The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 985:  True poison

"Hidden in the vegetables? I suddenly have the thought of going back!" Gu Ye imagined the rotten vegetable leaves all over her body, and even the blood on the raw meat... That scene made her retreat. .

Jin Moran hiccuped full of food and said, "When is it, are you still thinking about regretting it? If you shrink now, all the previous efforts and hard work will be wasted...Think about your financial compensation! "

Gu Ye said unhurriedly: "Actually... my real purpose is to come to Sen country to see the exotic customs. Compensation and everything are all things outside of the body. I go back for a few days after shopping for a few days, and it is not in vain. One trip."

"Are you afraid that you won't be able to get out after you enter the palace? Well, after you get in, I will be responsible for getting you out. We also have some friendship along the way, help out, let me take care of this errand Yes, okay?" Jin Moran put his hands together and bowed to her.

If he came hard, maybe Gu Ye would not leave him any face. Seeing his request so sincerely, Gu Ye smiled and said, "Take you! How could I spare her so easily for the one who hurt me? I'm the best at blocking people!"

Jin Moran has a deep understanding of this. Along the way, he was an "ordinary person" and served as a driver for nearly a month. At the time in Juxianzhuang, he was almost caught and killed by the people from the rivers and lakes. These are not all masterpieces of stinky women!

The next day, Gu Ye was in a "coma" and was sent to the palace. Dressed in black, Jin Moran appeared in front of Concubine Yin with a face-covered face: "Fortunately, his subordinates have brought people back!"

"Teacher Jin has worked hard. From now on, we will even be even! The emperor ordered someone to thoroughly investigate the matter, and it has been suspected to be on your head. Head Jin has left the palace, and should not stay near the capital!" Yin Fei's voice was soft. Weak and weak, like the breeze blowing over the petals, make people feel very comfortable to hear, and can't afford any defense.

"Thank you Niang Niang for your concern, Niang Niang must take care too!" Jin Moran lit a wax for Concubine Yin in his heart. Get offended by a stinky woman, her good days are coming to an end.

Concubine Yin came to the bed, looked down at Gu Ye's deep sleep, frowned lightly and said, "This looks so small. Didn't it mean that the little doctor Nian Fang is seventeen and is already married? Wouldn't you invite the wrong person? Right?"

"Hui Niangniang, this person just looks young. The subordinates saw King Ning doting on her with their own eyes, and even the Crown Prince of Yan Kingdom gave her three points. There is nothing wrong with it!" Jin Moran lowered his head and said.

"Okay, my palace knows, go down!" Yin Fei waved her hand at him, her voice whispering like a breeze. If Gu Ye were a man, he would definitely be moved by this voice. What loli sound, Yu Jie sound... are weak, okay?

"Niangniang, if you are afraid that the little **** will be healed and send someone to assassinate, why bother so hard to bring people back?" The court lady next to Yin Fei is her confidant. For this stinky woman, Empress lost a lot of confidants. does it worth?

Yin Fei smiled faintly: "You don't know this, right? The little genius doctor is not only good at medicine, but also good at making medicine. How can the dead be useful to the living?"

"After she wakes up, what should I do if she doesn't cooperate?" the confidant maid said hesitantly.

Concubine Yin chuckled and said, "The poison master who my father kept in the house, doesn't he have a medicine that can control people? Give her a few pills so that she can't live without that medicine anymore. Will not be at our mercy in the future?"

Sure enough, she was indeed the "Yin" concubine. When she talked about the poison, her voice was still so nice. Gu Ye guessed in her mind that the drug that could control people in her mouth was an addictive drug.

"But... The little magical medicine is not low-level. She won't have a way to crack this medicine, right?" The confidant maid said with concern.

Concubine Yin pinched a longan from the table, put it in her mouth, and slowly said: "Once this drug becomes addictive, there will be no solution unless... you can get it through with your own willpower. You look at the little genius doctor who is delicate and tender , Like a person who can resist?"

"Naturally not! Even the strongest man can't stand the pain of a poisonous attack. He knelt and cried and begged his wife to give him medicine, and his head was broken. The little genius doctor saw that he had never suffered. , Must be obedient!" The confidant maid said with pride.

Gu Ye listened to the sound of the footsteps of the master and servant of the Concubine Yin and left the bed, secretly opened his eyes and saw Concubine Yin walked to a Duobao Pavilion, pressed a certain mechanism, and took out a medicine from the secret compartment Bottle, poured out a dark brown pill...

The medicine bottle was put back into the secret compartment, and the moment Yin Fei turned around, Gu Ye closed his eyes again and honestly pretended to be "comatose." Her chin was pinched, her mouth was pinched open, and a Melisol-sized pill was inserted into her mouth.

vomit! The smell is really hard to describe... She quickly moved the pill into the space, and she was going to spit it out later.

"Did you swallow it?" Yin Fei asked from the side.

