignored whether this was the Great Elder's temptation or something, and directly said his thoughts.

"Xiu Yu!" Mito quickly pulled Su Xiuyu's hand and signaled Su Xiuyu to stop talking, which obviously implied that the Vortex clan sent people under the fence, and it was difficult to protect themselves in the future when they encountered disasters.

These words are said so nakedly as a foreigner, whether they are right or wrong, they are offensive. And now it is the most respected clan elder in the clan who has offended.

The Great Elder turned his head and stared at Su Xiuyu's face seriously, looking at this young face, a bold statement, it's good to be young.

"So Uchiha Shuyu, what do you think you can bring to Mito? You are not Uchiha Madara or Senjukuma, you do not have the support of a ninja, and on what basis do you conclude that the Uzumaki clan pinned their hopes on their allies?

The Great Elder was not angry, and at his age, these small words with a slightly provocative meaning could no longer arouse the fluctuations in his emotions.

"I, ah, can only rely on my own strength." Su Xiuyu said simply, "Have strength, protect yourself." I will protect Mito, including what Mito wants to protect. "

Xiu Yu..." Mito was very touched to hear that girls in love are so easily satisfied.

The clan elder laughed, "Uchiha Shuyu, your tone is not smaller than Madara, you Uchiha people are so crazy?"

"Great Elder, I can clearly understand myself, I'm not joking." Su Xiuyu confidently looked at the Great Elder's somewhat cloudy eyes, and did not retreat at all. Just kidding, how can a player who opens the hang lose momentum!

"Confidence is a good thing." The Great Elder turned around and began to run slowly again. As if nothing had just been said.

"You guys go play first, old man, now you have to go by yourself." The Great Elder smiled and said goodbye to the two.

"Whirlpool Xianghe, go and inform the elders in the clan in a hurry, let's have a clan meeting together, the old man has some ideas."

"Yes, Elder." Xianghe took orders.

It didn't take long for the various elders involved in the clan council to arrive. "Great Elder, something urgently summoned us."

"Everyone knows that Uchiha and Senju are about to go to war."

"You know, Great Elder, we can't fight these two races without the wind."

"We're going to help the Senju clan this time, right? After all, we are allies. "

Did the Thousand Hands Clan send for help?" The Great Elder asked directly.

"No, Grand Elder." Masahiko Uzumaki who replied.

"Then let's not participate in the battle between Senju and Uchiha this time." The Great Elder ordered directly.

Everyone is confused, why not help your allies?

"Even if we really support the Senju clan, Uchiha has allies, and we can't decide the victory or defeat. On the contrary, we also participated in the battle to let the people die in vain.

"Have you ever thought about what will happen to the Vortex clan after we return to heaven in a hundred years?" The Great Elder's soul asked, and everyone fell silent.

Yes, the Vortex clan has a long lifespan, extremely strong sealing techniques, and there are many clansmen chakra, but the frontal combat ability is ordinary, and the number of clansmen is not much.

The next generation has not yet grown up, and except for one Uzumaki Mito, the others do not have any particularly bright talents.

The entire whirlpool family showed a trend of decline, everyone knew it, but everyone dared not say it.

"What's wrong? Will this not speak? Don't worry too much, we can still help with a few old bones. The Great Elder saw that everyone was silent and had to comfort everyone.

"Today Uchiha Shuyu is here again. I just met the lad.

Everyone looked at the Great Elder in confusion, not knowing why the Great Elder, who was still discussing the issue in the clan just now, immediately changed the topic to Uchiha Xiuyu.

"I feel that her chakra is very large, more than our whirlpool family." The Great Elder had an expression that was quite surprised when he knew.

"The terrifying amount of chakra is comparable to that between the columns."

"Great Elder, he is not from the Uchiha clan. How can there be so many chakras at a young age?

"yes, yes, that's an exaggeration."

Several of the elders of the whirlpool were well-informed, and Rao had never seen such an outrageous Uchiha.

"In addition, I felt that the Yin attribute Chakra aura on his body was as vast as a sea of smoke, and the Yang attribute Chakra aura was also like the scorching sun. I think you should know what that means. The Great Elder also had a bitter expression. The gap between people is sometimes much larger than the gap between people and dogs.

The other elders were suddenly in an uproar. "If I'm not mistaken, Mito said that Uchiha Shuyu has five types of escape skills, and strengthens the Yin and Yang attributes - isn't this the six immortal qualifications of the trumpet?"

"Although this is an exaggeration, there is no doubt that as long as Uchiha Shuyu does not die halfway, he will definitely not be inferior to Madara and Madara in the future."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"By the way," the Great Elder seemed to have sold a pass, "I got accurate information from Pillar that this kid, Uchiha Shuyu, has been cultivating Chakra for less than a year.


"Impossible, right?"

"How is this possible?"

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