The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 992:  It hurts

The idlers in the tent were invited out, leaving only Ling Juechen, Yueyuan and Gangzi. After Dapeng woke up, he looked guiltily at Yueyuan’s red eyes and apologized with difficulty:

"I'm sorry, I promised you to protect yourself on the battlefield, but you didn't do it. Don't cry, wait for me to get better, you can beat me and punish me anyway. You cry my heart hurts more than being shot through by an arrow!"

"Brother sister, if you want to punish me, you should also punish me. If it wasn't for my carelessness and the enemy took advantage of the loopholes, I would not expose myself to danger, and Dapeng would not try to save me..." Gangzi turned to his head. I thumped it a few times.

When Dapeng looked at him, the gentleness on his face was replaced by fierceness: "It's good to know that you are wrong! You haven't married a wife and leave a queen for your family. If you die on the battlefield like this, can Uncle Liu spare you?"

Gangzi replied unconvincedly: "It sounds like you have married a wife!"

Dapeng raised his hand with difficulty and held the moon, with a triumphant smile on his face: "Daughter-in-law, I will have it soon. Do you still worry about your child if you have a daughter-in-law? You are so angry that you are a single dog!"

"Okay! Let Dapeng rest! Full moon, you have to work hard all night, watch him, don't let him be a demon. If necessary, you can use extraordinary means!" Ling Juechen saw that Dapeng still has energy. Poor mouth, definitely can't die, so he turned and left with confidence.

"What does the general mean? What is extraordinary means?" Dapeng was a little confused.

Yueyuan covered him with the quilt, fed him two sips of water, with a grimace on his face: "The prince's meaning is very simple, if you are not honest and obedient, you will stun you, or stun you with medicine. Choose one. !"

Dapeng looked at Yueyuan pitifully, and said, "I am a severely wounded person now. You wouldn't treat me such a pitiful little person so cruelly, would you?"

"You take the medicine obediently, sleep obediently, naturally what you are worried about will not happen! Come on, the temperature of the medicine is just right, drink it down!" Yueyuan held up a bowl of black medicine that exuded a strong medicinal smell. Bowl, showing the smile that can scare the crying children in horror movies.

Dapeng cried and said, "Why is the soup medicine? Is there no symptomatic pill in the princess's medicine box?"

"What? Do you dare to dislike the medicine I prescribed?" Yueyuan burst into tears suddenly, "Do you know how scared and worried I was when you were sent over? I'm afraid I will become a widow. !!!"

"Do you know that doctors are most afraid of performing operations on people close to them because they are afraid that the operation will be affected by emotions! However, only I can save you in the entire camp. When I picked up the scalpel, how did my hands shake? But yours My life is in my hands, and I have to work hard to calm down..."

The tears of the full moon fell on the back of Dapeng’s hand, burning his heart like magma: "Do you know that when you saw your heart and lung lobes that were severely injured during the operation, how broken I was and I kept praying in my heart A miracle happened... After finally pulling you back from Lord Yan, what did you get in return? You actually dislike the prescription I prescribed, the medicine you boiled yourself!"

"I'm sorry, can't I make a mistake? Don't cry, I drink! You boil the poison with your own hands, and I drink it without blinking!" Dapeng panicked, struggling to sit up.

Yueyuan was afraid that he would bump into the wound, so she hurriedly held him down, using a spoon to feed the medicine into Dapeng's mouth bit by bit. Dapeng wrinkled his face and took the painful medicine, and carefully looked at Yueyuan's face and said: "Can you please give me a good drink and let me drink it all at once?"

"You shouldn't move now, I'm afraid that feeding too fast will choke you!" Yueyuan dabbed the corner of his mouth with a kerchief, and continued to feed the medicine spoon by spoon. Dare to dislike her medicine, it will not kill you!

Finally, the torture ended, Dapeng weakly asked: "Do you have any sugar? Your mouth is so bitter..."

"Sugar will neutralize some of the properties of the medicine, you are too badly hurt, try not to eat sugar! Come to drink mouthwash, gargle, go to bed early!" Yueyuan is not salty and authentic.

No matter how slow Dapeng is, he realizes that the future wife seems to be angry with him, what should I do? Coax! Otherwise, every day from now on, he will have to fight the painful medicine.

However, they didn't give him a chance at all, and let him rest. He also threatened to stun him if he was disobedient. Dapeng lamented in his heart: He is estimated to be ranked first in the world's most tragic injury list!

His wife's demands (prestige) begged (threatened), what else can he do besides complying. Wake up after sleep, then coax your wife!

In the Royal Palace of the Forest Kingdom, apart from sneaking out to stroll around the garden every day, Gu Ye was serious about training the concubine Yin to get pregnant. Concubine Yin already knew about her changing clothes and sneaking out to play.

However, for the sake of her treating their mother and son, as long as she doesn't cause trouble and doesn't approach the prince, the concubine Yin will pretend not to know.

