The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 994: Give or take

If Gu Ye knew what he was thinking in his heart, he would definitely spray him. Little kid, just relying on the position of the queen, wants to trick the old lady back? I just don't pick you up? You pee and look at your face, like a skeleton. If you get married, you can't have nightmares every day!

She doesn't have the superb looks like her husband's, and there is a soul that fits in. If you want to marry her, go dream! No, no dreams are allowed!

Gu Ye strolled from the East Palace back to the Liangdian Hall, first returned to the temporary pharmacy side hall to smoke the smell of medicine, and then came to the main hall to check the results of Yin Fei moxibustion-the first step in preparing for pregnancy, "Quelling Cold and Warm Palace"!

Concubine Yin was lying on the bed honestly, and the moxibustion tools placed on her lower abdomen were pictures drawn by Gu Ye, and Concubine Yin made her work overnight. The maid beside her was also urgently trained in moxibustion skills by Gu Ye. She operated the moxibustion these days.

Gu Ye pretended to take the pulse of Concubine Yin, and asked, "How do you feel? Do you feel warm in your stomach?"

"Yes!" The lady of the palace replied on behalf of the lady, "not only the lower abdomen has become warmer and softer, but her cold hands and feet have also been significantly improved."

Gu Ye began to pull medical treatment: "This moxibustion is a treatment method that adjusts the physiological and biochemical functions of the human body by stimulating the activity of the meridian, so as to achieve the purpose of disease prevention and treatment. The mechanism of moxibustion is similar to that of acupuncture. It has complementary therapeutic effects with acupuncture."

"Then... when will the little genius doctor give us acupuncture?" the grand palace lady asked.

"No hurry, let me consolidate for a few more days. I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!" Gu Ye's voice paused, and then said, "By the way, I will do a Chinese medicine fumigation for the empress tonight. You will learn a little bit by the side. Traditional Chinese medicine fumigation has a very good effect on removing cold air and moisture, regulating blood and nourishing menstruation. Not only the mothers, but also those who have cold palace and irregular menstruation, can also be improved by moxibustion and fumigation!"

The grand palace lady thanked her for her winning streak. After learning moxibustion and traditional Chinese medicine fumigation, she has the capital to gain a foothold in the palace. Originally, it was not her turn to learn moxibustion.

But the close-fitting maid beside her, who was sensitive to Ai Yan, burst into tears when she touched her before she fell on her head. If the empress is pregnant with the dragon son after her treatment, then she can be regarded as a meritorious service, and the situation of the dominance of the palace maid around the Liangdian is about to end!

When Concubine Yin learned that she had the hope of conceiving a dragon again, she was extremely anxious. The emperor is getting old day by day, she only has a silly son, no matter who sits in that position in the future, her evening scene will not be better. Is there anything more reliable than your own son?

She couldn't help asking: "Little genius doctor, how long will my body take?" Not three to five years? The prince's body would not have survived that time without a doctor. When he died, the brothers underneath had long been eyeing the position of the prince. If all the dust settles, what will happen to her and her son?

Gu Ye gave her a confident look: "Don't worry! If you want to change to another doctor, it will not be effective in a few years. The mother is lucky, and I met this girl! At most three to five months, the mother will definitely There is good news. If you are more lucky, maybe there will be good news in a month or two!"

"Really?" Yin Fei grabbed her hand, and because of excitement, her beautifully manicured nails pierced the back of her hand.

Gu Ye took out his hand with a grin and grinned his teeth secretly, and said: "This genius doctor never believes me! As long as the mother cooperates, what I said will be realized!"

Gu Ye listed the medicinal materials needed for fumigation, and let Yin Fei prepare them. Then he taught the grand palace lady who was brought up temporarily how to boil the potion and how to fumigate it. Fortunately, this girl has a good talent, and she learns fast—another nurse who was delayed by her status as a court lady!

I don't know the identity of this girl, would you like to follow her? With such a person by her side, she can relax a lot-well, now she is thinking about digging a corner! Forget it, this girl is from the Mori country, and the palace is so intricate, even if it is given to her, she dare not use it!

Gu Ye watched the maid boil a pot of potion, and then instructed her to operate the fumigation method, so Shi Shiran left-in the name, go back to give medicine to the concubine Yin Concubine!

To produce a new drug, the time, energy, and money spent are "unimaginable", let alone two drugs?

As a result, the small and remote yard became a forbidden place for the Liangdian Temple. Except for Gu Ye... and the "secret guards" who followed her, they were able to come and go freely, and everyone else was free to talk!

The stalking "secret guard", shortly after Gu Ye entered the yard, he carried a large food box and jumped in from the wall. Gu Ye glanced at him and said, "Why did you come back? Want to starve me to death! How about? Has the chopped pepper fish head packaged?"

Jin Moran, who was disguised, burped contentedly, and said with a smile: "I'm doing errands, don't worry! It's still hot, eat while it's hot!"

Gu Ye opened the food box, took out the dishes on the table, and said: "You don't treat yourself badly at all. You came back only when you were full?"

