The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 996: Be different

"Your Majesty, it may not be the prince, it may also be the family behind them, or the officials who are fighting for the merits of the dragon. The minister has found out that the missing head of the dark guard has a lot of things with someone in the harem. A wisp of relationship." Guo Shi said with a slightly raised mouth.

The Emperor Sen quickly asked: "Who? I want to punish her nine clans!"

Not to mention the murder of a prince of a country, it is said that she caused the country of Sen to lose a few cities in a row, so that he, the emperor, could not take her lightly!

"The emperor, please give the minister a little more time, within half a month, the minister will definitely find out the matter to your majesty!" The national teacher smiled faintly, and the male and female face added a bit of enchantment.

The Emperor Sen looked at it and was sluggish for a moment-the appearance of the national teacher was three points more beautiful than the most beautiful concubine in his harem. If he is a woman... uh! How could he have this idea? He doesn't have the quirks of being a good man!

Before His Royal Highness set off, the national teacher personally left the city to see him off. At the moment of parting, the national teacher suddenly lowered his voice and said to the prince: "Prince this time, King Ning will definitely not take Qiao again. His Royal Highness can tell the news about Princess Ning according to the facts."

The prince opened Yuanyuan's big eyes and asked in surprise: "Master of National did you know the news about Princess Ning?"

"The day that Princess Ning gave the prince the'chicken soup', the Weichen came out of the East Palace and had a face-to-face encounter with her. Although Princess Ning was wearing the clothes of a little palace lady, she couldn't hide her grandeur, could she?" There is a smile in the long and narrow eyes of the teacher.

The little doctor is really special! Just like some people, they don’t look like a prince in a dragon robe. Even if the little genius wears the clothes of a lower court lady, she can be seen at a glance—how can a court lady have bold and flexible eyes like hers?

"I heard that King Ning loved this princess very much. After knowing that she was missing, he would be crazy! If he got the news of his beloved woman from the prince, he would definitely be grateful. The negotiation increased the chance of success a little bit! "Master of National Normal University reminded again.

When the country was in crisis, the prince facilitated peace talks and resolved the crisis in the Mori State. Both the people and the court, the reputation will be greatly improved. At this time, there is news that the prince's body has hope of healing, then the original neutral faction and the ministers who are still hesitating and have not stood in line will move closer to him. After all, the position of the crown prince is the orthodox of the country!

His Royal Highness's eyes were firm, and he slowly nodded and said, "Thank you Guo Shi, I know what to do!"

The national teacher watched Ye and the team gradually moved away, with a few invisible smiles at the corners of his mouth, and the content in his eyes was deep and complicated. Knowing that the newlywed wife is in the capital, that person will definitely come in person? I'm seeing each other again, so looking forward to it!

The body of the prince inevitably slowed the pace of the Yihe team. Originally, the carriage could arrive in ten days, and it took half a month to walk abruptly.

Ling Juechen had long passed through the space to learn about the Prince's condition and the news of his departure to Lingcheng from his wife. Listening to the wife's meaning, the sick prince is quite on the road, but Ling Juechen doesn't mind giving him a fire and adding some capital to win the concubine.

The attack on Lingcheng slowed down. The officials and people defending the poor mausoleum were in panic all day long under the "strategy" of the Yan team besieging but not attacking. There was even news that the Yan team wanted to trap them to death.

As the days passed, the food and grass in the city was also consumed day by day. Many people have tightened their belts and lost one meal a day. The grain shop in Lingcheng has been forcibly taken over by the army, resolutely putting an end to raising food prices.

Fortunately, the two major grain merchants in the city hoard a lot of grain. The grain shops sell limited amounts of cheap grain to the outside world every day, and the people in the city will not stop cooking. Otherwise, the outside of the tomb city has not yet attacked, and the inside will be messed up first!

However, the garrison general of the tomb city still paled with sadness. What idea did King Ning make? It’s not like his style. The previous cities are all vigorous and vigorous, and they were taken in a few days! It's better to give this soft knife to cut the meat!

Listening to the subordinates coming down to report that the grain and grass in the army can only last for another five days, and there is not much grain in the warehouse of the grain merchants in the city, only enough for two days...

King Ning wouldn't want to starve everyone in the city to death in this tomb, right?

As night fell, Ling Juechen got into the tent after dinner. Several young generals surrounded the fire, roasting the prey they had hit in the nearby woods, and whispered in a low voice: "Why does the general go into the tent as soon as it gets dark? Could it be that... there is a beautiful woman hidden inside?"

Gangzi grabbed the roasted pheasant in the young general's hand, took a big bite, and said, "Want to know? You secretly follow it to see, don't you know?"

The teenager trembled and said, "Brother Gangzi, don't hurt me! Do you think my life is too long?"

