The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 981:  Treasure of the town

"None! Luxi country, have you ever heard of it? A small dependent country in the southeast of the Mori Kingdom, because it is too small and barren, the Mori Kingdom does not bother to send troops to destroy it. My family, living in seclusion in the mountains, has nothing to fight against. Still can't escape the tragedy of being wiped out.

In the entire Jin family, only me was left. I was rescued by Yin Fei’s father... Since then, I have been trained by Yin Fei’s father and worked for them..." Suddenly, Jin Moran has This kind of urge to talk--this stinky woman must have done a demon on him.

Gu Ye suddenly opened his mind: "Could it be that the Concubine Yin family took a fancy to your aptitude and deliberately directed and acted in the scene of destroying the door and saving people, tricking you into working for them?"

Jin Moran glanced at her and said, "You think too much! It is our enemy who came here. We have lived in the mountains for generations to avoid the enemy. However, no matter how secretly we hide, we will eventually be unable to hide from fate. arrangement."

"What kind of hatred or resentment? It's been a few generations, and you still have to come up and destroy the whole house?" Gu Ye can't think through the people of the rivers and lakes. Is it interesting that you kill me and I kill you all day?

Just like a kidnapper, his family was wiped out. After learning a lot of skills, he went to wipe out other people... Hey, when is the time to report the injustice!

"..." Jin Moran thought of the secret book he had deposited in the hidden soul hall tomorrow's bank, what kind of hatred, but the wealth was touching. If it weren't for the original family member, I accidentally got a peerless secret book, I'm afraid it will not end like this...

"Okay, don't poke your scars! There are still a few days away from the capital? Is there such a mountain road all the way? Can we bring food or something to the next city?" Gu Ye met Jin Mo Dinged a look of loneliness, and quickly changed the subject.

Jin Moran said indifferently: "The forest country is full of mountains and forests, and you will never be hungry along the way. By the way, have you tasted the ten-meter-long python meat? Would you like your brother Jin to ask you to taste it?"

"Oh? Is the python meat delicious? Old Jin, how is your craftsmanship? Don't blindly blind a python, it's also a living life!" Gu Ye said uninterestedly.

While they were talking, there was a "slap" on the top of the carriage shed, and it landed on the carriage behind them. Gu Ye looked back and saw that it was a golden tiger snake more than one meter long. It's spring, the climate here is hot and humid, snakes, insects and ants are all in the recovery stage. It couldn't be more normal for a snake to fall from the tree.

Jin Moran thought that the precious princess around him would be quite frightened. Unexpectedly, they grabbed the seven inches of the Jin Snake and commented: "It's a bit smaller and thinner. But the stewed snake soup should be good. Old Jin, would you?"

Jin Moran said in an unpleasant manner: "The gentleman is far from the kitchen, don't you know? You are a girl who can't cook. It's not too much to ask me to be a man who cooks soup and barbecue."

"Is it too much? Isn't my father-in-law also an old man, and a valuable old man, he doesn't cook for me? Old Jin, if a straight man has cancer, you won't be able to marry a daughter-in-law." Gu Ye said bitterly.

"Who can't marry a wife? That's because I don't want to marry!" Jin Moran said angrily. Is it great to have a mate? Sanggong will cook great? ? What to show off?

Gu Ye looked at the snake in his hand with some regret, cut open with a scalpel, dug out the snake gall, and threw the snake meat away: "It's a pity! I thought I could taste the snake soup. When I wait for the next city, I must Try the famous Dragon Tiger Fight!"

"Are you still a woman? I dare to eat anything!" Jin Moran originally mentioned python meat and wanted to see the eclipsed side of this stinky woman, but he didn't expect to lose it, but instead aroused the stinky woman to try something new. Appetite. This woman really cannot be inferred by common sense!

Gu Ye said unconvincedly: "What's the matter with women? Isn't there a saying that women are not allowed to bear eyebrows? Don't look down on women, after all, you have been planted in a woman's hands!"

Jin Moran clenched his fingers and said threateningly: "Woman, it's better to recognize your situation before you speak. Who is holding whom?"

"Yes! Old Jin, you have to recognize who is holding on to whose hand!" Gu Ye raised his mouth and gave him a confident smile.

Jin Moran's expression changed, and he hurriedly picked up his internal strength to check if he had become like a woman again. During the journey, he had seen the exquisite medical skills of a stinky woman and felt that she could not be treated as an ordinary person.

Before he knew it, Gu Ye had planted the seeds of "dread" deep in his heart. When Gu Ye said this, his first reaction was - how could a stinky woman be so kind and relieved to give him the antidote, she must have done something.

Seeing the panic on his face, Gu Ye smiled bitterly: "You lied to you! Lao Jin, when did you have such a courage? Isn't this,'I was bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of well rope' ?"

"You really didn't give me any messy medicine?" Jin Moran stared at her, as if to look into the depths of her soul through her skin. No matter how you look at it, this is a cunning little fox!

Gu Ye waved his hand and said, "Really no! I can swear by my reputation! Our family is currently considered a comrade in the trenches, how could I shame myself?"

