The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 983: Entering Tokyo

"You child, how can you eat medicine indiscriminately? In case this medicine is not made by a little magician, but a poison sent by someone who wants to harm you, you..." The Emperor Sen looked at the thin prince in distress and couldn't bear it. Scolded.

The prince smiled indifferently: "Erchen's body is nearly exhausted, and it has been a day to day. Who would risk poisoning a mortal person? Erchen is now very worried about his sister's situation..."

and many more! Something flashed through the Emperor Sen's mind-his daughter Yan Guo asked for a doctor, but was said to run away outrageously and was hunted down. The daughter negotiated with Yan Guo, but the little genius doctor disappeared... Could it be that the purpose of the man behind it was not Sen Guo, but the Prince?

The emperor of the State of Sen patted Xiang Yuan hard, and said to the **** beside him: "Let people check Jin Moran, the more detailed the better!"

Then he looked at the prince again and said, "You are just a little better, not suitable for a long journey. I will discuss this later. Leave it all!"

The prince was carried out of the imperial study room. On the way to the East Palace, he looked at the national teacher and said, "Master, the person behind this, do you already have a guess?"

The national teacher showed a faint smile on his face, and slowly said: "The prince is safe and restless. Your Majesty has ordered a thorough investigation, and there will be results soon."

"My sister went to Yan Country for me. Now that she is a prisoner, how can I not be in a hurry?" Since the death of the queen mother, the two sisters and brothers rely on each other, comfort each other, and draw warmth from each other...]

Without the sister's company, encouragement and strictness, there would be no prince who was praised. It's a pity that he is not upright, and he is so big, and he makes his sister worry about him. This time it even caused her sister to be chased and killed and became a prisoner.

"It is said that King Ning spoiled his princess to heaven, he must be more anxious than us. It is better to ask King Ning to come to Beijing to discuss at this time, how about picking out the person behind?" The national teacher said with a light smile.

The prince thought for a while, and said: "King Ning may not trust us..."

"He... will!" There was a smile on the face of the National Teacher, and a faint light flashed in his narrow eyes.

In the small forest outside the capital, Gu Ye looked at the strange face beside him, and smiled jokingly: "You guys have a pretty skin mask, but is this beard serious? I watched how to talk to sheep. Like a tail?"

"What do you know! This is a goatee!" Jin Moran stroked the beard on his chin, taking advantage of Gu Ye's mouth, "Girl, hurry up and help the old father. Alas, I'm old, I can't walk!"

Gu Ye kicked his **** and said, "I see what misunderstanding you have about goatees! Other goatees are like goat's beard, not like goat's tail! You are obviously in the wrong place! Also, don't call it My daughter, I don't have a father as old as you!"

Jin Moran smiled and jumped forward two steps, avoiding the sneak attack: "You are my old girl. Your mother gave birth to pearls, and she desperately gave birth to this unfilial girl. Come and help my father, God. Do you still want to enter Beijing before black?"

"I said, we don’t have to be so miserable, right? Isn’t it good to be a middle-class? We have to pretend to be refugees at the border. We are old and young, nowhere to escape, not to flee thousands of miles to the capital, so as not to arouse suspicion. Blame!" Gu Ye looked at Jin Moran, a stupid big man with contempt--you said how you fucked, you would shrink back to the capital!

Jin Moran glanced at the city gate in front of him, and said, "Okay, don't be faulty. At the beginning, didn't you say anything? Let's talk about Xiancheng!"

Walking to the gate, he found that the gate was guarded much tighter. For the 16 or 7-year-old girl and daughter-in-law, the investigation was particularly detailed. It seems that Beijing has already received the news, so be careful!

When it was their turn to enter the city, the soldiers guarding the gate stared at Gu Ye fiercely. Gu Ye pretended to be shy and hid behind Jin Moran. Jin Moran crouched, stuffed a small piece of silver into the hand of the little boss next to him, and smiled with him: "The kids have never seen the world. Don't be surprised by the two soldiers!"

The little boss slapped the soldier's head: "What are you looking at? The one who said you should pay attention to is a 16 or 7-year-old woman. What are you staring at the twelve or three-year-old girl? Let go!"

Gu Ye stared wide-eyed,   can't wait to go up and tear the little boss. You are only twelve or thirteen years old, your whole family is twelve or thirteen years old, don't stand guard when you are lame! The target is right in front of your eyes, you can't recognize it, you deserve to be so old, still guarding the gate! !

Jin Moran held back a smile, grabbed Gu Ye, who was blowing up hair, and gently pushed her into the city gate: "Don't be angry, his eyes are not good, you are just as knowledgeable as him, which is too cheap. Go, I invite you to try our Senguo snacks to ensure you will never forget it!"

"Just blow it, be careful of the cowhide blown!" Gu Ye is surrounded by aunt Yan, who is an excellent cook, and from time to time, she pours out the recipes of previous lives. What good things have not been eaten?

Jin Moran took her to a remote alley and stopped in front of a small inconspicuous courtyard. Gu Ye sniffed gently—it smells so good!

If Jin Moran took her to the Grand Hotel Restaurant, Gu Ye might not be so looking forward to it-in her opinion, no hotel can compare to their Qingfeng Tower! The smaller the store, the more often it surprises people.

