The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 995:  The Siege of Lingcheng

After gnawing a pig's feet, he looked at the chopped pepper fish head in front of Gu Ye, licked his smiley face and asked: "Mr. Xiaoye'er, what are you eating? Give me a taste?"

Gu Ye rolled his eyes and said, "Chop Chili Fish Head, don't you like fish meat?"

The fifth prince ate fish when he was young, and was once stuck by a fishbone. The fear and dislike of fish, after letting him hit, he never touched a bite of fish, including fish soup.

When it heard it was a fish, and it was a fish head with no meat, he was not interested anymore, and stretched out his paw to a strange-looking dish. I squeezed a piece and put it in my mouth. It was so sweet and glutinous, with a faint fragrance. He ate several pieces in a row before he was free to ask, "What is this, is it a snack?"

"Fangsha taro is a kind of sweet dish with a layer of icing sugar on the outside of taro." Gu Ye took a few of them on the other side of the plate, away from the claws of the five princes, and placed them in a small bowl in front of him.

Xiao Hongzi brought the bowls and chopsticks. The fifth prince is even more like a fish in water, eating so much! There are four dishes and one soup. Except for the fish head with chopped pepper, Gu Ye will taste one or two more of the other dishes, and let him make rounds for the others.

"Fifth prince, you are eating, not in your own palace, is it really appropriate to run to my side?" Gu Ye asked impatiently after drinking the last sip of eel soup.

The fifth prince hiccuped and patted his belly, saying, "I came to my mother's concubine's palace. What is wrong? Little genius doctor, where do you come from? I often I have a meal here with my mother and concubine, but I have never had such a delicious meal. The cook in the small kitchen has not changed much!"

Gu Ye said in an unpleasant manner: "I did it myself, it's not possible!"

The fifth prince's eyes brightened, and he stared at Gu Ye and said, "Okay, okay! Ye'er's little genius doctor is really amazing. He can cure diseases, make medicine, and make good food! When will you cook next time?"

Gu Ye grinds his teeth and said, "I don't know, it depends on my mood!"

"Then... When are you in a good mood, let people call me! It's so lonely and boring to eat alone, this prince shows kindness to dine with you, isn't it touched?" The fifth prince laughed.

Want to come here to eat and drink, and still speak so high-sounding, do you want to face? Gu Ye didn't even bother to roll his eyes to him: "I'm full? Come to get a needle!"

The fifth prince changed his expression of horror in seconds: "Is this... so sudden? Master, I just finished my meal, so I can't digest..."

"Don't talk nonsense, take off your shirt!" Gu Ye didn't give him any chance of sloppy. "Do you want to be smart and let your father praise you?"

"Okay... okay!" The fifth prince slowly sat down on the small couch on the side. In order to divert his attention, he had nothing to say and said, "I have been a bit smart in the past two days, and I was praised by Shao Fu for my endorsement today!"

Gu Ye put needles on his head and back, and said, "As long as you have acupuncture and medicine on time, you will be behind when you are praised later! You are only mentally retarded, and you are not born or stupid!"

The fifth prince said excitedly: "Yes! I'm not stupid!! I'm just a little slower than others!" The fifth prince grew up, and I don't know how many times he was called "idiot" by those brothers and sisters. It's not that he's not indignant, it's not that he's not sad, but what can he do?

His current IQ is already at the level of a seven or eight-year-old kid, and he vaguely knows that he is different from others. Others are okay, the disappointment and disgust that the mother concubine sometimes casts over him is what hurt him the most.

Does he become smarter, so his mother and concubine will care and love him more like the mother and concubine of his brothers and brothers? This is also one of the important reasons why the five princes are obviously afraid of acupuncture and still bravely ask Gu Ye to give him acupuncture.

After the acupuncture, Gu Ye rewarded him with a snack that he had packed from Qingfeng Building, and dismissed him: "Okay! Go back to class? Have you learned the "three-step learning method" given to you?"

The fifth prince touched the back of his head, and said: "I don't know how...but I told the prince brother, and the prince brother said that I should go to him after school, and he will teach me slowly!"

"The three-step learning method will be a little difficult at the beginning. Once you master it, your learning will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. Come on!" Gu Ye made a fighting action to him.

"Come on? Oh, I see! The more oil you add to the dishes, the better they are. The more I learn, the smarter I am, right?" The fifth prince grinned and smiled stupidly.

Gu Ye gave him a thumbs up. Even if he is about the same age as her, he is still a child in spirit. Good boy is a boast! Besides, the fifth prince is a clean, kind-hearted child, except for his lazy mouth. She is willing to help him!

Ugh! When did she become so virgin? His mother almost killed her and took her back by captivity, but she retaliated with virtue and treated the fifth prince, not to mention his mental state...