The confidante was very strange in her heart, why did she swallow it so smoothly? Gently open the opponent's mouth, is the pill really gone? Such a big pill, just swallow it?

"Swallow it!" In the eyes of the confidant maid, the pill will not disappear out of thin air, it is gone, so it is naturally swallowed. Where did she think that the pill really disappeared out of thin air!

Concubine Yin nodded, and said: "I heard that His Royal Highness recently changed a new medicine, and his health is much better than before. Let's go! Go with this palace to the East Palace to care about our good prince!"

The confidant maid said: "I heard that Princess Linlang asked someone to send it from Yan Country. It was from the little genius doctor... Niang Niang, the prince's disease, wouldn't it be cured?"

"Cure? How easy is it! That medicine is just a temporary relief." There was a hint of chill in the soft voice of Concubine Yin.

When the voice of the master and servant disappeared outside the door, Gu Ye sat up from the bed, took out the pill again, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed, scraped off a little powder, and licked it with the tip of her tongue-as she expected, It contains poppy ingredients. It turns out that in ancient times, some people used the addictive toxicity of poppies to control people! Hey, this concubine is really vicious!

Gu Ye fainted a little palace lady who was about the same size as her, put on her clothes, and got a cup of fragrant chicken soup from the space, holding it in the direction where the voice of the concubine master and servant disappeared.

She managed to get lost without going far. She stopped a little eunuch, and whispered: "Little father-in-law, I am newly assigned to the Yin Concubine Empress Hall. My aunt asked me to send chicken soup to the East Palace. I am a little confused. Can you show me the way?" With that, he put a piece of broken silver into the opponent's hand.

The little **** crushed the silver, three or four. Little eunuchs like them at the bottom, after their usual copies are deducted, they only have dozens of large sums in their hands. The reward from above can't reach them again, and we have to honor the **** above...they are tight.

The little **** hid the silver in his sleeve and carefully pointed out the way to Gu Ye. Seeing that Gu Ye was still confused, he couldn't help but disgusted him, but he kindly led her on a walk.

Pointing to the road to the East Palace, the little **** stopped and looked back at Gu Ye and said, "Go down this road and you will reach the East Palace. Hurry up. If the chicken soup is cold, the Prince will blame it. , You can't afford it!"

"Thank you, little father-in-law!" Gu Ye took a few steps and stepped out of the sight of the little **** before slowing down. He looked around and said to himself, "Sure enough, there is a place in one place, the flowers and plants here. Trees are very different from Yan Kingdom and Dongling. I have never seen many of them! Huh? Is that cluster of dragon fruits? Growing dragon fruits in the garden is really unique!"

She looked around with her head, and saw that there was no one everywhere, so she hurriedly went over, picked one of the biggest ones, and peeled off the skin—the one with the red heart. She took a big bite, and the sweet juice fainted in her mouth.

good to eat! The fruits of the South are to be eaten in the South! Those transported to the north are picked off before they are mature enough to prevent damage on the road. The taste is greatly reduced! Looking back, you must buy some southern fruits and put them in the space, and eat them slowly.

The Master of the National Normal University came out of the East Palace with long and narrow eyes deep and deep: Concubine Yin hadn't visited the Prince in the East Palace for a long time. She came this time with an apparent concern, but with a mentality of watching a good show. Could it be that... Princess Ning had already reached her hands, so she would treat the prince as a dead person without fear?

Just thinking about it, he was suddenly interrupted by a slight movement in the garden not far away. He twisted his eyebrows and looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw a little court lady in the lowest-class court lady's uniform, cheating on something secretly, her mouth bulging, and a touch of red on her hands and lips. .

Looking at the tray and the cup of chicken soup on the floor, his brows frowned more tightly: It seems that the prince really has a hard time in the palace. Even a low-ranking palace lady dared to steal it. His stuff!

Your Majesty is obsessed with alchemy, and he is negligent enough to this son! No wonder the other prince’s outside family are secretly ready to move and want to take the prince instead...

Huh? This little palace lady looked familiar--isn't it the little girl he met outside the palace? As expected, this little girl is probably the root cause of the war between the two countries?

This little girl is quite capable, as a prisoner, can make Jin Jiao head close to her ears. After being sent to the palace, he can escape from the hands of Concubine Yin, and he is still in the mood to steal food!

Huh? What is her purpose in coming to the East Palace? Wouldn't it be with Concubine Yin? Or... she wants to cure the prince's disease and add to the concubine sound?

Gu Ye noticed that someone was watching her, and looked up in the direction of her gaze warily. A pair of long, narrow and deep eyes on the exquisite face that is indistinguishable from male and female is looking over with interest.

She swallowed the last mouthful of dragon fruit, put her hand behind her back, and threw the peel into the bushes. There was no proof. She wiped her mouth with the lining of her sleeves, grinned at the beautiful man, and gave a very different palace ceremony: "I have seen Master Guoshi!"

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