It is impossible not to join the prince! With Jin Moran covering for her, Gu Ye went into and out of the Raoliang Temple and the East Palace, as if in no one.

She had reached an agreement with the prince. In addition to the conditions promised by Princess Linlang, Gu Ye opened his mouth again and added a lot of conditions, including the construction of a medicinal material base in the country. However, the prince also took the opportunity to propose that Gu's Pharmaceuticals should open a branch in Senguo-this is a good thing for the country and the people!

Gu Ye didn't want to have so many branches, it was too much trouble! Not only the production process, but also the purchase and sales, she can't take care of both. How much money is it? Enough is enough! Now she is not short of money.

The four factories of Yan Guo and Dong Ling are enough to feed her and her future children. Why bother to be so tired as a dog for money? Now she has a husband to support her, money is not money, it is really not important!

The prince was moved with affection, understood with reason, and even patted his chest and said that she did not need to worry about the procurement channels and sales channels of the medicinal materials. Gu's pharmaceutical only took care of the production, and he and sister Linlang stared at the others. She suffers!

Seeing him so sincere and sincere, Gu Ye finally reluctantly agreed. However, the Senguo pharmaceutical factory only produces some civilian medicines, such as antibiotics, which are not provided to the military! The border between the two countries is still igniting war, and even if peace talks in the future, it is impossible to maintain the outward friendship.

Although the prince was unwilling, he finally agreed. The two reached an agreement: Once antibiotics and alcohol are found for military use, Gu’s Pharmaceuticals will immediately withdraw from Sen. All Gu’s pharmaceuticals will never be sold to Sen....

After the conditions were negotiated, Gu Ye carried Concubine Yin on his back and began to treat His Royal Highness. She took out a box made of golden nanmu from her bag-this box is purely pretentious. Open the box, there are dozens of golden needles in the long and short.

"Take off your clothes!" Gu Ye held the golden needle and lifted his chin at him.

"Take off..." Prince Senguo was about the same age as Gu Ye, this man and woman had different, isn't it good? His ears turned red instantly, and he asked in a low voice, "Are you all naked?"

"Just take off your shirt!" Gu Ye looked at his red ears, and raised up to tease him, "However, if you have exhibitionism, I have nothing to say if you are naked!"

"You, you are a girl, can you stop talking like that?" The crown prince's dry and yellow face also began to be flushed, and he looked energetic.

"Healer's parents! Don't say your father and mother, you've never seen your naked ass!" After Gu Ye waited for him to take off his shirt slowly, he held the golden needles in his hand and waved them in a sudden, six golden needles trembling. On the main point on the Prince's chest.

Fude, who was waiting nervously on the side, only felt dazzled for a while. The hand of the little genius doctor inserted the needle and traced the afterimages of his debut, just like a master's trick, his eyes are not enough!

"That's all right?" The prince looked down at the golden needle on his chest and couldn't help asking.

Gu Ye looked at the illiterate expression: "How is it possible! Are there any guards or secret guards with high martial arts skills by your side? Let him come out and help! The kind with superb internal strength!"

The prince was silent for a moment and called out a name, and an ordinary but unfathomable secret guard appeared in front of them.

Although Gu Ye didn't understand martial arts, she intuitively told her that this person's skill cultivation is not lower than that of Lao Jin. However, compared to her husband, it is still a bit worse.

Gu Ye took out a meridian diagram, and said to the dark guard: "You put your hand against the Lingtai acupoint of your prince, and slowly inject it along the direction of the meridian I drew with your internal force, between the limbs and the avenue in his body. Wander around. Your Royal Highness, if you feel anything strange in the middle, just tell me!"

The dark guard glanced at the meridian map, sat down behind the prince, and slowly injected his internal strength into the prince's body according to the guidance of Care Yee. After running for a week, the prince said nothing.

Gu Ye asked the dark guard to add another 10% internal strength, UU Reading expanded his skills and slowly pushed in the prince's body. This was what she saw in a medical book that was said to be lost. It was called "Golden Needle Exploration".

This is also her first attempt. After all, this needle method requires the use of gold needles and internal force. She had never practiced martial arts, and she had no internal strength, so she could only turn to foreign aid.

This needle method can detect abnormalities hidden in the body that are not visible on the surface. No way, judging from the pulse condition, the prince’s illness was just weakness, and the root cause could not be found. It is necessary to find out the reason if only tonic to cure the symptoms but not the root cause.

Ok! She admitted that she was curious about whether this golden needle was really as divine as the book said. This is the subject of observation experiment!

"Yes! I have!" The prince suddenly opened his eyes and said, "The Qihai acupuncture point two inches below the navel, it seems that something is squirming..." Uh, it's not that he is hungry, his stomach is squirming. ? That would be embarrassing!

Gu Ye raised his hand lightly and pierced the golden needle exactly into the position the prince said.

"There is a bit of tingling at the Yunmen Point, as if something is digging around!" The prince said with a slight sweat on his head and frowned.

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