The Broken Dome of Russia. The Chernoelfa is Russia's killer weapon, and so far it has killed 6 Kaiju beasts, which can be described as fruitful.

The head of the Cherno-Elfa mech is a huge shield, but its main role is not protection. This huge head is made up of batteries, gas turbines and oil depots. On top is the ChernoElfa cooling fan, which covers the head of the alpha like a giant cover. In the normal state of mecha monthly operation, fuel will be transported from the pipeline to the fuel engine to generate electricity, part of which is stored by the battery, and part of which maintains the operation of the mecha.

The fuel inside the tank depot can also be delivered to a giant flamethrower at the shoulder of the mech, which burns opponents with a mixture of oil and fire. This strange output method reminded Su Xiuyu, who had watched the Cherno Alpha battle on the live broadcast, of the toad oil bomb from Laiye. Both of them enhance the combustion temperature and lethality of the flame by mixing oil and fire.

The power is a gasoline-electric hybrid, which is what sets Cherno Alpha apart from other mechs of the other generation. Thanks to the power design of the Cherno-Elfa, the drivers are a couple, and the health of the two far exceeds that of the other drivers. After all, other drivers are also exposed to the threat of nuclear radiation.

The large battery pack can provide a long range when the mech's fuel is depleted. Because Cherno Alpha was originally designed to patrol the Siberian border wall, it has a long cruising range and a powerful endurance.

At the same time, Cherno Alpha has the top defense and power among all kinds of mecha. If the major mecha are judged on a 10-point scale, the armor of Cherno Alpha is a full score of 10, and the power is also a full score of 10. It's just a pity that due to technical limitations, after the Cherno Alpha was equipped with a huge battery and armor, the mecha's movement speed could only reach 3 points out of 10 points.

If surrounded by several Kaiju beasts, Cherno Alpha can only wait for death. At the beginning of the construction of the mecha, Russia did not even set up a rescue capsule for Cherno Alpha, that is, in case of death, there was not even a chance to escape. Of course, this is very Russian, very in line with the consistent Russian style, that is, to die and live later.

Sasha and Erics Kedenowski are Alpha's drivers. As a close couple, the two cooperate tacitly and are the top killers of the PPDC hunter program.

"Warning! Warn! Detected the Kaiju beast at the bottom of the sea! The direction of the attack is speculated to think of Hong Kong! "The PPDC command room is once again alarming.

"How many Kaiju beasts are there this time?"

"I'm sorry sir, it's two, both are fifth-level kaiju beasts, codenamed leatherback turtles and tailed standing rats!"

"Send Cherno Alpha, Storm Crimson to support!"

Storm Crimson had just taken off the line when it received an order from PPDC. Wang Tao had no other requirements, but told the quadruplets to pay attention to coming back alive. The carrier plane quickly rushed to the coastline with two mechs.

Storm Crimson and Cherno had just been transported by carrier planes near the coastline of Hong Kong when Rat Liwei burst out from the sea to attack them. The powerful rat stood on the tail and knocked down Storm Crimson with a sweep of its tail. Storm Crimson was about to struggle to get up, and a Kaiju beast leatherback turtle had long been ambushed at the bottom of the sea, and one flew up and threw Storm Crimson down in the sea again.

And Rat Liwei directly grappled with Cherno. Originally, according to the rich experience of the Cherno driver and his wife, even if they could not be crushed, they could retreat and form a balance of power. It's a pity that the rat tail and the leatherback turtle were specially made by the pioneers against these two mechs. The rat's tail was covered with blue lines, the huge poisonous sac on its chin bulged, and a large mouthful of highly toxic acid sprayed on Alpha's head.

In an instant, the head of the alpha mech was corroded in a large area, and there was no power to fight back in an instant. At this time, the rushing stormtrooper still wanted to hurry up to support the alpha, and took a step like a rat standing up and rushing over.

The leatherback turtle, which was originally dealing with Storm Crimson, suddenly gave up Storm Crimson and accumulated energy in his body. Within seconds, bursts of electromagnetic pulses were emitted from the back of the leatherback turtle.

"Beware is an EMP electromagnetic pulse attack!"

It is a pity that the command gave a hint too late. The powerful EMP impact instantly paralyzed all the surrounding electronic facilities, including the three mechs. Even the PPDC command was instantly paralyzed.

"It's over General. We suffered an EMP attack and now communication measures are paralyzed. Alpha, Storm Crimson and Stormtrooper are probably all fierce. The

general punched the console, venting the anger in his heart. This is really the darkest moment since humans built mecha.

"General, let me go with Mako Mori. Now only we can support it. Raleigh volunteered.

"Your floating connection is unstable, at all..."

"Now is not the time to discuss this issue General now, now is the time to delay, I believe Mako Mori is also ready."

Mori Mako on the side nodded and took revenge on the Kaiju beast, she lived for it.

Wang Tao and Su Xiuyu and their entourage were both shelters in Hong Kong. Seeing Storm Crimson and Alpha in danger, Wang Tao turned around anxiously. Especially in the end, the leatherback turtle still used EMP electromagnetic impact, and now even the situation on the scene has been seen.

"Mr. Su, can you go and help save the scene at this time?" Wang Tao cheekily pleaded with Su Xiuyu. Now this complicated situation can only be solved by Su Xiuyu quickly. Wang Tao was afraid that he would be late, and when the time came, the four brothers on the red of the storm would fall on the spot.

"It's not a difficult thing. The four brothers I also look at. Just do you a favor. With

that, he rushed out of the shelter and headed for the sea at night.

At the same time, Alpha, who was sprayed with corrosive venom by Rat Liwei, was already difficult to resist Rat Liwei's attack. The control system of the mech suffered serious damage. The rat stood up with a claw strike and slapped Alpha into the sea. A large amount of seawater poured into Alpha's control room.

Alpha's cab is already a sea of water. Knowing that they would die, Sasha and Eric looked at each other and calmly accepted their impending death.

“Ялюблютебя。" (Russian, I love you) Sasha shouted at her husband with the last of her strength before falling to the bottom of the sea.

“Ятожетебялюблю。" (Russian, I love you too.)

The raging waves swept the two into the bottom of the sea. The leatherback turtle roared into the sky, frantically venting its wildness. Then the leatherback turtle slowly walked towards the stormtrooper, which was scrapped by the EMP impact.

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