The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 978: I'm so miserable

"You still said cold words, it was you who made me miserable!" Jin Moran snorted, and tried his best to hold it back, before squeezing her neck.

"Okay, don't you just go out for a stroll, didn't you tell me? Who knows that you are so impulsive, if you do not talk to Xiaoyueyuan, you dare to go to the Hall of Hidden Souls, but you were picked up by someone? "Gu Ye took a bit of gloating and authentic.

"If you didn't give me medicine to seal Lao Tzu's internal strength, could Lao Tzu be chased so embarrassed?" Jin Moran said angrily.

"Okay, don't make any noise! ​​When you enter the territory of the forest, I will give you an antidote. Is this all right?" Gu Ye calmed the kidnapper leader who was jumping like a grasshopper.

Jin Moran was taken aback, and asked in amazement: "What? Give me the antidote when you enter the country of Sen? Are you afraid that I will change my mind halfway and sell you to the master behind me?"

Gu Ye smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Although you are the kidnapper leader, you are different from your brothers. You are a principled kidnapper with a bottom line. I believe you!"

Jin Moran looked at her with complicated eyes, and then said for a long time: "Your family protects you so well, to the point of innocence. You are a butcher, and I am a kidnapper. What trust do you talk about? If you are not married King Ning, I guess there are no more bones left!"

"You're stupid! A woman's intuition is sometimes scary! What is the kidnapper of conscience who can tell me this?" Gu Ye rolled his eyes at him.

"What did I say? Are you stupid?" Jin Moran smiled with a beating.

Gu Ye kicked him on his calf: "Try another word? At noon, you can only watch the craftsmanship of chef Qingfenglou."

"I'm wrong, can't it? I'm stupid, okay? If I'm not stupid, I can let you successfully prescribe drugs and be coerced into trading by you?" Jin Moran has no lower limit for stuttering!

"If you want to eat rice, pick up a bunch of firewood and come back!" Gu Ye wouldn't let him idle to eat dry rice.

When Jin Moran carried a bundle of firewood and came to the group of people, Qin Mengxuan pointed at him and said, "Do you still dare to come?"

"Why don't you dare?" Jin Moran started the fire well, waiting for the food.

"You, a spy of the forest country, dare to appear in front of us. When the people of the country of Yan are not bloody?" Qin Mengxuan was originally a gentle and gentle woman from Jiangnan. After getting along with Gu Ye for a long time, she was gradually assimilated and slowly Turning in a pungent direction.

"Little girl, don’t listen to wind or rain, okay? Which eye did you see that I had acted on the little genius? You don’t want to think about whose daughter-in-law is the little genius, and the king Ning’s kung fu strategy is all first-class. Can I succeed?" In order to be able to stay in the team, Jin Moran lost his face, and was full of every truth.

Qin Mengxuan looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Who gave the medicine on your body?"

Jin Moran snorted in the direction of Gu Ye: "Who else can anyone besides that stinky girl?" He said this sentence with confidence. In fact, this is not a dumping of the pot to let her back!

"You're talking nonsense! Sister Ye wouldn't even give people medicine. You must have done something bad or offended Sister Ye!" Qin Mengxuan spoke directly to Gu Ye without thinking. Choosing a trustworthy person between Jin Moran and Gu Ye, she would definitely not hesitate!

Jin Moran sighed exaggeratedly, and said: "Don't you just **** her for a stutter! As for such a cruel hand? After removing the medicine from my body, I can still act as a guard..."

Qin Mengxuan looked at him up and down, curling her lips and said: "You don't look like a good person. If you dare to grab Sister Ye's food, you deserve to be drugged! Can anyone eat the food that Sister Ye brings?"

"Hey--" Jin Moran sighed deeply, looking up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, looking melancholy. What kind of medicine the stinky woman gave to the little girl was almost a fan of her.

"Have you seen the fat chef over there? This one in Qingfeng Building!" Qin Mengxuan said with a thumbs up, "He still chased Sister Ye all the way, and asked her to show him how to cook!"

"Huh? Let the smelly girl teach him to cook? Can you eat it?" Jin Moran had seen the cooking skills of a smelly woman, and made all porridge smelly. Is this little girl telling a joke?

"What's your expression?" Qin Mengxuan stood up to protect the idol as if the idol was hacked by the sunspot, "Sister Ye can't cook, but she is definitely a gourmet. After the food she has tasted, she can He pointed out the shortcomings with a single arrow. Chef Huang admired him so much! You see, he is paying tribute to Sister Ye!" Qin Mengxuan said triumphantly, as if the one being gracious was her.

Jin Moran was not concerned about this. He looked at the team and said unhappily: "Why are there so many people? Is the food brought by the smelly girl enough?"

"Isn't I able to go to Chongming Mansion at night? One meal should still be enough. Besides, isn't Chef Huang following along? Just do it if it is not enough... You can't grab someone else's food anymore!" Qin Mengxuan was right He has a criminal record, expressing his concern!

"Yes! There is a fat chef! I saw a group of wild goats in the woods. I got one back and sliced ​​it. The mutton was also very good!" Jin Moran stood up and ran into the woods excitedly.

