The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 989:  Foodie 5 Prince

"Is there a drumstick in the prince brother?" The fifth prince suddenly thought that he hadn't visited the prince brother for several days. The elder brother of the prince was sick and could not go out to play every day while lying in bed, and had to drink bitter medicine. poor thing!

Gu Ye saw through his careful thoughts and said with a smile: "A chicken has only two legs. If the fifth prince goes at this time, the prince's chicken leg should be eaten. If the fifth prince doesn't dislike it, the slave's chicken leg give you to eat!"

The fifth prince smiled and stretched out his hand to pick up the chicken leg, but was stopped by the close **** beside him. Xiao Hongzi said with a bitter face: "His Royal Highness, this person is looking at Yansheng, whose origin is unknown. You can't eat her things casually!"

The fifth prince took a close look at Gu Ye, then turned to Xiaohongzi and said fiercely: "Who said she had an eye? I looked pretty good! Little maid, you say, are you a new maid from the Liangdian? Have I met you?"

"I'm a good newcomer! I haven't seen you, the fifth prince before." Gu Ye took his hand back, and put the chicken leg between his nose and sniffed, "If the fifth prince doesn't eat, then I will eat it!"

"You guy, you just said that you gave me the chicken thighs. How can you go back?" The fifth prince snatched the chicken thighs. Since it was given to him, it was his. It's another matter to eat or not.

But... this chicken thigh is really delicious! He has never had such a fragrant chicken drumstick! Sure enough, as the mother and concubine said, the good things in the palace are close to the prince and brother! However, the prince elder brother is sick, and eat more good food to get better soon. The prince brother said, when he gets better, he will take Xiaowu to ride a horse!

Xiao Hongzi saw the fifth prince open his mouth to bite the drumstick, and rushed up in shock, trying to **** the drumstick off. Although the fifth prince was fatter, his movements were quite flexible. He avoided Xiao Hongzi's hand sideways and took a big bite at the chicken leg.

Well! good to eat! ! The fragrance is rich, the meat is soft, and the flesh is separated in one bite, and the taste is so good, the fifth prince doesn't know what words to use to describe it.

He avoided Xiao Hongzi's snatch, and quickly gnawed away the chicken legs in his hands. He chewed even the bones-the taste in the bones is more fragrant and delicious!

He licked his fingers, looked at Gu Ye, and asked, "Is there any delicious food from the Prince's brother? I will trade the golden leaf for you!"

With that, he took out two golden leaves from his purse and looked at Gu Ye hopefully.

Gu Ye shook his head and said, "No! I just rewarded a chicken drumstick. You just ate it! If the fifth prince is fine, the slave and maid must go to clean the yard, and retire first!"

"Wait a minute! You can't go!" Xiao Hongzi quickly stopped the person. If the fifth prince eats his stomach, at least one of them will cushion his back.

The fifth prince pushed away Xiao Hongzi, stuffed the golden leaf into Gu Ye’s hands, and smiled and said: "What is your name? It's so hard to clean the yard. Don't do it. I will ask the mother to ask you for it. You follow me and don't let you do heavy work!"

In the opinion of the fifth prince, the little palace lady is a good person who is willing to give him such delicious chicken drumsticks. In addition, the little palace lady has big eyes, a sweet smile, and she looks very cute. When I look at it every day, I feel happy!

"Thank you for the kindness of the fifth prince! However, I am very satisfied with my current job and have no plans to change positions for the time being!" Gu Ye waved at the fifth prince and walked towards a corner of the palace.

The fifth prince did not force it, but only raised his voice: "What is your name! I will help you with a few words in front of your mother and concubine, and let those grand ladies and grandma take care of you..."

"Call me Xiao Ye'er!" Gu Ye shook the Golden Leaf in his hand at the fifth prince.

The fifth prince repeated in his mouth: "Xiao Ye'er? The name is so ordinary, not as good as Rong Ye's name!"

Xiao Hongzi's eyebrows drooped, and he looked at his master worriedly: "His Royal Highness, do you feel any discomfort? What about your stomach? Does it hurt?"

The fifth prince clutched his stomach, the smile on his face disappeared. In Xiao Hongzi's nervous expression, he sighed and said: "The drumsticks are too small to fill my teeth! I'm hungry, go, go to the kitchen to see if there is anything delicious!"

Xiao Hongzi looks even worse! Concubine Yin said that the fifth prince is too fat to eat like this anymore, let him stare a little. However, the fifth prince wants to eat, how can he stop it?

Today, the fifth prince ate a lot of breakfast, and used a plate of snacks in between. Now he is hungry before lunch time... what should he do? He feels that his **** may blossom at any time! The attendant of the fifth prince is a high-risk occupation!

Gu Ye avoided people, and soon came to the most remote corner of Raoliang Hall. The little palace lady who was stunned by her was still lying on the ground and knew nothing about her affairs. She changed her clothes back, took out a bottle, and put it under the little palace lady's nose. The little palace lady frowned, her eyelids moved a few times, and she was waking up. Gu Ye quickly withdrew...

The little palace lady was stunned when she woke up. Looking at the leaves on the ground, she got up in shock, picked up the broom and quickly swept the floor-she seemed to be asleep... Fortunately, she didn't let Mother Wu see it, otherwise she couldn't escape the board. ! She scans quickly, mother won't notice... right?

