The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 990:  The maid becomes a genius doctor?

The fifth prince almost took the dim sum from Gu Ye with the speed of grabbing, and pretended to be vicious: "Let you go this time! I will steal things later and interrupt your hand!"

The fifth prince did not have enough IQ, but Xiao Hongzi noticed something was wrong: "Didn't you say you are going to clean the courtyard? Why are you sitting in this room? And changed your clothes?"

The fifth prince continued his words and said: "At first glance, I was lazy! Not doing work, and stealing snacks from the kitchen! If the mother who is in charge of you knows, you must be killed! Forget it, you look so cute. For the sake of this, I won’t report you. Xiao Hongzi, you are not allowed to complain!"

Is this something to complain or not to complain? Xiao Hongzi replied helplessly, and when he turned to look at Gu Ye, he asked, "Who are you on earth? What do you want to do when you enter the Raoliang Temple?"

Gu Ye glanced at him lightly, drank the juice all at once, so as not to be worried about it again. She said unhurriedly: "Who am I? You have asked the Concubine Yin, you will know it naturally!"

The fifth prince ate with relish, and even the dregs of the palms of his palms were licked cleanly. He looked at Gu Ye and said, "Are you still hiding other food? Take it out! Xiao Hongzi, you have said it, you are not allowed to complain to your mother and concubine. If you are not obedient, I will let the father take you. Replace it!"

Xiao Hongzi felt wronged and said in his heart: Who do I do all this day for? This thankless service, as if who would do it! If it wasn't for the kindness of the concubine Yin concubine to him, he wouldn't bother to care about these two fools!

Gu Ye patted his body and shook his head: "This is really gone! Your nose is so good, if you have food, can you escape your nose?"

"Yes! This prince has the best nose!" The fifth prince leaned over and sniffed **** her body. He didn't find the smell of the food, and said disappointedly, "Really gone? This prince hasn't eaten enough yet! I'll have it next time. Such a delicious snack, remember to save some for this prince!"

The minds of these five princes are probably growing up! There is no doubt that one can eat it! Gu Ye would rather deal with the inconspicuous foodie fifth prince than with his hypocritical and vicious mother and concubine.

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Okay! When I leave the palace next time, I will definitely bring you something delicious!"

"Out of the palace? Do you know where there is delicious food outside the palace?" The fifth prince sat down on the chair beside him, looking at her with his round chin.

"I just arrived in the Mori State, and I don't know anything else. The dishes and dim sum at Qingfeng Tower are famously delicious. If you want to eat something delicious, don't you just have to come to Qingfeng Tower?" Gu Ye shrugged.

Xiao Hongzi sneered and reminded her master: "Fifth prince, she is fooling you! Who doesn't know that the food at Qingfenglou is delicious? But that must be reserved in advance, sometimes in the queue for half a month. She may not be able to eat a meal. She is trying to trick you out of the palace, with bad intentions!"

Gu Ye curled his lips and said, "You said I lied to the fifth prince...what is the fifth prince worthy of me? It's just sold, it's not worth a lot of money?"

"Who said I'm worthless? I'm very valuable. The mother concubine loves me, so I must pay a big price to buy me!" The fifth prince protested. He is clearly the priceless treasure of the mother concubine. How could he be worthless?

"Thank you for reminding me. I will try if I have a chance. If you can really exchange money, please have a meal in Qingfenglou!" Gu Ye patted the fifth prince on the shoulders.

The fifth prince grinned, patted his chest and said: "You don't need to ask, I have money! You will bring me next time you go out of the palace, and I will treat you!"

"Yu'er, why are you here?" Empress Yinfei pushed the door in, and saw her fat son here, she said in a daze, "Little genius doctor, didn't the child bump into you?"

"No, we had a good chat. Didn't we?" Gu Ye smiled and looked at the fifth prince.

The fifth prince nodded vigorously, and said nonchalantly: "Mother concubine...How could the son not be the ignorant child of the tenth brother, how could he run into a guest? Xiao Ye'er is a good person, and she also said that he would treat me to a meal at Qingfenglou ! However, Xiao Ye'er is so poor that she has no money to pay!"

Concubine Yin knew her son's urinary sex, gave him a look, and said, "You see how fat you are, and you still want to eat a big meal. What is the corner of your mouth? Xiao Hongzi, didn't let you look at His Highness Five Don’t let him eat anything other than the main meal?"

Xiao Hongzi cried out in his heart: Can you blame me? What I said, the fifth prince must listen! But he only dared to think about this in his heart, and he could only admit his mistakes obediently.

Concubine Yin also knew that in the face of the son of gourmet food, even the eight cows could not be pulled back. How could a little Hongzi stop it?

"Order the kitchen, except for dinner, snacks, etc., don't prepare anything! From now on, the five princes will eat mainly vegetarian dishes!" Yin Fei looked at her son's gradually developing body, and had to be cruel.

The fifth prince screamed sadly: "Mother Concubine——"

"I will make a pill to suppress appetite, and I will face the fifth prince who has a strong appetite and can't control his mouth." Gu Ye couldn't help but said.