"It's the first time for my old Jin to enjoy the privilege of not having to make an appointment at Qingfeng Tower! Your jade pendant is so good... Anyway, you can't leave the palace recently, so let me keep it for you! From now on, your daily meals, I promise to deliver it on time!"

As Jin Moran said, he shamelessly stuffed the jade pendant into his arms.

Gu Ye glared at him, picked up his chopsticks and stretched it towards the fish head he was thinking of. He clamped a piece of cheek meat and put it in his mouth: "Can you be better off, don't you think about digging something from me? "

"Oh, I just borrowed it for a temporary use. Besides, I'm the head of the dignified guard, I'll run errands for you, so I can't give you any benefits! I can't even want to run the horses, and don't feed them!" Jin Mo Although Ran was full in Qingfeng Building, she was greedy again when she saw the dishes on the table.

Gu Ye nodded and said, "Let's do it! Take the jade pendant first. When I leave, remember to return it to me!"

Jin Moran sighed and said, "I said you, why are you so stingy? Isn't it just a piece of jade pendant? I will find you ten or eight pieces of material, and I will ensure that each is better than this one!"

"Don't be sloppy! Don't want to be greedy for my jade pendant! Tell you, I can make this jade pendant invalid with one word, do you believe it?" Gu Ye stuffed a piece of pineapple slurp meat into his mouth, and didn't forget to fly at him. Roll your eyes.

Jin Moran licked his face and bargained: "You can't give me the jade pendant? How can we be considered old friends? Tell yourself, I was saddened for you along the way, so I broke my heart! After you entered the palace Worrying about your safety, I came in specially to protect you. Isn't our friendship worth a piece of jade?"

"Friendship? We are the relationship between the hostage and the kidnapper, fart friendship?" Gu Ye vomited.

Jin Moran narrowed his mouth and said, "You're boring? What kind of old accounts? Didn't our roles change? I became the one under control. Whom do I call to reason?

Let's talk about it, and Yu Pei will give me a gift. I go to Qingfeng Building twice a month without making an appointment. Don't worry, you know that Qingfeng Tower is opened by your house, and you don't have enough money for your money. Can you say that this works? "

"Okay, okay!" Gu Ye said impatiently, "It's not impossible to give it to you, but it can't be for nothing! Don't you know my iron cock? I want to pull roots on me, no way!"

"You said, what are the conditions?" Jin Moran was mentally prepared for hemorrhage.

Gu Ye frowned and thought for a while, and said, "Oh! I haven't thought about the conditions for the time being, you owe it first. Don't stand here, it will affect my mood for dining, get up!"

"Okay! Before you think about it, I will keep this jade pendant for you. Anyway, if you can't leave the palace in a short time, I will help you bring it back. By the way, it counts as a trip for both of us. For the sake of the same boat, the conditions should not be too difficult, okay!" Jin Moran bargained.

Gu Ye waved his hands like a fly, and said, "Okay, I know! Go away quickly, your salivating eyes make people can't eat it!"

"It's like I'm interested in you!" Jin Moran trembles deliberately, making a frightened expression.

Gu Ye pointed at him with chopsticks and threatened: "Give you a chance to reorganize your language! Let's talk about it after you think about it-that jade pendant..."

Jin Moran hurriedly said: "I was wrong! I mean, you are King Ning's person, I just borrowed the courage from God, I dare not miss his princess!"

"You didn't take the courage to God, didn't you also plan a kidnapping case to take King Ning's precious princess?" Gu Ye glanced at the part of his gallbladder, as if to penetrate the flesh and reach the inside of the organs of.

Jin Moran shivered, and quickly slipped away: "I kindly remind you, you hurry up and eat, you will arrive soon. UU Reading"

As soon as his voice fell, he heard the voice of the fifth prince, and came from the courtyard gate: "Little Ye'er, the genius doctor, what did you steal with your prince? Don't hide it, I can smell it!"

Jin Moran quickly disappeared from the room, and then the fifth prince's fat body stepped into the threshold and sniffed exaggeratedly.

"You really belong to a dog, right?" Gu Ye pulled his beloved chopped pepper fish head in front of him and stuffed it into his mouth. The appetite of this idiot and the dishes on this table may not be enough for him to eat alone. It's sloppy. I shouldn't have kowtow with Lao Jin just now.

The fifth prince saw the food on the table, his eyes lit up, and his plump body was extremely quick and dexterous. He quickly squeezed himself into a chair by the table, pinched a pig's hoof and stuffed it unceremoniously into his mouth.

Gu Ye spit fish eyes on the table and looked at him disgustingly: "I said the fifth prince, you are a prince anyway, don't be like a beggar who has been hungry for 800 years, okay? Can we be more gentle? "

"Isn't there no outsiders! Little Hongzi, go and get a pair of chopsticks for your lord...I am adding a small bowl for soup to drink." The fifth prince nibbled on the spicy pork knuckles, his mouth was so spicy that he breathed in. Not willing to stop.

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