After waking up from a nap, another batch of first-class medicinal materials was sent from the yard. Not to mention, this concubine's relationship in the palace is very hard! However, to the extent that she is favored, those big and small chiefs, eunuchs, and so on, really dare not neglect her.

A concubine who was over thirty and only gave birth to a son who had a flawed son, being able to get to this point shows her ability and means. Gu Ye pouted her lips—such a person would either stay away or step her into the mud with one foot, so that she could never turn over!

If Concubine Yin didn't offend her, it would be fine, and the two were in peace. However, when she was taken away from her husband during the wedding period, she and her husband were separated from each other and couldn't meet from time to time. She suffered from lovesickness. How could she make Yinfei wishful?

Holding the pill that was just made, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of Gu Ye's mouth: It's a good show, it's about to start, please wait and see.

The news that His Royal Highness the prince invited himself to be an envoy for the negotiation and went to the tomb with illness quickly spread in the capital. At this time, the tomb city had been besieged by Yan Nation's army for three days, and the ammunition was exhausted.

The mausoleum is only three days away from the capital. If the tomb is broken, the capital will be in danger. When the news came, the central government was in chaos. The Emperor Sen couldn't even take care of his obsessive alchemy. He was furious on the imperial palace and asked: Who can lead troops to reinforce and coexist and die with the tomb!

Almost all the generals who could fight were sent out, and even the veterans who were nearly a few years old also led troops on the expedition. It is not that Sen country has no generals who can fight, but the **** of war Ning Wang is well-known. His decisive battles against the epidemic are almost used as textbooks for the generals of various countries to study and study.

But no matter how you study, you can't find the most effective way to deal with it. Sometimes, the battlefield is not the number of soldiers, the strength of the army, but the psychological warfare. If there is a timid heart at the beginning, it is easy to lose judgment on the battlefield and lose everything.

The generals who went on the expedition were either seriously injured and unable to fight again, or they missed their hands and were captured and waited for Mori Kingdom to redeem them with a lot of money and conditions. The Emperor Sen looked at the officials whose His Highness avoided his sight, and was almost fainted by the suffocating breath in his heart.

In the past, the calls for peace talks between the DPRK and the Central Government have become louder and louder. However, how many officials were sent there, and they were sent back without paying attention to them. The emperor of the Mori Kingdom gasped heavily: "The surname Ling is too deceptive! Is it possible for me to go to the frontier personally before he is willing to show up?"

The Emperor Sen must not condescend to go! Who has enough weight to negotiate a peace,   became the center of disputes in court. The prince is seriously ill, and many officials have already started to stand in line, each electing the prince of their choice.

If the task of peace talks is completed, the urgent need of the Mori State will not only rise in the hearts of the people, but it will also attract more officials to join in, and will have more chances to stand in that position in the future. Several adult princes almost broke their heads.

The victorious prince went to the border with ambition. In the end, he still came back with a disgusting face. Not only did he miss King Ning's face, he was almost involved in the battlefield. If it hadn't been for the faithful guard to carry him back on horseback, he would have died under the horse's hooves.

The prince who saw the cruelty on the battlefield became "ill" after returning. He cherished his life more than that position. How can I fight if my life is gone?

The prince went three successively, but all returned without success. The news of the Yan Nation's army of Lin Lingcheng spread to the capital, and the people in Beijing were panicked, and even more, they had already cleaned up their belongings and planned to defect to relatives in other places.

At this moment, His Royal Highness, ignoring his newly improved body, asked for his life. The prince is in a country, second only to the existence of the emperor, is this the weight of the messenger enough?

The emperor of the Kingdom of Sen called several old doctors from the Taiyuan Hospital. UU read and asked if the prince's body could withstand the long journey of the Yihe Tuan. After the treatment, the imperial physicians all said that the prince's condition had eased, and it should be fine to pay attention.

Emperor Sen hesitated all night, and finally agreed to the Prince's request. After all, the Prince is the best candidate. The prince was smart and responsible since he was a child. If it weren't for his lack of strength, would he be able to help share state affairs now?

The emperor of the Mori Kingdom suddenly felt a sense of exhaustion and powerlessness. He is getting old. Whose responsibility will this country be handed over to continue the glory of the past? It is hard to find a good general, and even harder to find a qualified heir!

He summoned the national teacher to the imperial study room and asked eagerly: "Is there any news about Princess Ning? Haven't found out yet? When will we find out? Haven't the culprit been found after the country's death? "

The national teacher looked at him and said slowly: "Your Majesty, stay calm! After careful analysis, the minister: Princess Linlang just sent back news that the little doctor was willing to come to Senguo to treat the prince, but she was kidnapped to live or die. Explanation , Some people don’t want the prince to get better..."

The Emperor Sen frowned and his eyes were sharp: "You mean... my sons were fighting for reserve that caused this disaster?"

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