The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 988:  I like refreshing people

"Medicine box..." It was the fault of Concubine Yin. If she hadn't intervened, I was afraid that the two countries had negotiated conditions. At this time, the little doctor should be able to treat the prince! Fude asked eagerly, "Why don't you... write a handwritten script and we will send someone to Shengjing to fetch it quickly?"

"There is no need to go to Shengjing. My maid also followed the army to the border. She knew my habit and would carry the medicine box wherever she went. If there were no accidents, she should have brought it for me!" Gu Ye took it back with a smile! Hands up.

Fude was overjoyed and said: "Then what are you waiting for? Ga Suo——"

A man in black arrived. Just say, how could there be no protector around the prince. The emperor Lao'er looked a bit like a father, and sent a guard over.

"Ga Suo, you go to the army and bring the little genius doctor's medicine box..." Fude ordered eagerly.

The prince faintly said from the side: "Forde, I am afraid you have forgotten that the two countries are currently fighting in full swing. Ga Suo may not be able to see people, let alone get things."

"Uh... how about... the little genius doctor gave me a token or handwriting?" Fude stared at Gu Ye with a pair of small eyes.

"Credits, handwriting, etc. are easy to say. But...why did this girl give it to you? As your prince said, the two countries are now opposed. My husband braved the guns and arrows on the battlefield for me, regardless of danger. I Why help his rival son?" Gu Ye showed a fox smile.

"Didn't you... just said that? Every doctor is interested in intractable diseases..." Fude asked with a tentative smile on his face.

"I'm interested in your prince's disease. That doesn't mean I must cure him!" Gu Ye leaned Erlang's legs and sat on the chair by the table.

"You... were taken captive by Concubine Yin. At this time, she should have found that you escaped, and the palace is looking for you. In this palace, besides our prince who can protect you, who else can you turn to for help? You are cured My prince, we will keep you safe. Is this the head office?" Fude tentatively asked.

Gu Ye smiled again: "Your prince can't even guarantee his own safety. How to ensure the safety of this genius doctor. Besides, since this genius doctor can come out of the Raoliang Temple, doesn't it have a hole card to protect himself?"

The prince opened the door and said straightforwardly: "As long as we can do what the little genius doctor has, we will not refuse."

"Refreshing! I like to deal with refreshing people! You know, besides being a doctor, I am also a pharmacist. Let me just say it straight. I heard that there are many precious medicinal materials in your forest country, like snow lotus and cordyceps. La, Sanqi, and the ice worm that can cure all diseases in the legend of the top of the snow mountain..." Gu Ye paused, and the expression in his eyes was self-evident.

When the prince heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief: He was also worried that the little genius doctor would prescribe some terrific conditions, because he wanted these precious medicinal materials! Although the medicinal materials mentioned by the little genius are rare, there are a lot of them in the medicine storehouse of the palace. Even the "ice worms" in her mouth are packed in cold jade boxes.

If the cost of curing his illness increases and harms the interests of the country, he may hesitate for a moment. With medicinal materials, his prince can still be the master!

The prince readily agreed: "This prince will try my best to find these medicinal materials in the mouth of the little genius doctor. You can count them!"

Gu Ye said a number unceremoniously. Although it made the prince a little bit embarrassed, it was not impossible. The prince hesitated for a while, then agreed.

"That's OK, that's it! In addition to these, if His Royal Highness sends some rare treasures, I will reluctantly accept it!" Gu Yecai's temperament committed again. Applying for compensation is compensation. Wouldn't it be better if you can scrape it off from the prince?

The prince was amused by her: "Don't worry, as long as the prince's disease is cured, the baby in the prince's private treasury, let the little doctor choose you!"

"Atmosphere! Interesting! Don't worry, you are on my body!" Gu Ye eyebrows smiled, patted his chest and promised.

Her smile was very contagious, and the prince's mood suddenly became clear. He said to the little Guo Zi on the side: "You go and find out about the news about the Temple of the Liangs. Be smart, don't show any traces."

It's been a long time since Xiao Guozi saw such a relaxed smile on the prince's face. He grinned and followed with a silly smile: "Your Majesty, don't worry! At this time, Concubine Yin should still be in the emperor's Ascension Hall!"

Fu Fu slapped his apprentice on the head: "Smelly boy, why didn't you say that Concubine Yin went to the emperor? Report the news, don't you know the point?"

Xiao Guozi touched the back of his head, looking confused and said: "Did I just say that?"

"You only said that Concubine Yin was hurried to Raoliang Hall after leaving the East Palace, as if there was something important!" Fude hated iron and stared at Xiao Guozi-how could he be so stupid with limping eyes Apprentice?

Xiao Guozi said with a dazed expression: "Yes! She hurried to Raoliang Hall, and was stopped halfway by Grandpa Qi beside the emperor, saying that the emperor asked her to serve in Shengxian Hall... Didn't I say in the second half?"