When Gu Ye saw this, he walked over and asked wonderingly, "Why does that guy smoke? He ran out when he was about to eat, not his style!"

Qin Mengxuan shook her head and said, "Brother Jin said he wanted to eat mutton soup, so he went to catch wild goats in the forest. Is he going out for a picnic? We're still on the way, how can I get that?"

Before she could finish her words, Gu Ye said happily, "Shubu lamb, I am greedy for this too! Go, I will make the secret sauce for the bottom of the pot, and I will definitely treat you to the authentic lamb hot pot. My sister can Is it spicy?"

"Uh..." Qin Mengxuan was sluggish for a moment before saying, "I can eat a little..."

What is going on? Co-authored, she was thinking about the journey alone, everyone came to have a picnic? Okay, she is also looking forward to the hot pot taste prepared by her sister, she must have nothing to say!

When Jin Moran came back carrying a fat wild goat, the red bottom of the oil-cleaning pot was already tumbling on the fire. Gu Ye was holding a scalpel, sharpening the knife with a fluttering expression: "I'm just waiting for you, hurry up!"

Looking at the weird knife in her hand, Jin Moran trembled and said, "Slicing lamb with such a rough job, you still don't bother with grandma. I'll be fine!"

Gu Ye put away the scalpel and watched him clumsily slice the mutton, disgustingly said: "Are you called sliced ​​mutton, or sliced ​​mutton? When will it be cooked if you put it down like this? Let's open it, or change me..."

Jin Moran was also dissatisfied with his "masterpiece". However, when he thinks that this stinky woman's scalpel might cut a person's skin and flesh, he will respond!

At this time, Chef Huang came over with light all over like a god. A knife that looked heavy, as if weightless in his hand. With a knife in his hand, Fatty Huang seemed to be a master of the world, and the kitchen knife danced impermeably (Gu Ye seriously suspected that he was suspicion of being handsome), and the slices of meat were moderately thick and uniform, almost the same as the ones wiped out by a machine.

Gu Ye took the lead with a full plate, and came to the bottom of Hongtongtong's pot, put the meat in, and said to Qin Mengxuan, "The fat chef's knife is good. This one only needs to be rinsed for a minute, and the meat slices can be eaten after they change color. Conditions are limited. The only dipping material is sesame oil garlic mash, so let’s eat it. When we get to Chongming Mansion, please eat authentic lamb shabu!"

While talking, the lamb in the pot had turned from red to grayish white, and it was tumbling in the pot. Qin Mengxuan saw that "Sister Ye" had begun to fish out the dipping sauce, and she also took a few pieces of meat, dipped it in a bowl of garlic sesame oil, and stuffed it into her mouth—well, it's so fresh!

The fragrant bottom of the pot, fresh lamb, and dipping sauce, everything is just right and delicious. Qin Mengxuan once ate hot pot in Qingfenglou, but felt that it was better to eat the most primitive pot in this wilderness, which was more delicious and satisfying.

Ling Juechen, who was "hidden in the golden house" in the carriage, opened the curtain of the carriage and saw his wife squatting by the fire, eating her little blush, completely forgetting that there were still hungry people in the carriage.

He sighed deeply psychologically, changed into black clothes, put on a mask, went out from behind the carriage, made a circle, walked slowly, and looked at his wife accusingly and said: "It's so fragrant. Up?"

"Dian Zun! You are here! This is a plate of meat that has just been cut. Take it first. If it is not enough for my fat, I will cut it for you!" Fatty Huang picked up the freshly sliced ​​meat and ignored Jin Moran who was waiting next to him. With an attentive smile on his face, his eyes were almost squeezed by the flesh on his face.

Jin Moran protested: "This plate belongs to me! There should be a first-come-first-served one for everything!!"

Chef Huang thinks he has no eyesight: "I cut the meat. I love to give it to whoever. If you are upset, eat it yourself!"

Jin Moran pointed to Chef Huang’s nose, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com was so angry that he shook his hands: Unexpectedly, he was reduced to the point where even a cook would bully if he wanted to, and he would be so slow if he wanted to be slow!

Good, good, good! He wanted to turn around stubbornly, but the smell of lamb in his nose lingered like a hook. His feet also seemed to have his own will, he was reluctant to move a step!

If you really take a pity and leave, you have to eat your own thick slices of meat. Needless to say, the taste must be greatly reduced... Forget it! A man can bend and stretch! Let this be the first one-can't hold him!

Ling Juechen came to his wife and squatted down with the meat slices. Gu Ye took the sliced ​​meat and smiled brightly: "Thank you! Knowing that we are almost done eating, I will deliver it right away. It was so thoughtful!"

Ling Juechen lowered her voice, and said in her ear: "It's important to cook lamb, or is it important to your husband?"

"Um...for such a difficult subject, let this girl think about it!" Gu Ye pretended to ponder, and then decided with difficulty, "I do what I want to cook the mutton, and my husband does what I want. I can't have both. Husband chooses mutton too! After all, people rely on food as their heaven! Do you still want to be better than God?"

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