Entering the small yard, there is a cave in it. The yard is full of tables, to be less, there are twenty or thirty tables. At this time, almost all people are sitting. In front of them, there were a lot of food that she had never seen before, which made Gu Ye look forward to it even more.

"Boss, you have two bowls with the same characteristics in your store!" Jin Moran found an empty table, greeted Gu Ye to sit down and said to the boss familiarly.

He used to visit this small shop often and got acquainted with the boss. However, he forgot that he changed his face today, and his clothes are relatively shabby. The boss looked at him and stopped talking.

What Jin Moran realized, he took a dime of silver on the table: "Why do I still be afraid of Lao Tzu eating the King's meal? Don't look at Lao Tzu's downfall now. The hotel may not be able to afford it, but a small shop like yours can still afford it. Silver."

The boss smiled and collected the broken silver and went to Zhang Luo to eat. It didn't take long before the food was served. Jin Moran put a bowl of weird odorous food with wicked fun, and pushed it in front of Gu Ye, and said, "Girl, are you hungry? Hurry up!"

"This is... snail noodles?" Gu Ye sniffed the taste, and couldn't wait to pick up the spoon, scooping out a spoonful of soup to taste. Well, the taste is good, sour, spicy, fresh and refreshing, the soup is very fresh and the ingredients are sufficient. It is much more authentic than the bagged food she ate in the previous life!

Jin Moran's mischief was unsuccessful, and she said in an annoyed manner: "Don't you think it smells so bad? The first time I ate this, I didn't dare to move the chopsticks. Are you a woman?"

"Does this have anything to do with a woman? This smells and eats fragrant. The girl dared to eat stinky tofu and durian, let alone this. It tastes good...what is this?" Gu Ye pointed to the one in front of him. The food on the plate asked curiously.

Jin Moran took a look and said, "This is fried bait cubes! Bait cubes are one of the most famous snacks here. They can be burned, boiled, fried, marinated, steamed, and fried. They have different flavors and will never tire of eating for a long time. The taste of his fried bait cubes is the most authentic in the entire capital."

"Brother, you are quite discerning! This bowl of thin soy flour is for you! Come here often!" The boss put food called thin soy flour in front of the two of them.

Jin Moran took a small bowl from it, put it in front of Gu Ye, and said, "This thin soy flour is a specialty of the boss's house. You can shred the bait block and put it in the thin soy flour to make the taste better. rich."

Gu Ye tasted it. The entrance is delicate and dense, with a slight sweetness of peas, and the taste is quite unique. I tasted the fried bait cubes again. It tasted sweet and rich, salty and spicy, rich in color, and very strong. Take a bite of fried bait cubes, and then take a bite of thin soy flour, the taste is really perfect.

Seeing that Gu Ye was eating sweetly, Jin Moran couldn't help but proudly said: "How? There are thousands of delicious foods in the world, not just the Qingfenglou family. There are many delicious snacks here in Kyoto, such as steam pot chicken and grilled milk. Fans, bridge rice noodles, fried bamboo worms, milk-containing tofu... I will show you a try someday!"

Listening to the delicacies that I have never heard of by name, Gu Ye felt that the hardships on the road were not in vain. There are delicious foods everywhere. When she and her husband retire, they will definitely have a food tour to taste all the food in the world!

Alas, I have only separated from my husband for a few days, and I miss him. I wonder if he is okay on the battlefield? Is there any danger? Will it hurt? It would be nice if it was her husband who was sitting opposite now. Husband’s face value, that is really good, beautiful and delicious, full without eating...

Huh? Huh? Beauty! Unexpectedly, in this simple little restaurant, I would actually see a big beauty who is by no means inferior to her husband! A beautiful face that is indistinguishable from male and female, long flowing hair, and a fairy-like white wide-sleeved gown... It's really pleasing to the eye!

Gu Ye stared at the other person, but the bait pieces on the chopsticks fell into the thin soy flour without knowing it. This authentic Yan dog has forgotten who he is when he meets the best.

"Beauty" seems to be aware of her sight, UU reading www. The long narrow eyes of cast a faint glance. Gee, this look is unique, and it's so impressive!

Jin Moran recognized the other party's identity, kicked Gu Ye from under the table, and said in a low voice: "Wipe your saliva, don't look!"

Gu Ye's eyes seemed to stick to the other person, he raised his hand and wiped his chin, and muttered, "Where is drooling? Don't worry, what if I look at it? I won't miss a piece of meat! "

"Beauty" said to the boss: "A bowl of snail noodles, more spicy!"

Gee, what a beautiful beauty! Such a beautiful beauty actually likes to eat snail noodles-with taste. Gu Ye lowered his head and ate the snail noodles, and suddenly felt a bit delicious.

"Can you be more reserved?" Jin Moran reminded in a whispering volume, "Don't forget, you have a husband. Is it really good to look at other men like this?"

"I'm appreciation! Just like a flower lover who sees a beautiful flower, pure appreciation. What do you think? Don't use your dirty thoughts to measure my hobby of admiring beauty, okay?" Gu Ye turned around and saw the "beauty" in white sitting at the table next to her, looking at her with a smile.

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