The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 979:  The Eve of Parting

"You little conscience!" His undefeated myth, the **** of war in the army, was defeated by a small plate of hot lamb, and there was no chance of turning over. Helpless!

"I'm not a stingy person, you half of the mutton-shabu-shabu!" Gu Ye grabbed a bowl of shabu-shabu slices, put it into a bowl made by himself, and stuffed it into Ling Juechen's hands.

Jin Moran also brought mutton over and squatted across from them. Seeing Gu Ye scooping up mutton for the Palace Master, he gestured with his eyes: You have a husband, and the Palace Master also has a wife. There are a lot of people, you two pay attention!

King Ning, King Ning, I'm sorry, your little princess has some signs of cuckolding you!

Qin Zongying was originally with her disciple and disciple. Seeing that there were two more big men on her daughter's side, Qin Zongying hurriedly brought a bowl. These two men are also true. The two little girls ate well, and they went up for a while. No way! The two little girls are both simple and easy to deceive, but they can't suffer!

"Father, come and eat mutton! The bottom of the pot is made by my sister, and it is better than Qingfenglou's!" Qin Mengxuan's admiration for Gu Ye has risen to a new height-she has a good heart and good medical skills, and she has a good hand. Good cooking (??)!

Qin Zongying said that he really made a lot of money by walking with her daughters. He thought that they had sent a few dishes cooked by chef Qingfenglou, which was already very rich. Unexpectedly, there is something more powerful here. In this wilderness, he has caught wild goats and ate mutton. What kind of background is this young lady my daughter recognizes?

People at the Medical King Pavilion, smelling the scent, looked over. Because Qin Zongying did not speak, she dared not come over. Gu Ye turned out a pot again and prepared a pot of ingredients for them.

A wild goat was completely eaten by them. Not only that, but the food on the carriage is almost consumed. It’s so good for people to eat!

On the next journey, they rushed all the way. Otherwise, you will not be able to enter the city before dark. Not only will you have to sleep outside the city, but you can only eat dry food at night!

Gu Ye's carriage has a good shock absorption function, and there is a personal shock absorber behind it-Ling Juechen, but he doesn't feel how hard it is to hurry. Qin Mengxuan riding a horse could not bear it anymore. When I arrived at the inn at night, my inner thigh hurts fiercely.

Linger painfully applied medicine to her girl, and whispered in her mouth: "You still treat her as a sister, and I don't know that you will be invited to sit in the carriage for a while. I am so sorry to occupy such a large carriage by myself!"

Qin Mengxuan frowned and said, "What's the embarrassment of others? The carriage belongs to Sister Ye. She is willing to share it with others, it is their freedom! You are taking advantage of others, and why are you taking advantage?"

"No, girl! You're heartbroken to her, but she's hot and cold to you... Am I arguing for you?"

"What you said is provocative. For the sake of you being by my side for nearly ten years, I don't care about you. But in the future, I don't want to hear from you that my sister is not! People, contentment! My sister taught me the secrets of medicine, and even lent me the collection of classics. Why are you sorry for me?"

Qin Mengxuan looked at Ling'er a little displeased. Sure enough, the decision to send this girl back to the cabinet couldn't be more correct. Ling'er is a girl who is very clever on weekdays. Why does she have to go with Sister Ye?

Linger didn't expect that the gentle and gentle **** weekdays would scold her sternly. She held back the tears in her eyes and cleaned the bed for her girl.

Qin Mengxuan looked softly. But she resisted the thought of comforting the girl-it's time for the girl to reflect on it!

The conversation between the master and servant could not escape the ears of the master next door. Ling Juechen smiled and said to his daughter-in-law: "You still have a good vision of making friends, this girl Qin is a clear one!"

"You are wrong!" Gu Ye stretched out a finger and shook it before his eyes.

Ling Juechen grabbed her little hand, kissed her, and smiled: "Oh? What's wrong with me? You need to correct me more!"

Gu Ye gave him a charming look and said, "This Qin Mengxuan is not my friend-but I have appointed a direct disciple! With you... I am Master, what are you? Master???"

Ling Juechen couldn't laugh or cry. He glanced at some secret place of himself, and said, "How am I like a mother? Call me Master? Master's husband, referred to as "Master"; Master's husband, referred to as "Master" '. You choose one?"

"Did a car just drive by?" Gu Ye looked at him suspiciously. Ling Juechen made a serious face. She couldn't see anything, so she could only continue, "With your master's character, I am somewhat satisfied with this disciple."

"The horoscope hasn't been written yet. People don't even know who you are. Don't think of them as your belongings?" Ling Juechen deliberately sang her against him.

Gu Ye confidently said, "Sister Qin is a loyal and obsessive little doctor's sister. I hooked my finger to her, so I didn't get it right?"

Ling Juechen loved her little arrogant appearance, scratched her nose, and said, "Yes, you are the best! Now the name of the little doctor is becoming more and more influential in your medical field. When the medical school and the national hospital are opened, you will be a famous doctor in the world! Suddenly I feel that being a famous doctor is so stressful!"