Gu Ye strolled on the way back to the side hall, and happened to meet the top of the master and servant of Concubine Yin who had returned from Shengxian Hall.

Gu Ye's expression was rather calm. After Yin Fei's face changed slightly, she hurriedly covered up with a smile: "Little genius doctor, are you awake?"

"Where is this? Why am I here?" Acting? Who won't? It depends on who has high acting skills. Gu Ye pretended to have just woke up and didn't know anything.

Concubine Yin smiled softly and stepped forward and took her hand to appease: "Don’t panic, the little genius doctor, you are safe! It is from the palace who rescued you from the gangster and brought you into the palace. This is the Raoliang Temple, even if the gangster has the means to reach the sky, he can't reach into the palace!"

Gu Ye showed a stunned look, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Niang Niang, for her rescue! You don't know how much crime I have suffered along the way... I don't know that it was the plague who robbed me from Yan Nation. If you let me I know, she must grind her skin and cramp bones into a pill, and give it to her relatives!"

The smile on Concubine Yin's face was slightly stiff, but she quickly concealed it: "Did the little genius doctor feel any uncomfortable? When you were sent in, you were unconscious. The imperial doctor had seen it and said that you were drugged!"

Gu Ye slapped his mouth, and said, "I have a strange smell of medicine in my mouth. I don't know what kind of medicine was given to those crazy and nasty things!"

Gu Ye saw that Concubine Yin's facial muscles twitched slightly. She grew up in a high-level class like her, and she was surrounded by high-level ladies of the same level, so she must have not been cursed by her nose. If you dare to use drugs to control your mother, you are the one who scolds you!

Concubine Yin asked hypocritically: "Ah? What can I do then? Does the little genius doctor think something is wrong?"

"So far, I don’t feel any strange." Gu Ye pretended to have a pulse diagnosis for herself, and continued to curse with confidence, "Let me know that the little crouch took me captive and give me medicine. I absolutely want to Make her regret being born in this world! Do you think it's better to be a "human being" or to become a medicine person?"

Concubine Yin's face turned pale, and half of her face was covered with a veil, Jiao Didi said: "Oh! Those who deal with the little genius doctor are hateful, but... such a cruel behavior, the non-doctor's kindness! By the way, Xiao Isn’t there a bit of news from the person behind the scenes when the genius doctor comes along this route?"

Gu Ye originally wanted to have a mouthful again, but she didn't miss the cold light flashing in Yin Fei's eyes. Well, she is still in the hands of others, and she can't just take care of her mouth. If you provoke Yinfei, I don't know what crooked ideas are going to fix her!

Gu Ye sighed, and said, "Oh! Don't mention it! The kidnapper was a mussel, and his mouth was very strict. He tried every means and didn't get a word out of his mouth. I suspect that he is. Not a dumb!"

Yin Fei's heart settled a little. Jin Moran is one of the few trusted confidantes she can trust, and has done a lot for her over the years. It's a pity that after this incident is over, he has paid off his kindness, and he has cleared up...Where can I find someone who is so easy to use?

"The little doctor looked haggard, so let's rest. After you have been in my palace for a while, I will trouble you to show the prince. Lin Lang wrote back and said that she has reached an agreement with the little doctor, and you agree Have you come to help the prince?"

If you don't know, after hearing this, I thought that Concubine Yin was concerned about the prince! This woman can really pretend! How many simple ones can you get in the palace?

Gu Ye waited for her to go out of the side hall, spreading on the bed, and let out a sigh of relief. She would rather have a real fight with someone, rather than live in the same room with such a person. too tired! It's no wonder that most people in the palace do not live long and live in calculations and anti-calculations all the time. What a waste of effort!

Gu Ye felt a little thirsty, and picked up the teapot on the table, which was empty. She curled her lips: She also said that she was treated as a distinguished guest. Is this how the palace of Sen Kingdom treats guests? Not even drinking saliva, inferior to prisoners!

She took out a glass of juice from the space, feeling a little hungry. I don’t know when the lunch will be served in this palace, and if there is any meal for her—Yin Fei has used her so much, maybe she still begs for her. Make her hungry, right? No matter, get some snack mats first!

Small snacks in the space, UU reading www. was packaged back from Qingfeng Building. She took out one piece of each kind of snack, and she put four or five small snacks on the veil and held it in the palm of her hand. As soon as a piece of pea yellow entered the entrance, she heard a "bang" and her door was kicked open.

Pea Huang got stuck in her throat, and Gu Ye almost didn't choke to death. She quickly picked up the juice she had caught, gulped a few mouthfuls, and swallowed the snack in her throat.

"Ha! It's you again! What did you steal this time?" The fifth prince stared at the snack wrapped in her handily.

Gu Ye rolled his eyes: Fifth Prince, you must have been a drug detection dog in your last life, with a good nose!

"Wow! These snacks can be eaten by your new little maid? You stole them this time? No wonder the prince went to the kitchen for a long time and didn't see the same snacks. The thief stole it!" The fifth prince had an expression of "I caught it."

Gu Ye said weakly, "What do you want?"

"These dim sum books have been confiscated by the prince, thinking that you are the first offender, so I will forgive you this time, and don't do it again next time!" The fifth prince winked at Xiao Hongzi-don't you hurry to get the dim sum? Still not moving? If you have no eyesight, let this prince do it yourself!

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