"You didn't say it!" Gu Ye shook his head. How did this little **** survive in the palace? He can show himself to say-on the importance of worshipping a good master!

"Oh! I'm going to find out if Concubine Yin has come back from Shengxian Hall?" Xiao Guozi looked at the master's eager hand, and quickly drove away, or else his head would suffer again.

Ford grinds his teeth: "Smelly boy, run very fast!" After speaking, he knelt down and pleaded for his disciple.

The prince waved his hand and said, "Little Guo Zi is still young, so you can teach it slowly!"

The prince still liked Xiao Guozi's character, lively and pleasing, full of vitality that young people should have-this is what he lacks. However, this little **** is sometimes very clever, sometimes silly. Victory lies in loyalty, and it doesn't hurt to stay around.

Not long after, Xiao Guozi ran in like a gust of wind, panting and saying: "The Yin Concubine is still in the Ascending Immortal Hall, and there is nothing unusual in the Raoliang Hall. The little genius doctor is missing, hasn't no one noticed yet?"

"No one noticed? That's right!" Gu Ye stood up and turned to the prince, "I'll go back first, and I will see you in two days!"

"Go back? Where are you going back?" The prince looked at her in surprise.

Gu Ye said, "Since Concubine Yin didn't find me missing, of course she would go around the Liangdian! There is a saying,'The most dangerous place is often the safest!' I don't think Concubine Yin has the intention of killing me. It's better to go back. It’s much better to hide in the palace."

The prince's gaze was filled with admiration and respect. He thought for a moment and said: "The little doctor is so courageous. But are you sure that Concubine Yin will treat you?"

"Don't worry, even if she wants to do something to me, she has to have the ability! As you guessed, maybe Yin Concubine really intends to let me take care of her body and have another prince!" Gu Ye smiled confidently. She still has the ability to protect herself!

The prince watched the slender figure leave, and it took a long time to speak: "I didn't expect the little doctor to be so young and look younger than the lonely doctor, right?"

Fude thought for a while and said, "The little genius doctor should have a tender face. You forgot that besides the identity of the little genius doctor, she is also the concubine of King Ning. The evil **** of King Ning is eating us step by step for the sake of his wife. Where's the city!"

"On the side of Yan Country, women can marry at fifteen. It is not impossible to marry at the age of thirteen or four!" His Royal Highness climbed into a faint melancholy. The little genius doctor was worthy of a better person, but married someone She was a teenager, cruel and ruthless. Pity!

Fude looked at the empty bowl on the table-it was a pity that the delicious chicken soup fell into the belly of the little doctor in the end. After tasting two bites, it's better not to taste the chicken soup from the imperial dining room.

Gu Ye followed the route she remembered, bypassing the palace ladies and eunuchs. When she returned to the Temple of Raoliang, she was obviously relieved-it was so dangerous that she didn't get lost!

She bowed her head and covered her chest, and walked towards the place where the little palace lady was hidden. Suddenly, a voice stopped her: "Stop! It's you who are talking, what run?"

Then, a fat body blocked her way. Gu Ye secretly looked at the visitor, and from the clothes and eyes that were somewhat similar to that of Concubine Yin, he judged that the other party should be the fifth prince whose head was not bright in Fu Fu's mouth.

She hurriedly lowered her eyes and bowed her knees and said: "Give peace to the fifth prince..."

The fifth prince stared at her for a long time, then suddenly came up, sniffed, and said: "Say! Did you steal something delicious? Don't lie to me, I have a good nose!"

"The Fifth Prince is amazing!" Although Gu Ye saw that the fifth prince had an arrogant tone, his face was somewhat innocent. Thinking of his size, but only the intelligence of a seven or eight-year-old child, the look in his eyes was a little bit of pity.

The fifth prince had an expression of "Let me catch it", UU read and stretched out his fat hand toward her: "Hide something good, take it out quickly. Otherwise, I will tell my mother. Concubine, let her hit your board hard!"

Gu Ye pretended to have a trembling expression: "Fifth prince, don't... don't tell the empress. I took it out and it was..."

After that, there was a roasted chicken drumstick in the little hand hidden in the sleeve. As soon as the chicken legs were taken out, the fifth prince took a deep breath, staring at her with a brighter light, just like a cat seeing dried fish.

He suddenly suppressed his salivating expression, pretending to be fierce: "You little palace maid, who hides and eats privately, what's your sin?"

The five princes have round faces and round figures, but the features are very delicate, and they don't look bloated at all, especially the angry expression, which is quite cute.

To be replaced by another court lady, Hua Rong was so frightened that she knelt on the ground begging for mercy. Gu Ye showed a lovely smile, tilted his head, and looked at the fifth prince with his big eyes flickering: "I am going to give something to the prince, and he rewarded it to me. I am not willing to eat it. It’s served with rice at the time. If the fifth prince doesn’t believe it, you can ask the prince!"

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