The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 986:  1 Probe Prince

The Master of the National Normal University saw her snow-white teeth stained with dragon fruit seeds and bright red juice on her lips. If you change to someone else, it will definitely make people feel tired and bored. With this cute and smart face, it doesn't attract people's disgust at all, but finds it interesting.

He pointed to the dragon fruit as an ornamental plant, and said with a smile, "Do you dare to eat this thing? Aren't you afraid of being poisonous?"

Gu Ye hurriedly bowed his knees and said, "If I return to my master, I...before my slave and maid entered the palace, I had eaten this kind of fruit. It's not poisonous, it's quite delicious!"

"Oh? Have you eaten it?" This plant was introduced from southern Xinjiang, because the fruit shape and color are quite bright when it is mature, so it is planted in the garden for viewing. No one ever remembered to try to eat it.

Also, isn't it said that the little genius doctor is Dongling Renshi? Later, she married King Ning... How did she know this kind of plant only found in southern Xinjiang, and even tasted it? There are more and more mysteries on this person, and the national teacher can't help but pay attention.

Gu Ye nodded and said, "This is called pitaya, it looks like a fire, so it got its name. It tastes sweet and delicious, not only non-toxic, but also good for the body!"

The Master of National Normal University suddenly thought of Gu Ye's identity. Her master Yaosheng had traveled for decades, and perhaps had been to southern Xinjiang, had seen such plants and tasted them. As a disciple of Medicine Saint, it is reasonable to have seen, tasted, and knew this dragon fruit.

The Chinese teacher picked a plump pitaya, peeled the skin and tasted two. Well, it tastes really good.

Gu Ye couldn't help grinning, and said, "Master of the National Normal University is not afraid of me lying. Is this dragon fruit actually poisonous?"

"I have no grievances with you, why did you lie to me and harm me?" the national teacher asked back.

"You are of high authority. There must be many people who want to kill you and replace them?" Gu Ye said.

Guo Shi Qingcheng smiled: "There are indeed many people who want to die. I have been standing here for so many years, haven't I?"

Gu Ye was so fascinated by his casual smile that he couldn't find Bei, and only after a long time gave a thumbs up and said: "Confidence, arrogance! But self-confidence is not arrogant, arrogant is admirable! Admire!"

"Which palace lady are you? It's quite interesting to talk!" The Master of National Normal University asked knowingly, wanting to see her reaction.

Gu Ye patted his forehead and picked up the chicken soup on the ground, pretending to be flustered and said: "Oh, forget the business. Master of the country, the slave and maid are ordered to send food to His Royal Highness. Please forgive me if you are rude! "

Slipped away? Did you slip away so grandly? The Master of the National Normal University raised an eyebrow and did not stop her. It will be long in Japan, isn't it?

After such a delay, Gu Ye and Yinfei perfectly staggered. When she arrived at the East Palace, Concubine Yin had just left. It stands to reason that there should be a lot of servants and maids in the Prince's House of the East Palace. Gu Ye brought chicken soup all the way, but didn't see a few.

I met one occasionally, and when I saw her face to face, no one asked. Gee! How unfavorable this prince is! Bi Yan Guo was still the prince of the four princes at the time, and the treatment was worse. Are these one by one worse than anyone else?

There is also Prince Li Guoyuan, a brother who always stares at his position, he belches at a young age... "Prince Prince" is a high-risk occupation, the identification is complete!

Pulling a little palace lady, asking about the palace where the prince lived, Gu Ye replaced the cold chicken soup with a hot one, and opened the door and walked in.

"Who let you in? No rules!" The waiter next to the prince was selected by Princess Linlang, so loyalty was naturally not a problem. When Princess Linlang was there, she took care of everything in the East Palace. At that time, Gu Ye couldn't get in so easily.

The crown prince glanced at her half-new and not well-fitting court ladies' clothes, frowned, and asked in harmony: "Are you a new transfer? I haven't seen you before!"

Gu Ye smiled and said: "The slave servants are around the small kitchen of the Liangdian, and they are ordered to deliver chicken soup to His Royal Highness."

"Oh? Just now the concubine Yin Concubine came, why didn't you mention this?" Fude, the servant beside the prince, looked at her in confusion. In the past, when His Royal Highness was in poor health, his brothers believed that he was a dying person, and he did not move so much.

After taking the pill, the prince had only been on his body for just two days, and he couldn't restrain himself and started various small movements. The supplies and food that were delivered were all with debilitating things.

Fude received special training and is quite sophisticated in this regard. Those dirty things were cleaned out by the prince before he touched them. Concubine Yin gave chicken soup to the prince, is she so kind?

The emperor of Sen was obsessed with alchemy, thinking about being immortal. For the concubines in the harem, it is inevitable to be left out. However, Yin Fei is a special existence. It is normal for other concubines not to see the emperor for three to five months, and they may not be favored by the emperor once after a year.

Concubine Yin is different. Regardless of her being soft and weak, she won't fight or grab, but the emperor will stay in her palace several times a month. Sometimes the emperor was lack of alchemy, and would call her over to talk. It can be said that Concubine Yin is the most favored concubine in the harem, not one of them.