Another young general held a rabbit leg and frowned and asked: "Brother Gangzi, you are an old subordinate of the general. Go and ask the general, when will we strike the tomb? Let the dog emperor return our national treasure hands!"

"The general must have the general's plan, you, don't worry so much!" Gangzi secretly took out a small pot of wine from his arms and took a light sip-this is his stubborn face asking for it from the princess. Great wine. After drinking Gu’s spirits, the other wines are as light as water and difficult to drink!

The two teenagers smelled the scent of wine from the jug, looked at each other, and at the same time, they were troubled. One pressed the arm and the leg to **** the jug off, and several of them drank all of them separately.

Gangzi was so angry that he was carrying a weapon and beating people. Several teenagers hid in Tibet with a smile, complaining that he was not righteous, hiding such a good wine, and eating alone.

Gangzi was so angry that he cursed, "You little bastards! Do you know that this is the last stock of Lao Tzu? It will kill you if you dare to touch Lao Tzu's lifeblood!"

The teenagers drew from him with a weird smile, not believing that his wine is gone, and clamoring to go over his camp.

"Drinking and fighting in the army! Twenty sticks, one hundred handstands!" Ling Juechen's voice came coldly from the camp. Gangzi and several teenagers, like someone suddenly pressed the pause button, suddenly stopped.

A few people look at me and I look at you, lamenting the coming punishment, but they dare not let go. The result of bargaining in front of the general is often double the penalty.

Gangzi and the young generals, dragging their blooming buttocks, have to stand upside down. The soldiers in the army touched their buttocks, loosened their skin for a few days, and began to tighten again.

Gu Ye in the space also heard his husband's majestic punishment, and said with a smile: "Husband, what's the matter? The thorns in your army are starting to move?"

Ling Juechen's hard voice instantly softened: "The unreliable fellow Gangzi didn't know where he brought the wine, and he dared to drink alcohol in the army. If you don't have this ethos, those monkey boys can God!"

"Poor Gangzi has become a monkey's chicken!" Gu Ye gloated.

Ling Juechen smiled and asked: "Don't worry, that guy is thick-skinned, not to mention twenty army sticks, he will be twenty again, and he will still be alive and well! How is your plan going?"

Gu Ye looked like a squeeze in his chest: "Everything is in your wife's control. The woman of Concubine Yin, is full of health care and has a good and smart son. Now, what I want her to do, she They are all obediently executed, better than grandson!"

Ling Juechen could imagine the cute little appearance of her daughter-in-law with her tail raised, and it was tickling in her heart. It has been more than a month since we were apart, and she said that one day is not like every three autumns. How many springs and autumns has this been? I really want to die! This little unscrupulous person is like a fish into the sea and birds into the sky, so happy!

Gu Ye's little mouth quacked and said non-stop: "By the way, my husband, has the sick prince of Sen country arrived in the mausoleum? Do you think about how to scrape a layer of skin off the old emperor? The sick prince promised me, yes. Pack a mountain forest to grow precious medicinal materials!

I have thought about it, there are many kinds of 37! Perhaps because of the climate, the quality of Senguo's Sanqi is the best. If we plant the panax notoginseng and supply the golden sore medicine in the army, the cost can be cut by at least half and the efficacy of the medicine will be improved. Our pharmaceutical factory can make a lot more income! "

There was a smile in Ling Juechen's voice: "Why? The cost has come down, and the price you supply will not be lowered? As expected, there is no profiteer or business!"

"What pressure? Originally, it looked at your face and gave the military the price, so you didn’t make any money. Now that the quality is improved, it’s not bad if you don’t increase the price. I still want to keep the price down, there is no way!" Gu Xiaohu went online , Six relatives do not recognize!

Ling Juechen was no longer happy: "Who's'you' with whom? Little dark night children's shoes, UU reading, you have been outside for three months, did you forget that you are married? We are a husband and wife!"

"I said something wrong, can't it be done? I'll fine myself a glass!" Gu Ye shook the rocking chair, picked up the juice in his hand, and raised his glass toward the sky, then sighed with a sigh of suffocation. Scream.

Ling Juechen gritted his teeth and said: "Don't you just rely on me not by your side now, can't you catch you? You wait, there is always time to catch you!"

"Yo, yo! I haven't been by your side for a few days now, I'm afraid I forgot the smell of the washboard? See what you can do! What's the matter, you can beat me if you catch me? I'm fat, dare to threaten me?" Gu Yeerlang's legs are tilted, the little melon seeds are nibbling, the juice is sipping, there are beautiful men to chat with, not to mention more moisturizing.

"Beat you? That would definitely be reluctant! However, there is still the ability to keep you from coming to bed for three days!" Ling Juechen said, getting hot, but had to sip herbal tea and squeeze it--oh, my wife is not here The taste around you is really hard!

Gu Ye took a mouthful of him, and said, "You old rascal, thinking animal in the lower body, all these days, all your brains are so messy?"

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