The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 984: Beauty National Division

Gu Ye's face has been tested for two lifetimes. She waved at the other person naturally and said, "Hey! Come for dinner? This snail noodle tastes good, you have a good taste!"

The Chinese teacher didn't say anything to her, but just smiled at her, then bowed his head and ate the snail noodles. Gu Ye watched fascinatingly--beauties are beautiful, and they are still so beautiful when they get fans!

"Girl, are you full?" Jin Moran asked in an old voice in a low voice, afraid of being seen through by the national teacher.

Gu Yebai gave him a glance, and said, "No, why are you urging! You are in a hurry?"

"It's getting late. Let's find a place to stay first, and then find your aunt and uncle." Jin Moran urged, "Don't look at the beauties. There are so many beautiful people in Beijing. When we settle down in Beijing, you Whatever you want to see is true!"

The status of Mori women is higher than that of other countries. Gu Ye's bold gaze did not arouse others' suspicion. No matter where the Master of the National Normal University goes, he will get a lot of such eyes. There are no women who are bolder than Gu Ye, and there are also many rushing to give gifts.

Gu Ye looked at "Beauty" a few more times, sighed in her heart, finished the thin soy flour, took a few bites of snail flour, touched his stomach and said, "We are full, let's go!"

Jin Moran took the copper coins recovered by the boss, leaned back and walked outside. Gu Ye followed him and walked a long way before asking, "Did you see a ghost? Are you walking in such a hurry?"

"Do you know who the white-clothed man you just saw is?" Jin Moran glanced back and whispered, "He is our national teacher, he is very resourceful, and he can see through people's hearts!"

"National teacher? Such a beautiful national teacher, your emperor of the forest country, don't you have any special hobbies?" Gu Ye yy wrote out the article "His Majesty and His Little National Teacher" in his mind.

Jin Moran stared at her disgustingly: "I really don't know which of King Ning's eyes is blind and would like a woman like you! What mess is in your mind? The emperor of the Sen country has normal sexuality. Very, just look at his harem!"

"Isn't this one who couldn't hold back! Who made your national teacher so good-looking? I suspect that none of your concubines in the harem of Emperor Sen can compare to the national teacher!" Gu Ye snickered.

"Okay! Let's live here tonight. Tomorrow I will try to contact the people of Yin Fei...Looking at the posture in front of the city gate, your affairs should have been exposed..." Jin Moran had an ominous premonition- It is estimated that his mission will not be so easy to complete.

Gu Ye looked at the small inn in front of him, without showing any disgusting expression. Conditions do not allow, she can live in the space! It doesn't matter if the inn is comfortable, as long as it is clean.

Jin Moran had seen how picky Gu Ye was along the way. I thought she would protest, but she didn't expect her eyes to blink, so she went into the small-looking inn. Jin Moran admired her again in his heart.

The outside of the inn does not look very dripping, the inside is still quite clean, and the service is in place. After a simple wash, Gu Ye bolted the door, and while taking a bath in the space, he told her husband that he was safe: "Husband, I miss you, do you miss me?"

"I miss you more than you do! When I think of you alone in the thieves' den, I can't wait to stick my heart on you and enter Kyoto with you." Ling Juechen counted his daughter-in-law's itinerary, and by this time he was almost there. The capital of the country. As soon as he entered Kyoto, he couldn't reach it. How could he not worry about it?

Gu Ye hurriedly said: "I just entered Beijing as a refugee seeking relatives and lived in an inconspicuous small inn. You are on the battlefield, don't always think about me. Remember, every inch of you is It belongs to me, it just loses a strand of hair, and I will settle the account for you when I go back!"

Ling Juechen said with a smile: "Then I'm done! I lost a few hairs when I washed my hair at night! What are you going to do with this account?"

Gu Ye giggled and said, "Shave you into a monk's head, so you don't have to worry about hair loss!"

"That can't be done! The slickness of your head will affect your appearance? You little conscience, if you empathize because of this, where can I find such a good wife?" Ling Juechen is in a good mood when she sees her daughter-in-law , Lying in the tent with her chattering.

"I saw a super-good-looking big beautiful man today! It's a bit of the taste of Li Junji's peak in his previous life, even more beautiful than him!" Gu Ye saw the good things and couldn't help sharing with her husband.

Ling Juechen was jealous and said: "Really so beautiful? Is it beautiful with me?"

Gu Ye thought for a while, and said objectively, "No one can distinguish between top and bottom, right?"

Ling Juechen's heart suddenly felt a sense of crisis: "You can only look at it, but you can't think of other thoughts. Remember, you have a family!"

Gu Ye came out of the bathtub and wandered in the space wrapped in bath towels. I picked an apple from the tree, put it in my mouth and ate a bite, and said, "What can I think of? Don't you just look at it? The little fresh meat that was delivered to the door in the past, I can at best verbally molest A few words, when did you really move? Who do you think of me?"

