The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 982:  The soldiers approach the city

"Misunderstanding? Emperor Shengde, the old boy, without definite evidence, how could he have come here? Didn't he just push the handle over? Even if he is old and faint, it is impossible for King Ning not to persuade him!" Also faintly aware that there is something wrong.

"Could it be... the State of Li was making a ghost?" General Wu Yan frowned, and couldn't help but conspiracy theories. "Since Gong Lishang became the prince, he has continuously provoked war between the two countries. Early last year He was also severely injured by the Ling family army of the Yan country, and returned with a feather. Could it be that he deliberately provoked the flames of war between us and the Yan country in order to fight for the short-term peace and rest of the two countries?"

The Emperor of Sen also thought it was possible: "Last winter, Lebanon wanted to unite with my country to deal with Yan Nation. At that time, my son's prince's condition worsened and I ignored it... In order to draw Sen to their alliance, Lebanon challenged It is not impossible to start a war between our country and Yan Country!"

The national teacher looked at him faintly with a pair of long and narrow eyes: "Your Majesty, it is better to send someone to negotiate with King Ning. If there is a misunderstanding, just solve it!"

"The person I sent, didn't see the other party, so I sent back a few words!" The Emperor Sen had a dark face. The commander-in-chief of Yan Guo didn't take Sen Guo too much!

"Perhaps... the messenger sent is not valuable enough, and King Naning feels that Senguo has no sincerity." The national teacher reminded.

"Who is sincere to send?" The Emperor Mori frowned and flicked his sleeves. "Could I condescend to see him in person? Beautiful him!!"

The national teacher raised his eyes to look at him and asked: "I don't know your Royal Highness, how is your body recently?"

"Prince, my son? Since last fall, I have been bedridden, and my condition is going from good to bad. The imperial doctors in the palace are just a bunch of rubbish! I have already sent someone to the doctor, but... he wanders around. I don't know if my son can survive that time..." The Emperor Sen showed a trace of worry.

"What about Princess Linlang? No news yet?" The status of Sen country women is higher than that of other countries. If the prince can't make it through, and none of the princes of Sen country can take on the big responsibility, Princess Linlang also has the right to inherit the throne.

The Emperor Sen sighed and said: "Lin Lang is too ignorant, so I just said a few words about her and ran away from home! Concubine Yin is right. I pity her and the prince's birth mother died early, too used to it. She is now, and she has become a lawless temper. Lin Lang is too ignorant, her brother is so ill, she is fine, and there is no news of running out!"

"Ahem! Father... My sister didn't make her temper, nor ran away from home! She went to the country of Yan, and helped the ministers ask the little doctor to go!" The prince sat on the steps and was carried into the hall. . His face was pale and his voice was weak, and he was breathing intermittently after only saying these two words.

The Emperor Sen looked at him worriedly, and said, "You won't recuperate in the East Palace, what are you doing in the main hall?"

"I just received my sister's letter. The content is too shocking. It is about the peace of the country. I dare not hide it. I especially hand it to the emperor!" The prince took out a blood-stained envelope and avoided the eunuch. With the hand stretched over, the guard who was holding him moved forward a few steps, and handed his hands to the Emperor Sen.

"What? Lin Lang was hunted and killed on the way to Yan Country, among them was the dark guard of the Sen country?" Only the emperor of the Sen country could mobilize the dark guard. The dark guard has always been loyal to the emperor only, and is the trump card of the emperors of the past. If the dark guards can be bought by others, let alone the emperor's life being held in the hands of others, even the throne and the entire royal family are worrying!

"Impossible! Your sister must have made a mistake! The secret guard must have my token and the manuscript, both of which are indispensable...Who can call my secret guard from under my nose?" Sen Guo The emperor squeezed Xin's hand, and his veins violent due to his force.

The prince gasped lightly and said, "Father, you don't suspect that your sister is lying?"

"Lin Lang... I didn't doubt Lin Lang, maybe... it was the messenger who made the mess!" The Emperor Sen was anxious, angry and panicked-if the letter is true, then his safety is still What is the guarantee?

"The messenger is my sister's personal maid, Uma, who was chased and intercepted all the way, and was seriously injured. She delivered the letter with a sigh of relief. The letter was delivered with the letter, and the secret guard's waist badge!" The prince looked at his father. Emperor, the disappointment in his heart is getting bigger and bigger.

"Uma...could she be bought by someone?" Emperor Sen didn't want to recognize the facts.

The prince lowered his eyes and said: "You look down is a matter of great importance, please don't make a public statement, lest you startled the snake..."

Emperor Sen frowned and unfolded the letter, and the more he looked down, the more he became frightened. It turned out that after her daughter was seriously injured, she was rescued by Princess Ning. After healed her wound, she met the Emperor Yan and discussed in detail about the appointment of the little genius doctor to treat the prince.

However, the Emperor Yan's lion opened his mouth and asked for two cities in exchange. He also said that the life of the prince would not even be worth the two cities, right? It's a matter of the country, so my daughter dare not know how to be expert, so she sent people back to the country to ask for instructions while dealing with Emperor Yan.