Concubine Yin thought for a while and said, "Don't bother the little genius doctor. Yu'er has his own palace to stare at, control his diet, and get used to it slowly!"

Gu Ye sneered inwardly: This is to guard her! A mentally impaired and simple-minded person who cannot spoil the prince, she will not stretch her hand on him frantically. Concubine Yin has performed "Villain Heart" to the extreme!

Concubine Yin changed the subject and said: "It's lunch time, my palace ordered the small kitchen to cook a lot of Yan Guo delicacies according to your northerners' tastes. Please also ask the little doctor not to dislike it!"

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it!" When the fifth prince heard the words of Yan Guo delicacy, he immediately sat down at the table and became a good baby waiting for the food. Gu Ye made a smile.

Concubine Yin gave the emperor a helpless look, and said to him: "You go to the main hall to eat with the concubine!"

At this time, dishes were brought up and placed on the table. The fifth prince looked at the delicacies that he hadn't seen or eaten before, smelling the scent, his eyes seemed to be glued to them, and he couldn't look away.

He swallowed, and said: "Mother concubine, you don't need to prepare specially. Whatever the guests eat, Yu'er will follow what they eat. The host does what he wants!"

Gu Ye chuckled and said, "His Royal Highness Five is really clever, able to draw inferences from one another. The term "the Lord is casual and the guest is very appropriate!"

Although the fifth prince was fourteen years old, his IQ and xinxing remained at seven or eight years old. Children at this stage like to listen to praise. He was so happy that he narrowed his eyes and said with a grin: "I learned the word'customer as you wish' from your husband today, and I remember it all!"

Then, with an expression of asking for compliment to Yin Fei, the triumphant expression almost flew to the sky.

Concubine Yin did not have any appreciation for him. She even thought Gu Ye's words were mocking her son for being stupid. Concubine Yin's hands concealed in her sleeves clenched--if it hadn't been for asking her, she would have been done! So annoying, this man!

"Let you go back to the main hall to eat, you just go, what do you do with so much nonsense!" Yin Fei sprinkled her anger on her son. If it weren't for him... if she was born a smart and healthy child, why is she just a concubine now?

She is just a joke in the palace now, too empty to be loved by the emperor, but there is no emboldened joke! The emperor's favor is like a misty wind that blows away at some point.

If her son is the prince, she will be the future queen mother. In this harem, she is the eldest, and no one can pass her! !

The fifth prince was taken aback by the sternness of his mother and concubine, flat his mouth, and looked at Gu Ye for help. Concubine Yin was even more angry: "Do you see what other people do? Why? Your wings are hard, so you don't even listen to what your concubine said?"

"Listen! Yu'er is obedient! Don't be angry with Concubine!" The fifth prince looked a little flustered, his expression a little helpless. What does he seem to be doing wrong? Annoyed the mother and concubine! Yu'er is a bad boy, will the mother and concubine stop loving him?

Food or something, there is no temptation to the fifth prince. He stood up suddenly and quickly left the side hall. When he went out, he stopped and looked back at his mother concubine timidly.

Gu Ye sighed in his heart. People often dump negative emotions on the people closest to them. The fifth prince is such a good child, but when he was reborn, he picked the wrong person and was reborn in the belly of Concubine Yin.

Yin Fei Qiang smiled and said: "Let the little genius doctor read the joke...I don't know if Yu'er is in this situation, is it possible to return to a normal person?"

Gu Ye thought for a while, and said: "The fifth prince is not a disease, but because of the lack of oxygen in the fetus, the brain development is retarded. At present, his symptoms are considered mild. If properly guided, supplemented with medicine and acupuncture, There is still hope for the mind to reach the standard of a normal person."

The five princes were simple in mind and good-natured, and were not suitable for life in the palace. If not protected by a powerful mother and concubine, he would definitely be cannon fodder. Like him, even if the mind returns to a normal state, it is still not suitable for intrigue in the palace. Perhaps, he is the most beneficial to him now.

Concubine Yin's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly asked: "Are you saying... Yu'er has hope to become a normal person? Can read and practice martial arts... just like his brothers?"

Gu Ye deliberately said: "What I said about returning to normal people's level, UU reading is only purely intellect. Once the xinxing is formed, it is difficult to change. Besides, the recovery of the five princes cannot be done in one hand. Just, maybe a few years, or even more than ten years... Besides, the learning ability of ordinary people is good and bad!"

Yin Fei heard the words, the light in her eyes gradually dimmed. She understood what Gu Ye meant, even if her Yu'er could return to a normal human intelligence level, she didn't know how many years later. After recovery, it is impossible to be as intelligent as the prince, since he was a child prodigy!

Concubine Yin said with a strong smile to Gu Ye: "Little genius doctor, only you can help Yu'er! Please be considerate of a mother's mood. Like Yu'er, my heart is like someone stabbed and stabled. He can Back to the standard of a normal person, even if it is dull, as long as I can be healthy and safe, I will be able to close my eyes in the future."

If Gu Ye didn't know her details well, he was really bewildered by her motherly expression and tone! What she said sounds very touching. It's just that I don't know how genuine her words are!

"Don't worry! I will do my best to help the fifth prince get well soon." Gu Ye nodded.

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