The reason why the emperor treated her differently was not only her soft voice and gentle temper, but also because she took good care of the two children she left behind after the death of the queen, Princess Linlang and the prince.

When Concubine Yin gave birth to the fifth prince, it was difficult to give birth. Perhaps it was because the time spent in the stomach was a bit long. The fifth prince’s intellectual development was slower than that of ordinary children. He is now twelve and still only has the IQ of six or seven-year-old children.

However, with her contribution to raising the prince and the princess, even the noble concubine in the harem who has a higher position than her dare not look down upon her. The crown prince and princess Lin Lang are also very kind, and they respect and love the concubine Yin Concubine...

However, since Lord Lin Lang mainly went to the country of Yan to seek medical treatment for the prince, Fu Fu noticed the change of the concubine Yin. Although she often came to see the prince, her eyes showed subtle sarcasm and slight pity from time to time. However, she hides it well, and sometimes Fude feels that she is careless.

When Princess Linlang was hunted and killed on her way to the country of Yan, the news came that she had almost lost her life, Fude had to think about it-she didn't know much about going to the country of Yan for medical treatment. This time, the targeted interceptions were clearly prepared and premeditated!

The purpose of hunting down the princess is naturally to prevent her from seeking medical treatment. The prince's illness will not heal, and of course his brothers will benefit.

Concubine Yin concubine hurt her body when she gave birth to the fifth prince, and she hasn't moved in her stomach for more than ten years. The fifth prince had already been excluded from the heir to the throne due to intellectual reasons. Logically speaking, she is the least likely to harm the Prince and Princess Linlang.

However, Princess Linlang asked for medical treatment except for their elder brothers and sisters, but also the Concubine Yin knew... Maybe it was because he was worried, and it was possible that he didn't know who had leaked the news. However, my instinct tells Fude that this person is not easy!

He raised his eyes and glanced at the little palace lady who was holding the chicken soup. He stepped forward and took the chicken soup and put it under his nose and sniffed gently. It smells so good! The saliva in Fude's mouth accelerated in an instant, if he hadn't swallowed it greatly, it would almost flow out.

"Has a change of cooks in the small kitchen in Raoliangdian?" The prince also smelled the scent of chicken soup. Because of long-term medication and physical reasons, it is difficult to have food to arouse his appetite. I barely eat every day, but I don't want to make this ruined body weaker.

He can still see death very well. It's just that I don't want to make people who cares feel sad. My sister gave so much for him. For her, he can last one more day!

However, the strong aroma from this cup of chicken soup actually aroused his appetite that had been silent for a long time, and made him eat, which was indeed quite surprising.

Gu Ye hesitated and said, "It doesn't seem to be a change of cooks, right? The servants and maidservants have just been assigned to Raoliang Hall, not quite clear.

"If you didn't change the cook, then the cook's craftsmanship has improved!" The prince smiled and glanced at Fude.

Fude took two bites from the cup and tasted it briefly-so fresh! It's really fragrant! Uh... this is the Prince's chicken soup, he knows he shouldn't covet it, but...

"Why? There is a problem with this soup?" Seeing Fude tasted another bite, the prince couldn't help but ask when he didn't bring the chicken soup over.

"Prince, this chicken soup tastes a bit wrong. The minion will have another bite, and there will be results!"

When Fude was about to pour the chicken soup out, Gu Ye couldn't help but speak, "Master, if you try again, the chicken soup will be gone!"

"Things that enter the prince's mouth, naturally you must be cautious. The potent poison is easy to distinguish, even if it is chronic. The prince's body can't help but a little bit of trouble!" Fude was righteous.

Gu Ye saw through his thoughts, shrugged, and said, "That's fine, you can taste it slowly. When you are done, remember to give me this bowl. I have to go back to work!"

I wonder if Concubine Yin found out that she was missing now! If you find it, where will UU read www.ukaká want to search for the first time?

"Master..." A clever little **** rushed in from the outside, his feet slipped on the wooden floor, and almost didn't sit on the ground.

Fu Fu glared at him with hatred of iron and steel: "What is the noise? Don't look at where it is. If you quarrel with the prince, I can't keep your head!"

The prince smiled and said indifferently, "Don't scold him anymore! I told him to follow the concubine Yin, and report something! It's okay for Xiao Guozi to have a more vigorous personality. In the East Palace, there is a lot of fun with him. !"

Fude smiled and glared at Xiao Guozi: "Prince Kuanyou, if you change to another palace, your boy's **** will have been opened! Come on, where did the concubine Yin go and who did you see? "

Xiao Guozi sniffed and stared at the chicken soup in the master's hand, absent-mindedly: "The Concubine Yin left the East Palace, and hurriedly went to Raoliang Hall. It seems there is something urgent!"

At this time, Concubine Yin should have found out that she is missing, she must be mad, right? Thinking of that gentle and peaceful face, showing a ferocious and ferocious anger, Gu Ye was stunned.

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