"Yueyuan is better to stay. I am worried that she is not smart and will hold you back!" The other two female guards sent by Ling Juechen are worthy of the best in the training camp. For ordinary male hidden guards. Responsible for personal protection of Gu Ye along the way. The full moon has been upset because of this for a long time!

Yueyuan was very unconvinced after hearing the words of the old master. In terms of kung fu and internal strength, Yueyuan has tried it with Wan Zi and Qian Hong, and it is really not their opponent. However, when it comes to serving a girl, her veteran is naturally the best for the girl.

Besides, her kung fu is not very good, and she won't be able to drag her back, right? Girl, please help the slave and maidservant to say something!

Gu Ye thought about it, and said, "Yueyuan, Wanzi, and Qianhong will stay. Just let Xiao Mei'er and Xiao Yanzi follow. You are right, there are too many people following, I still take care of God. they."

Ling Juechen walked away with his daughter-in-law, and exhorted: "If you are in danger, enter the space, contact me often, take care of yourself, don't make me worry..."

"Don't worry, husband, I promise that everything is important to your own safety, and I will resolutely not be a Virgin, and I will report to you every night...Is this going to work?" Gu Ye gave a boy scout salute.

In the past few days, Ling Juechen could not help but think of her previous life, the back of the little girl when she left the base, and the moment of her heartbreak when she was swallowed by mutant beasts... The sound concubine in the Mori Kingdom looked forward to it, no different from Longtan Tiger’s Lair, how could he rest assured under?

For a moment, what kind of family and country sentiment, what kind of prince commander, he figured out, let go, and lead the little girl to the world, and live a happy life. However, having an ambitious young wife is also a headache. He can let it go, but she may not let it go!

Alas... the daughter-in-law who begged for two lives must be pampered! What she wants to do, he absolutely cooperates, let her do it, and will never be a stumbling block in her career. The men behind successful women are destined to bear a lot...

Gu Ye took out a box of potions she made in the space, stuffed it into her husband's hand, and said, "The climate and landforms of this forest country are similar to those of Yungui in the previous life, right? It is mountainous, sheltered from rain, damp and hot, cold... Let's be north. The soldiers of the United States are definitely not used to it.

This medicine, if you let the logistic worker put it in your daily meals, it can prevent you from getting sick. Also, if you start jungle warfare, there is no shortage of medicines against miasma and poisonous insects, snakes and ants. I have also prepared some for you. If it is not enough, I will enter the space to do more at night, and let Xiao Yanzi bring them over..."

Ling Juechen interrupted the worried little girl: "I know in my heart... You are the one who is in danger. Don't always think about me, okay? Think about it for yourself: Have you ever thought about it if you are in a strange country? , An unfamiliar map, how should one escape when danger comes?"

Gu Ye thought about it seriously, and said, "I have prepared a lot of very powerful medicines. When encountering a master like Jin Moran, if the other party is not prepared, it should be no problem to knock him down in three seconds.

There are also speed potions and strength potions. I prepare a lot. I drink one bottle every day when I open my eyes. One bottle can last a whole day. Ordinary masters do not threaten me.

I can identify a hundred poisons, and poisoning has no effect on me... No matter how bad, I can enter the space to save my life if I have the last trace of consciousness. Husband, help me think about it, is there anything else I need to pay attention to? "

"Don't take it lightly! You have never come into contact with the Gu poison here, and you have to guard against it! The most poisonous thing is the human heart. Some people seem to be harmless children, but they are killers who take human lives; some people, look. Going up soft and weak, but revealing his fangs in the next second. The human heart is the most difficult to prevent!"

Ling Juechen looked at her daughter-in-law's black and clear eyes, as pure and transparent as a newborn deer cub. How could he rest assured that she would leave him and embark on an unknown and dangerous journey?

"Why... I can easily stay by your side to protect you?" Ling Juechen suddenly felt that this decision was feasible. What is more important than protecting the "national treasure" little genius doctor? Apart from other things, the status of Everbright Pharmacist is enough to make a whole city of troops guarded.

Gu Ye moved his heart for a moment, but resolutely refused: "Think about the soldiers under your hand. This time, although it is not your Ling family army, you and your grandfather have devoted their efforts to nurturing them.

What's more, there are still many grandmasters and powerful sons who have not been on the battlefield before being sent to the Xijiao Camp for training by their families. Their parents trust you, and they let those dudes follow through.

The battlefield is ruthless, and the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers are in the hands of your commander. You leave them behind for your own daughter-in-law... You are willing to bear King Zhou's lewdness, and I am not willing to bear Daji's harm to the country and the people! "

Ling Juechen resisted the urge to take his daughter-in-law into his arms, sighed deeply, and said: "Can you not always be so righteous, can you occasionally be self-willed and rely on your man? You are like this, making your man feel I am so useless!"

"I have been relying on you all the time! Think about it, my treatment in Sen Country is closely related to your performance on the battlefield.

