The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 991: False feelings

Concubine Yin turned her back, dipped her eyes with her veil, and said, "Thank you for the little genius. My palace will not disturb the little genius. The person who took the little genius has not been found yet. The little genius will live here first. Next, if you have any needs, just ask them."

Gu Ye stood up, sent the people outside, gratefully said, "Thank you, Concubine Yin!"

Sending away Empress Yin Concubine, she said to the court lady who was serving on the side: "You go out and rest. When I am not used to eating, someone will be waiting next to you. By the way, I have a medicine list, and you will prepare Concubine Yin. I started to help the Five Princes make medicine in the afternoon!"

The maid of the palace brought in pen and ink, and Gu Ye wrote a lot of good medicines, some of which could be used, and some of the medicinal materials produced in the forest country, Yan country and Dongling were not easy to obtain. Yin Fei's cheapness is not taken for nothing. She is so exhausted to accompany Yin Fei acting in a play, and deal with her, can't let Yin Fei give some blood?

After lunch, Gu Ye used pharmacy as an excuse to find the most remote place in the temple, closed the door, and took a nice nap. After he got up, he poured out the medicines that he sent over until the whole yard was scattered. When the medicine was fragrant, Gu Ye was no longer in Raoliangdian—she changed into the clothes of a little **** and strolled around the palace!

In the afternoon, except for the heavily guarded Shengxian Hall and Zhenglu Hall, she almost strolled around the palace. When he returned, he met the secret guard beside Yin Fei. Gu Ye paused in his footsteps and swaggered past the black masked guard.

Unexpectedly, the hidden guard followed her and entered the yard of the pharmaceutical company she chose. Gu Ye turned his head fiercely, and stretched out his hand to make a deterrent action: "Pharmaceutical powerhouse, no idlers should enter!"

The black-robed Anwei looked at her with dark eyes. Gu Ye struck her neck and refused to give in.

Suddenly, the secret guard let out a familiar laugh: "Okay, you! Think of this palace as your back garden? When did the palace guards become so slack, making you a low-level **** wandering around?"

Gu Ye stood on tiptoe and tore off the dark guard's black veil-under the veil was a strange and ordinary face. Gu Ye curled his lips and said, "I didn't expect the hidden guard leader wanted by the whole country to change his identity and hide in this palace. As expected, the most dangerous place is the safest!"

"Since we have reached an agreement. I brought you all the way from Yan Country to ensure your safety in the palace. This identity already exists. It's just that there are not many people who know my identity!" Jin Mo Ran pulled the face towel from her hand and put it on her face again.

Gu Ye glanced at him with slanted eyes, and said, "If you follow me blatantly like this, are you afraid that Concubine Yin will doubt your identity?"

"I just took the mission, and that is to protect your safety, the little genius doctor!" Jin Moran opened the door where the fragrance of medicine was wafting out, and walked in swaggeringly.

Seeing the medicine stewed on the stove, he said: "It's not your medicine, don't you feel bad, do you? Don't all the people who make medicine love medicine like Zhen? I have never seen a pharmacist who spoils medicine like you!"

Gu Yefei rolled his eyes to him: "What do you know? These medicines smell strong, but they are actually worthless ordinary herbs. Precious medicinal materials, I still have important uses!"

"All right! You can toss, I'll help you stare outside!" Jin Moran couldn't help reminding, "Yin Fei sent me to stare at you, but it doesn't mean that you won't send others over. You are in the palace. When you come, don’t worry!"

"Who waved? I'm called scouting terrain! Don't you understand? Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles!" Gu Ye tugged, and suddenly she changed her conversation and asked, "How much do you know about the national teacher?"

"Why? Seeing that the parents are Dejun, I started to inquire about others' details?" Jin Moran jokingly joked, and then sternly said, "Guo Shi is a man of incomparable wisdom and ability to govern the country. The emperor of the Sen country Indulge in alchemy and soaring, and become less and less concerned about national affairs. If there is no national teacher, the court may have been chaotic long ago!"

"What is his origin? He looks quite young..." Gu Ye couldn't tell why he paid attention to the national teacher. It was definitely not because of his appearance!

Jin Moran shook his head and said, "I don't know his origins. It seems that he appeared suddenly, and somehow gained the appreciation of Emperor Sen. He is familiar with astronomy and geography, and he predicted several major disasters, which made the country The people have saved a lot of losses!"

Is there really a half immortal in this world that can be pinched? Gu Yezhu felt that there was something against him--every time the national teacher looked at her eyes, she felt something was wrong. She couldn't tell what was wrong.

and many more! Since the national teacher can tell fortune-telling, he has already seen through her identity, right?

In the next few days, Gu Ye was very "secure" to make medicine, so "behaved" that Yin Fei felt incredible. How did she know that people are in the space every night, reporting work to her husband!