"Of course it is regarded as the most important person in my heart! I don't care about you too much, I am afraid you will fly away from the palm of my hand!" Ling Juechen hurriedly gave his wife a smooth hair.

Gu Ye smiled and said, "It feels good to be held in the palm of your hand. How can I be willing to fly away? By the way, that big beautiful man is the national teacher of the Mori Kingdom, he is highly powerful and has the trust of the Emperor of the Mori Kingdom. You Say, is it feasible to defeat Yin Concubine through him?"

Instinctively, Ling Juechen didn't want his wife to come into contact with the "big beautiful man" in her mouth, and said: "We don't know the origin and disposition of this great teacher, so we shouldn't act rashly. Proceed as planned, and don't make extravagance!"

"Okay! Let Jin Moran contact Concubine Yin before talking!" Gu Ye took a walk in the space after eating an apple.

Ling Juechen worried that her daughter-in-law was hungry, and asked with concern: "What do you have to eat at night? Tomorrow you go to Qingfeng Building first, so that the cooks there will give you more space for dishes, so as not to be hungry."

Gu Ye touched his swollen belly, burped, and said, "Today, Lao Jin took me to eat a snack from Senguo. The snail noodles taste good, so I accidentally ate it. I was eating snail noodles. , I saw the beautiful National Teacher. I didn’t expect that such a fairy would also like such down-to-earth food."

Ling Juechen didn't want to hear the word "national teacher" anymore. He changed the subject and said: "When I take this city down again, and I have the capital to negotiate with Mori, I will go to Kyoto to meet you. Before I arrive, you must take your own safety first and don’t have fun. It's too exciting. My heart is too fragile, and you can't help it!"

"I know, I must be obedient. You have to be careful and careful on the battlefield, I am waiting for you to accompany me to taste the specialty snacks of Sen country!" Gu Ye said nothing to eat, it is indeed a senior snack!

The two talked for a while, before ending the call. Gu Ye slept beautifully in the space, and made many weird powdered medicines. Jin Moran would not be an enemy of her, but he would not necessarily help her sincerely-go deep into the tiger's den and save some means to save her life.

Early the next morning, Jin Moran left Gu Ye at the inn and went to "find relatives" by himself. Will Gu Ye stay in the inn obediently? of course not!

She changed into ordinary Mori women's clothing and strolled down the street. Although the frontier was fighting, the capital of the Mori State was still singing and dancing, and the streets were very lively.

Gu Ye ate a bowl of rice noodles for breakfast, and he held a bunch of milk fans, chewing on it like no one else. There are a lot of people eating snacks on the street, including big girls and little wives. Gu Ye was not very eye-catching among them.

After strolling for a while, she saw the sign of "Qingfeng Building" on the busiest street. Thinking of the thick ledgers sent by Qingfeng Building at the end of last year, Gu Ye lamented that his own industry was spread all over the world. She is an out-and-out rich woman!

She had just stopped outside Qingfeng Building, and the guy in Qingfeng Building, who had long been informed, recognized her sharply and hurriedly reported to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper enthusiastically invited people to the third floor and gave her tea and snacks.

Gu Ye opened the window of the box, held a cup of fragrant tea, and took a sip. The streets are like weaving and busy, and the door of Qingfeng Building is gradually becoming lively.

When you look at the scenery in the attic, it becomes the scenery in the eyes of others accidentally. On the second floor of a teahouse on the opposite side, the master of the National Normal University dressed in white looked at the little girl with her cheek on the window of Qingfeng Building opposite.

Yesterday, a young girl in a coarse cloth dress, with bright eyes and a bright smile, appeared on the third floor of Qingfeng Building. The private room on the third floor of Qingfeng Building is generally very difficult to book. Sometimes it takes nearly a year for UU to book to book it.

A fleeing girl who claimed to have come to Beijing to surrender to relatives was able to board the third floor of Qingfeng Building for a meal, and fools could see that there was something tricky in it. The Master of the National Normal University looked at the little girl with deep eyes, and a faint smile came up at the corner of his mouth—it was really: there is nowhere to look for breaking through the iron shoes, it takes no effort...

Gu Ye didn't know that she was being watched, so she ate a big meal in Qingfeng Building and was packed a lot and sent to the small inn where she lived.

When Jin Moran came back, he was overwhelmed by the two meat dishes and one soup on the table, all of which were specialty dishes of Qingfenglou. He ate with big mouthfuls, and said: "I have been in contact with the concubine Yin family, and I will quietly send you into the palace tonight. Be careful yourself...Why don't you eat?"

Gu Ye put his arm on the table and watched him devour it: "I have already eaten it! Concubine Yin's maiden energy is so powerful, can she send people into the palace at will?"

"At that time, you may be wronged, hidden in the mezzanine of the vegetable shopping cart. By the way, I am afraid that if you do not cooperate, you may be stunned...Of course, I believe that the medicine that can stun you in the world is not at all. Exist. You will pretend then, okay?" Jin Moran put a bite of meat in his mouth, and said, pulling the rice.

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