"My Lord Ares, don't be arrogant. You have long been a prestigious'star'. How come I have no pressure at all? As long as the self-confidence is strong enough, the pressure and everything will be clouds!" Gu Ye comforted "the pressure is great." "'S husband.

Ling Juechen smiled and said: "A famous general is worthy of a famous doctor, a perfect match!"

"Yes, we two are made in heaven!" Gu Ye hooked her husband's neck, stamped his lips, and swore sovereignty.

The full moon that opened the door was almost blinded by this Bonn love. She turned around intently, and whispered: "I didn't see, I didn't see anything. You continue!" After speaking, she was about to walk outside the door.

Gu Ye called her angrily: "Come back! Anything?"

"Chef Huang brought a table of food. I wonder if the princess and prince are free to eat at this time?" Yueyuan turned her head and smiled narrowly.

"Chef Huang is interested, and I will bring food over so late. Sure enough, the temptation to get a promotion and raise a salary is not small!" Gu Ye heard that there was something delicious, and he was excited.

"You are a little greedy cat!" Ling Juechen nodded her little nose.

The attractiveness is no less than good food. Gu Ye is more attracted to staying in the room with her husband than to eat with so many people.

She said to Yueyuan: "Just say I'm too tired and don't want to go anymore. Pick up a few dishes of my favorite dishes and bring them to the room."

Ling Juechen leaned back lazily by the bed and smiled: "You have a conscience!"

The conscientious Gu Ye, seeing her husband spare no effort to "seduce" her, she suddenly felt that the delicious food was not fragrant. After having dinner in a hurry, I took my husband to roll the sheets and go!

Along the way, the two felt the joy of cheating. Ling Juechen was either hidden in the carriage as a cushion, or appeared in the inn to warm the bed for his daughter-in-law-he was an unworthy person to show up! Ling Juechen complained occasionally.

Going southwest along the way, the temperature gets higher and higher. From wearing a thick sable fur cloak, to a thin cloak, it took more than a month to stop and go.

If it hadn’t been for Jin Moran who would often send letters back and say that people from the Hall of Hidden Souls were chasing and intercepting along the way, he took a big living person and hid all the way, with twists and turns... Maybe the concubine Yin behind him would have sent someone again. The attack will completely cut off the vitality of the prince.

Of course, Yin Fei did not send anyone over. However, if the Hidden Soul Palace took action, how could it be possible for the dead soldiers of the Mori Kingdom to run rampant on the land of the Yan Kingdom? As soon as he set foot on the territory of Yan Nation, he was obliterated on the spot. At the most arrogant time, the dead man's body was hung on the big tree in the palace courtyard where the concubine lived. Frightened Concubine Yin and got sick for many days!

After recovering from the illness, Concubine Yin did not dare to make any major moves. While coaxing the old emperor, while facing the sick prince, he asked for warmth and waited quietly for Jin Moran's news.

Gu Ye still wore the glittering golden clothes of the Medical King Pavilion on the road, attracting many patients and wounded who came here especially, helping the wounded and dying all the way, and gaining a lot of popularity for the Medical King Pavilion. Even Qin Mengxuan's reputation is getting bigger and bigger.

Under Gu Ye's guidance, Qin Mengxuan was already able to skillfully puncture needles and infusions, find blood vessels, draw blood, and test blood types. She also studied surgery with Gu Ye. Every time she met someone who needed a knife, she opened her eyes wide and practiced.

Gu Ye will also explain to her in detail, and will let her try it out when she encounters cases that only require debridement and suture.

At the beginning, the little girl UU reading was so nervous that her hands were shaking, and she almost couldn't hold the needle firmly. When approaching the border of the forest country, she was already able to sew wounds expertly. She could barely complete a delicate operation like hurting a large blood vessel under Gu Ye's guidance.

Of course, besides her hard work, these achievements have to be said that her talent is really good. Gu Ye became more and more satisfied with this "apprentice".

When he arrived at the border, Gu Ye said to the little girl: "There are many unknown dangers in the forest country, so don't follow, lest I have to take care of you when I get. Didn't you say that you want to help from a military doctor? You take this, Go to the military clinic to find Doctor Fu, and he will arrange it."

What Gu Ye gave to Qin Mengxuan was a handwritten book with Princess Ning's private seal. With the recommendation of a small genius doctor, and the war is about to come, the doctors who are good at surgery and infusion are very much desired by military doctors.

Ling Juechen thought that he was about to be separated from his daughter-in-law, and was extremely upset. Under the mask, his eyes seemed to be able to fly out a knife and keep shooting aside Jin Moran.

"After entering the border of the forest country, you must be careful about everything. I will let Hidden and Hidden protect you in secret! Jin Moran, this person, can't believe it completely. Beware of this. If there is danger, no one should do it. Regardless, just take care of his own life!" Ling Juechen was afraid that the little daughter-in-law would feel soft and the mother's heart would overflow.

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