"Husband, Concubine Yin finally couldn't help it today, so I got her pulse and asked vaguely about her infertility. I don't know what she thinks!" Gu Ye was lying on the rocking chair in the space. Go up, gnawing sweet pears, and cocked his feet to vomit.

When Ling Juechen heard her swallowing juice, he could imagine her current appearance. He smiled and said, "What else can I think? Of course I went to that position!"

"Yin Fei, this brain! I don't want to think that when she is pregnant, the child is born and raised. His brothers will have grown up long ago, and even the next generation. She is so confident that the emperor will pick her child. Heir?" Gu Ye took a big bite of the delicate and juicy pear meat and sighed contentedly.

"Aren't you talking about it? She tried to control you with drugs. Maybe she would use this drug on Emperor Sen? Or maybe they have other cards!" Ling Juechen suddenly felt a little bit thirsty.

Gu Ye shrugged, "If she feeds the old emperor with drugs, will the emperor be able to live until her son grows up?"

"What are you going to do? Will you treat her?" Ling Juechen poured a cup of tea, took a sip and then put it down in disgust--he missed his wife! The war here can be set aside for the time being, and he feels it is necessary for him to take a personal trip to the peace talks!

Gu Ye smirked and said, "Cure! Why not cure? What can be compared, is it more soothing to let the concubine Yin be broken after having hope?"

"What? Are you reluctant to think about it in the Senguo Imperial Palace? Do you have to wait for the concubine Yin to become pregnant and give birth before I can see my beautiful, cute and capable princess?" Ling Juechen said dissatisfied.

"Then...well! I'll just speed up the process! Her disease is not difficult to treat, drink a few medicines, and then give her some ovulation injections. As for whether she can get pregnant, it depends on her good luck and methods! "Gu Ye finished gnawing the pears, and washed his hands in the pool of space, "Huh? Little Honglian has grown up again, does it mean that he will soon be able to bear lotus seeds again?"

"Didn't Honglian always have lotus seeds? But only when the owner's life is in danger will he mature!" Ling Juechen reminded her amused.

Gu Ye was a little confused: "Is that right? Little Honglian only bears two lotus seeds at a time. Does it mean that both the owner of the space and his partner can be protected by Little Honglian?"

Ling Juechen was also not quite clear. Although this red lotus ring was uploaded by his ancestor, there has never been a record of it. Maybe there was one before, but it was lost in the long river of history... Only verbally passed on from generation to generation, saying that this ring is very special. No one can tell how special it is.

Gu Ye said again: "I made the lotus seed that I knotted last time, and you must take it with you. There may be danger on the battlefield at any time. Don't take your martial arts and strength away from it!"

Ling Juechen's eyebrows gradually became gentle, and the feeling of being cared by the little wife at all times was really good!

As for the bottle of medicine, its effect has been verified. In order to save Gangzi, the guy Dapeng was shot through by the enemy's **** archer, and the bottle of potion saved his life!

"General, Dapeng is awake!" Gangzi opened the tent and came in from the outside, his eyes red.

Ling Juechen reluctantly said goodbye to his wife. Dapeng's camp was crowded with people who came to visit him with news. Ling Juechen wrinkled two piercing eyebrows, and said coldly, "Go out!"

The young generals who established the revolutionary friendship behind him in the war with Dapeng, although some were afraid of the God of War coach, some people took courage and whispered: "We heard that Dapeng was out of danger and came to see him! "

Yueyuan rubbed her crying red eyes, and hurriedly chased her guests: "You all carry germs on your body. Surrounded by them will increase the chances of wound infection. Dapeng is at the heart of your heart. You never want him to die. Under the enemy’s arrow, you were killed, right?"

She said this very rudely! Since Yueyuan and Gu Ye parted ways, UU Read www.uukā has been in the army. Her medical skills were so deep that Gu Yezhen passed on, and these days many seriously wounded were brought back from the death line.

But she never expected that one day her fiancé would hang by a thread and be sent to her. Looking at the feather arrow stuck in Dapeng's chest, and listening to Gangzi's self-blaming words, Yueyuan could hardly stand.

How can this fool be so stupid? Use your own life for someone else's? Have you forgotten that you are not alone now, do you have a fiancee waiting for your triumphant marriage?

There is almost no possibility of surviving in the position of the heart. No, her girl was injured in the same position. Isn’t it good now?

She can't panic, Dapeng's life is waiting for her to save... But she doesn't know how to start! If only the girl was here! ! Yueyuan resented her not being good at learning.

Fortunately, the prince had a life-saving potion presented by their girl, which saved Dapeng's life. She took out the arrow by herself. Dapeng's heart and lungs were indeed traumatized, and ordinary people would have died of injuries like this. Fortunately, Dapeng's physical fitness is good. Gangzi delivers people in time. The most important thing is the girl's life-saving medicine!

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