The Emperor Sen frowned, and it was not that he was reluctant to exchange the two cities for the prince's life. However, he never received the news from his daughter from Yan Country... Could it be that something happened on the road?

Reminiscent of the daughter’s letter, it was written about being chased and killed at the beginning, and there was a hidden guard among them... The Emperor of the State of Sen secretly wondered whether the sender was killed in the middle, or was the message intercepted after returning to the State of Sen. ! Either way, people must be picked out. Otherwise, how could he sit securely in the position of the emperor?

The daughter said in her letter that she hadn't received the news from Senguo for a long time, and she was very anxious. However, a shocking event happened on the day of Shang Yuan Ye-the little genius doctor was kidnapped, and he didn't know his life or death...

The Emperor Sen was shocked, and the letter in his hand almost fell to the ground without holding it firmly. The little genius doctor was robbed? Or did he not see him while watching the lantern with King Ning?

No wonder! No wonder King Ning, who has been in charge of the Lingjia Army in the northwest, will take command of the army to crush the realm, and have seized three of them in a row, still reluctant!

The Emperor Sen finally understood what the "Treasure of the State of Yan" in King Ning's mouth was! The medical skills of the little genius doctor, from preventing the rampage of two plagues, have long been famous all over the world.

No, even earlier, the development of "Vaccinia" to prevent smallpox in Yan Country has already attracted the attention of all countries. When he got the news on the first day of the new year, Emperor Sen also moved his mind and wanted to get people back from Dongling!

The little genius doctor who is capable of practicing medicine and medicine is a treasure of the country! If such a person is willing to stay in the country, he will also treat her as a treasure. What's more, is the little genius doctor or Ning Wang's newly married wife?

No wonder, King Ning will take the initiative to request the leader. If someone loses a daughter-in-law during their wedding, a man can't bear it! Who! Who is it that has enemies with them and wants to frame them? Is it really the country of Lebanon, wanting to watch the country of Sen and the country of Yan fight, and give them a chance to breathe? My mind is too vicious!

Emperor Sen's complexion was worse than constipation. He endured his anger and continued to look down...what? The gangster who hijacked the little genius doctor died and was caught. The one who was caught was Mori Kingdom's secret guard? ! The hidden guard couldn't stand the punishment, so he explained everything-he was instigated by the Emperor Sen!

Nonsense! His daughter is in the country of Yan, and his son's illness has to rely on the little genius doctor. He will attack the little genius doctor only when his brain is twitched. He is still alive or dead! Is he the kind of person who ignores the life and death of his son and daughter? If it was his order, then he would definitely live! The living is more valuable than the dead! !

Who the **** is it? Under his nose, the secret guards were mobilized to provoke a dispute between the two countries. What is the purpose of this person?

The emperor of the Mori Kingdom almost had an attack in the court. He flicked his sleeves forcefully, and said angrily: "Retreat! National Master, please follow me!"

The news of the disappearance of the little genius doctor should not be made public, or Yan Guo would not regroup in the name of "national treasure stolen". Emperor Sen didn't want to tear his face with Yan Kingdom, especially King Ning, and let the "fisherman benefit."

He showed the letter to the national teacher, pinched his eyebrows, and said with a bit of exhaustion: "National teacher, what do you think?"

The teacher read the letter carefully twice and pointed to one of the names and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, if this person hijacked the little genius doctor, there should be room for maneuver."

"Jin Moran? Isn't he the head of the dark guard?" The Emperor Sen didn't expect that he was someone else's. "I trust and value him so much, so I betrayed me!"

"Your Majesty, Princess Ruoning is in the hands of this person and should have no worries about her life. That's why the Weichen said that there is room for maneuver. The most important thing now is to find this person, save Princess Ning, and solve the border emergency!" With slender fingers comparable to a hand model, I lightly tapped on the letter.

The Emperor Sen nodded and said, "At the border gate, we still have to send an envoy to mediate. It's best to make the Yan country truce before the matter becomes clear."

If the fight goes on, UU reading probably didn't wait for him to find out the truth of the matter. King Ning has already made a big effort and hit the capital. Don't believe it, King Ning is the God of War and has this ability!

"However, this time I have to send a significant messenger. Otherwise, King Ning may not be willing to see!" The national teacher couldn't help but remind.

"Father, my son is willing to share the worries!" The prince also followed to the Yushufang, "My son went alone to show our attitude."

Yes! The prince of a country leads soldiers to negotiate in person, which is equivalent to voluntarily being a proton. If Sen Guozhen kidnapped Princess Ning, how could he put the prince in danger?

After much deliberation, the prince is the best candidate. But... Emperor Sen looked at the sickly prince, worriedly: "But your body..."

"My sister followed the letter and brought some pills over. It was said that before the little genius doctor disappeared, it was prepared based on the symptoms of the child minister. Although it may not completely cure the child's body, it can be relieved and improved."

The prince was already bedridden, and he had just taken a pill at noon, which can support him to the present and give him confidence in his illness. As long as he finds the little genius doctor, his hope of recovery is still great.

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