After the Pons system is upgraded, the neural connections of several people can be synchronized, which can be called neural synchronization. In Su Xiuyu's visit to this process of neural synchronization, I couldn't help but think of a game work in my previous life - StarCraft. The Star Spirit Clan has a saying of faith, "The sacred Kara connects us."

Of course, the Pons system realizes the memories of several drivers, and the connection and integration of thinking are not worth mentioning in terms of the mysterious spiritual energy of the Star Spirit family. If it is in the interstellar world, Su Xiuyu has to be a person with his tail between his legs. All three races have Star Destroyer-level firepower.

Countries in various countries soon began to urgently start manufacturing the first generation of mecha to deal with the Kaiju beast that could invade at any time. All countries feel that it is impossible for the Kaiju Beast to land through a fixed wormhole all the time, so they must arrange the mecha all over the world. According to the analysis of the attack area before the Kaiju beast, there is a high probability that the Kaiju beast will give priority to attacking areas with dense population and relatively developed technology. Subsequently, PPDC and Rabbit Country urgently deployed the mecha built by various countries to the world.

Arranged in nine machine bases, these nine bases are also known as broken domes. They are Hong Kong in the rabbit country, Anchorage in Alaska, Lima, Peru, Vladivostok in Russia, Tokyo in Japan, and Sydney in Australia. And each base will radiate a certain combat range outward, and work together with the mecha of other bases to help and support each other.

Governments have asked PPDC to kill the chrysanthemums outside the "magical coastline." The so-called magical coastline is the ten kilometers of sea area where the city lands, and once the Kaiju beast breaks through to within 10 kilometers, it is very likely to cause damage to the city. Therefore, PPDC is required to organize the defense of enemies beyond 10 kilometers of coastline.

At the same time, when the mecha fights, there will be a high-cruise helicopter to assist the operation, on the one hand, to explore the scene, on the other hand, to help the mecha assist the vision. The first generation of mecha is similar not to mention shoddy manufacturing, and the vision of many mecha is generally not very good.

PPDC's first mechs rolled off the production line, called MARK1. The typical representative is the noisy boy who opened the chrysanthemum beast Karlov in the beginning. Poor Karlov is specifically aimed at the explosion of a nuclear bomb, who knows to be beaten by a noisy boy. There are also Tango Wolf, Horizon Warriors, Orchid Romeo, Invisible Ronin, etc. are all arranged in each base.

After these mechs were arranged, they soon encountered attacks from various Kaiju beasts. Because the human race had fully established its own defense measures, Su Xiuyu did not go to the scene to sign the psychic beast contract again. After all, there are many kaiju beasts, and there is no need for every kaiju beast to sign a contract.

Especially Su Xiuyu felt that once he found the entrance to the wormhole and arrived at the planet where the pioneer was, he could even grasp the restrictions and control the prophet to work for himself. According to the prophet's technique, it may be difficult for the prophet to create an army of open chrysanthemums, but it is still easy to create a team of open chrysanthemums.

The first generation of mechs soon had little left in the war with the Kaiju Beast. As a mech pilot, there is basically no good ending.

In particular, the first-generation methane all use nuclear reaction power. The nuclear power furnace did not have enough shielding facilities, resulting in serious radiation exceeding the standard. It's just that most of the mech pilots died honorably in the line of duty before their bodies showed abnormalities.

However, Su Xiuyu still specially reminded Wang Tao, after all, those four quadruplets are still quite good young men, and they do it themselves.

Wang Tao listened to his warning, and did not rush to push the special mecha "Storm Crimson" of the Rabbit Country to the foreground. Of course, this is also related to Su Xiuyu and his party stationed in the base of the rabbit country, and if they really encounter the attack of the Kaiju beast, Su Xiuyu will definitely help, so he is really not so anxious.

Rabbit Country spent more time perfecting Storm Crimson in the hope that Storm Crimson would play a bigger role. Moreover, the quadruplet brothers are also rare mech pilots, and it is no less difficult to find four brothers with such a tacit understanding than it is to build a new mecha.

PPDC Command Center. People are inspecting undersea probes in various oceans. Suddenly, it was found that the undersea detector near Australia was frantically alarming. "General! The bottom of the sea detected the movement of the Kaiju beast! It's huge! It is very likely that it is a 4th generation Kaiju beast!

The general decisively ordered: "Let the Vulcan Ghost and the Echo Saber go to intercept it now!" "

The helicopter carried the Vulcan Ghost and the Echo Saber two swiftly airlifted to Sydney.

The "virus" marched towards Sydney with slow steps. As for the Kaiju Beast Interception Wall on the coast, the virus did not pay attention at all.

"Drop! Decline! "

As soon as the Vulcan Ghost Mecha and Echo Saber landed, the virus rushed forward and directly destroyed the Vulcan Ghost. It's a pity that the Vulcan Ghost didn't have time to start the mecha, and it was directly scrapped.

The remaining Echo Saber immediately began to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the virus, but unfortunately, the isolated Echo Saber soon lost the battle and died at the bottom of the sea.

The scene of the Echo Saber and the Vulcan Ghost being defeated and buried at the bottom of the sea was broadcast to the world.

This tragic defeat made everyone's hearts tighten.

In the PPDC command room, everyone's sad looks could not be hidden.

"Let Eureka quickly intercept it!" The general ninja ordered sadly.

After defeating the two mechs, the Kaiju Beast Virus continued to move forward, easily broke through the interception wall, and began to march towards Sydney.

The Eureka raiders arrived in time this time and quickly killed the virus. Unfortunately, the Echo Saber and Vulcan Ghost that turned into scrap have no way to come back.

Everyone who had been excited for several months looked back and found that they had sacrificed a batch of pilots and mecha after mecha.

It was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on everyone's heads. The people who had welcomed and encouraged them were downcast.

The generals of the PPDC know better that now the PPDC is at an impasse. Beneath the surface of the seemingly beautiful scenery is an undercurrent full of dangers. The first was the massive destruction of the mechs, and this time unfortunately damaged two warframes. The second is huge financial pressure. The establishment of PPDC relies on financial input from various governments and social donations.

But just as stars will go out one day, the world's governments don't get money from the wind. Social donations have fallen to the bottom. In recent years, because of the continuous aggression of Kaiju Beast, the world economy has been turbulent, and the economy is already reversing. Where will PPDC go when the landlords' families do not have much food left?

What's even more terrifying is that even if the PPDC organization builds new mecha now, the number of qualified mech pilots is getting smaller and smaller. The scarcity of mech pilots is no less than the current grim situation.

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