Husband, you must not be polite with them, beat them severely, it is best to beat them all at once and beat them powerlessly! Let the emperor of Sen country take the initiative to ask for peace, so that I can act in Sen country more confidently. You are my strongest backing! "

Gu Ye didn't expect that when his man still had a glass heart, he hurriedly calmed down.

Ling Juechen gritted his teeth, no need to say his wife, he will too! If you dare to touch his wife, you must make Senguo pay enough! Let the world know that not everyone can move his "little genius doctor" princess!

Seeing something secretly talking with the mission target, Jin Moran couldn't help but stretched his ears, and the soles of his feet moved over there next step. When they could finally hear the conversation between the two, they had already ended, and only heard the admonition of "Be careful."

Jin Moran was a little disappointed and a little lucky. He was also worried that the Hall of Hidden Soul Palace would step in and enter the Kingdom of Forest with them. It seems that it should not be anymore, right? What kind of magic power does this stinky woman have? Not only does King Ning treat her with enthusiasm, she is also so fascinated that the prince who has a daughter-in-law also cares about her. Isn't this woman pedaling two boats? Gee!

Qin Mengxuan watched Gu Ye set foot on the back of the forest country, and asked with some worry: "Sister Ye will be fine, right?"

Qin Mengxuan had already changed to a maid named Dong Qing, and her kung fu was only slightly worse than Yueyuan. Dongqing comforted: "Girl, don't worry. If it is really dangerous, how could Miss Ye'er not bring sister Yueyuan with them?"

"Then you don't have to be alone! It's okay to leave someone by your side...I'm afraid that it's too dangerous. Sister Ye is reluctant to let Yueyuan and the others follow her in danger, so they stayed behind." Qin Mengxuan accidentally got the truth. Up.

She thought for a while, and she was still worried, and said to Uncle Ding on the side: "Uncle Ding, or... you follow your sister secretly, and if necessary, you can have a helper."

Uncle Ding’s task is to protect his own lady. The young lady insisted on becoming a military doctor in the army. Don't think that the military doctor is not dangerous. There are no eyes on the battlefield, and Liu Shi is flying around. He takes the life of protecting his own lady, so naturally he must stay by her side and protect her well.

Uncle Ding did not use the "two-character mantra" anymore, but he still explained concisely: "The two hidden guards of the palace will follow!"

Qin Mengxuan got used to his reticence, letting go of her heart when she heard the words. She prayed silently to the gods and Buddhas in her heart, praying that they would bless her sister to return safely.

"This has all entered the country of the forest, should I get rid of the medicine on my body? If the Concubine Yin sends someone to take it, I will have the internal strength to protect you." Jin Moran drove the carriage, Gu Ye He was still dressed in the golden costume of the King's Pavilion, sitting on the cowl next to him.

She threw a small bottle to Jin Moran: "There are three antidote in it. Not only can it solve the medicine I gave you, but all the medicines, such as loose tendons, loose tendons, and San Gong medicine can be solved. Thanks!"

"Give it to me so easily? I'm not afraid that I will take the medicine to turn my face and refuse to recognize people?" Jin Moran stuffed an antidote into his mouth and chewed carefully. "Are your medicines so sweet? ?"

"If you turn your face, I can only know who I am not clear! However, I have always felt that you are different from the average kidnappers, you are a kidnapper with a bottom line!" Gu Ye gave a flattery.

She took out a pack of nuts peeled by her husband, and stuffed one in her mouth, and said unhurriedly: "My private secret medicine still pays attention to the taste. After all, sickness, poisoning, injury, etc. are enough. Poor, wouldn't it be even harder to be forced by painful medicine?"

Jin Moran felt that his internal strength came back a little bit, and carefully put away the remaining two pills, and said: "First declare, I am not a kidnapper. Kidnapping you is an order from above! You are right, UU reading www.uukanshu.com I am a person with a bottom line! I will not go back!"

"No matter who ordered it, the kidnapper leader is the kidnapper leader! By the way, your third child is still in Yanguo Prison, and you don't care whether your subordinates live or die?" As for the sixth child who died miserably, Gu Ye would not Mention it, so as not to arouse the anger of the kidnapper leader.

"The third and sixth, in a strict sense, are not my subordinates, but they are also temporarily sent to cooperate with me. The death of the sixth is his own responsibility. As for the third...save or not, it depends on the above. Meaning." Jin Moran shook the whip in his hand.

If this plan goes smoothly, Concubine Yin will not be able to protect herself, so there is no need to save others. The third child... is destined to die in Yan Guo's prison!

"Old Jin! This is up, what are your plans? Do you continue to work for the emperor of the Sen country, or do you have other options?" Gu Ye pinched a dried longan and stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

Jin Moran thought for a while, and said, "Actually, I am not from Sen."

"Oh? It's not from the Mori country, which country is it from? Yan country? Li country? It's always Dongling, right?" Gu Ye came, looking at him with bright eyes and asked.

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