Her implication is that if you don't treat me as your own person, then you will not be my "owner", and then...huh!

Jin Moran grinded her teeth and squeezed out a few words from the gaps between her teeth: "It's best to do this!"

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared beside him. Gu Ye only blinked, and the two of them had already made several moves. Gu Ye recognized the identity of Sombra and hurriedly called to a halt: "Stop it, my own person!"

Jin Moran looked at the man in black wearing a fine iron mask, and said with a cold face: "Hidden Soul Palace is very affectionate! Not only does he spoil his own woman, but even other women's women also protect him! One of the four chiefs of the Hidden Soul Palace has become someone else's bodyguard!"

Yin Yan sneered, and then went back: "You can be the head coach of the dark guard of Senguo, you can be a coachman, and it is not ashamed that I am a bodyguard!"

"Can you two stop at the elementary school chickens? Xiao Yanzi, what's the situation?" Gu Ye couldn't bear the black-eyed chickens of the two of them, and immediately pinched them when they met, interrupting them impatiently.

Hidden Yan reported in a simple and clear manner: "How many secret guards of the Mori Kingdom have been captured by his subordinates, please tell me what to do with the girl?"

"The secret guard of Senguo? Old Jin, wouldn't it be your subordinate?" Gu Ye frowned and looked at Jin Moran.

Jin Moran similarly frowned, and he shook his head lightly and said, "I haven't reported my whereabouts to the master. Although I am the chief instructor of the dark guards, I only have the responsibility of training and cannot direct them..."

"Okay! Xiao Yanzi sent the captured dark guard over to King Ning of my family. This is all evidence that Sen Guo tried to murder the little genius doctor!" Since it is not Jin Moran's person, Gu Ye has no scruples. . Whether it is the emperor of the Mori Emperor Lao'er or that of the Concubine Yin, it is the head of the door. Don't do it for nothing!

"Xiao Yanzi, the army is overwhelming, what is the attitude of the emperor of the Sen country, Lao Er?" Gu Ye was curious, how incompetent this old emperor was, and asked a concubine to hold Jin Moran's killer in her hands to kill her. His own son has also learned from others!

Yin Yan said disdainfully: "The emperor of the Mori Kingdom is still kept in the dark, and has the face to question why the Yan country tore up the peace agreement and went to war!"

"Oh? My commander, King Ning, how did he get back to him?" Gu Ye asked, curling up the corner of his mouth.

"King Ning said that the State of Sen sent people to sneak into the capital of Yan State and stole the treasures of Yan State!" Yin Xie said.

Gu Ye smiled and said: "The treasure of the town! It turns out that I have such a lofty status in the hearts of the emperor's uncle and my family Ning Wang! However, I have first-class pharmaceuticals, first-class medical skills, and the title of'Treasure of the Town' is well deserved!"

Jin Moran curled his lips: "You can really put gold on your face!"

"Not convinced? Not convinced, holding back!" As long as your husband holds her in his palm as a baby, it is enough. Other people, she doesn't care at all!

Now that the two countries have begun negotiations, Gu Ye feels that she should speed up the pace and must take the charge of kidnapping her, the "treasure of the country", to the concubine Yin! No, it's for Senguo to sit down! Just take down a sound concubine, why should she travel all the way. Her compensation...

Jin Moran was very satisfied with her cooperation. Hurry up and hand over this little magic star to miser others. He has had enough!

It is not a bad thing to have a hidden guard following, at least they have been unimpeded all the way-no matter who sent it, the hidden guard will show you and deal with it.

Ten days later, Gu Ye arrived in the capital. The news came from the border that her husband had already occupied three cities in the border of Senguo, and UU-reading was marching towards the fourth. Under the banner of Senguo's refusal to hand over her, the "Treasure of the Town".

The country of Yan was prepared and led by the "God of War" known as the undefeated myth. The country of Sen was defeated. After receiving the military information, the emperor of the Sen country was furious in the court: "Yan country deceives too much! I have never heard of the treasure of Yan country! Even if there is, we cannot rely on our Sen country! Come, come, Increase your troops! Immediately increase your troops by one hundred thousand, and you must not let the tricks of Emperor Shengde succeed!"

The national teacher of Senguo is a man with an indisputable face and beautiful features but not feminine. The master of the country knows astronomy and geography, the skill of divination is superb, and people are wise and calm, which is very trusted by the emperor of Sen.

He slowly said: "The Emperor Shengde and the prince of the Kingdom of Yan have recovered from serious illnesses. In the past two years, they have been fighting frequently with the Kingdom of Lebanon. King Ning, the leader of the army, is still in his wedding period. because!"

The Emperor of the State of Sen could still hear what Jin Guoshi said, he thought quietly, and it did make sense. But the treasure of Yan Country, it really has nothing to do with him! He didn't even know what the so-called treasure of the country was, how could he send someone to steal it?

"Your Majesty, maybe... what's the misunderstanding?" Prime Minister Wen, the representative of the Lord and the Sect, saw that the emperor was no longer furious, and insisted on fighting, and hurriedly said.

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