"Great Elder, are you really not joking with us?"

"Uchiha has been cultivating for less than a year? How is this possible? "

Pillar is already amazing, isn't Uchiha Shuyu's qualification far beyond that of Pillar Room?"

"Quiet!" The Great Elder's words made everyone who was discussing stop. "I asked Masahiko to confirm this news with Kumama repeatedly, and even inquired with Uchiha Madara that the news is true."

"When Uchiha Shuyu and Madara first met, they were just ordinary people, and both of them were sure, and at that time the two thought that Shuyu was a nobleman, because he was dressed luxuriously but had no chicken power."

The Great Elder sighed with emotion, "Therefore, Uchiha Shuyu, who is covered by the pillars and spots, is the most terrifying genius, and this genius has grown up, and it is difficult to die." "

What do you guys think now?"

"That's a good thing, isn't that Mito girl just falling in love with him." In the past, I still thought that the pillars were better, Great Elder, you said so, this is a good thing. "

Masahiko thinks this is a good thing, and everyone is happy.

"I have decided that in the future, the Uzumaki clan will gradually clear its connection with the Senju clan, of course, there is no rush now, and the focus will gradually shift to Mito and Shuyu."

"Wouldn't it be too risky for the Great Elder to do this." Although everyone recognized Uchiha Shuyu's qualification talent, after all, the alliance with the Thousand Hands clan had also lasted for hundreds of years, and it was naturally a pity to give up so easily.

"I naturally know that the Thousand Hands as our ally have always gotten along very well, but we the Vortex Clan cannot always pin our development on the Thousand Hands Clan."

"Although Uchiha Shuyu is from the Uchiha clan, he only recognizes Madara and recognizes the pillars, and there is no shackle of the Uchiha clan in his bones. Without the support of the real ninja behind him, now is our good opportunity.

"I, ah, just want to find a real refuge for the Uzumaki clan, instead of pinning my hope and safety on other ninjas."

Everyone looked at the Great Elder in silence, but they didn't expect that the oldest clan elder present was the most courageous, and the Vortex clan bet on treasure Xiuyu, and they didn't plan to leave a way out, and directly stud.

"I have no opinion."

"I also agree with the clan elder's thoughts."

"Well, I agree, too."

Gradually, all the elders present unanimously agreed with the Great Elder's decision.

The Great Elder smiled and thought of it, "Well, don't be sad, since you have made a decision, you will treat the next family well." Masahiko, Hibika, you go and entertain Uchiha Shuyu with the young clansmen.

"Yes, Elder. ×2"

Su Xiuyu and Mito wandered around the scenic Uzumaki Village, and the two did not know the decisions made by the Great Elder and the various elders.

Sometimes the old man's vision is really unique, betting on Su Xiuyu to get the protection of all generations, of course, this is a later story, let's not mention it for the time being.

"Sister Mito, Lord Shuyu, it's not early, Uncle Masahiko asked me to call you back to dinner." A cute little Zhengtai came to urge the two to have dinner with a straight look.

"It's a whirlpool shallow hill." Mito happily pinched Xiao Shota's face, and the fleshy face was very cute.

"Mito-san, I've grown up! Stop teasing me like that! "The face of the Uzumaki shallow mound is red to the base of the neck." And Lord Xiu Yu is still here, Sister Water Margin let me go!" Mito

seemed to feel the plea of Uzumaki Shallow Hill, and finally gave up teasing Shallow Hill. Su Xiuyu also looked at this cute little Zhengtai and loved it.

I don't have a sibling in my two lives, and looking at this cute little Shota, I feel that it would be nice to have a younger brother. Forget about Izumi Na, a pen face is a little owed, probably still Sasuke's pot, who calls Senna so similar to Uchiha Sasuke.

Su Xiuyu whispered quietly in Mito's ear: "Mito, if you like children in the future, you can have a few more!" The words suddenly blushed Mito's face, "Who wants to have sex with you!" How old am I! "

Hahahaha." Su Xiuyu laughed unscrupulously.

The two followed the whirlpool shallow hill to the auditorium of the clan land, basically all the clansmen of the whirlpool came to the auditorium, the elders sat in the upper seat, the others sat down in order, and there were many whirlpool children playing in the auditorium.

"Welcome to our new member, Shuyu Uchiha. Mito brought Shuyu up, and everyone got to know each other together. "The Great Elder introduced Su Xiuyu to all the people of the Vortex Clan. Most of the clansmen didn't know why the Great Elder specifically introduced Uchiha Shuyu.

However, it did not hinder everyone's support for the Great Elder. The atmosphere of the Vortex clan has always been very good, there is no hierarchy, as for the elders, they are all elderly Vortex clansmen who are trusted by the clansmen and spontaneously elected.

Of course, there is also an obvious thing that all the Vortex elders who can survive the Warring States Period, especially to a handful of ages, absolutely none of them are soft persimmons, because the weaker ones in the troubled times have no chance to age.

Su Xiuyu was also embarrassed for a while in the face of the enthusiasm of the whirlpool family, and after thanking everyone, he smoothly took his seat.

After that, there will be no special activities, everyone just eats, drinks and celebrates.

When the wine was full, Su Xiuyu was taken to the guest room by the small Zhengtai of the whirlpool shallow hill, and then slept peacefully.

The next morning, another whirlpool shallow mound knocked on the door, and he planned to help Su Xiuyu dress and wash. Su Xiuyu was very unaccustomed to it, after all, it was only his maid Ling who changed his clothes before. Hurriedly kicked this cute little Shota out.

"Well, Uzumaki Shallow Mound, you little man actually sulked because I drove you out, wouldn't it." Su Xiuyu looked helplessly at the whirlpool shallow hill. It is obviously Xiao Zhengtai, but his thinking is so old-fashioned, and he opens his mouth and closes his mouth.

"Master Xiu Yu doesn't need my help to say anything in the afternoon, and don't throw me out."

"Okay, okay, got it. Now that breakfast has been served, where are you going to take me on the shallow hill." "

Lord Shuyu, let's go to Uncle Masahiko now to learn the sealing technique with Mito-san. Of course, I will also learn with you. Asaka said without thinking.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, the sealing technique of the Vortex clan is not taught to the outside world, right? Is it really okay to teach it directly to me like this? Su Xiuyu was puzzled, everyone in the world knew that the Vortex Clan had a sealing technique, but he did not learn the doorway, because the Vortex Clan's sealing technique was not passed on at all.

"Master Xiu Yu, you are not mistaken, the sealing technique of the Vortex clan is indeed not passed on. Otherwise, how could there be so many people of my clan's sealing technique.

"And although the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan is not a blood succession ninjutsu, it is very difficult to learn, and it is extremely difficult to learn without the bloodline of the Uzumaki family, without talent."

"But Master Xiuyu, you don't need to worry so much, you are special. So all the sealing techniques of the Vortex clan will be open to you. As long as adults can learn it, it can be said that no matter what sealing technique you want, you can choose. The

spirit of the Vortex clan made Su Xiuyu very moved. However, at this time, Su Xiuyu thought that all this was because of his relationship with Uzumaki Mito. As everyone knows, if you change to someone else, even if you join the Qiuwang family, you are not qualified to learn the sealing technique.

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