Gu Ye avoided his hand and said, "Go and invite your doctor. I will show the old man first. If it can't be cured, the doctor you invited will take over. No delay!"

"This girl is right, Xiao Liu, hurry up to get the doctor!" The middle-aged man beside the old man glared at his son and said anxiously.

Gu Ye gently lifted the back of the old man's head, and asked softly, "Grandpa, can you talk? Where is it uncomfortable?"

The old man's face was flushed red, and he tried to make a sound in pain: "I was shocked just now, the bone got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't swallow or cough. My throat hurts!"

Gu Ye nodded and said softly, "Grandpa, you open your mouth and let me see it, please?"

A woman in her forties who looked like the daughter of the old man said hesitantly: "Can you do it? Or... wait for the doctor from the Yangshengtang to come over?"

Gu Ye pulled up the tiger skin of the Medical King Pavilion again: "Have you heard of the Medical King Pavilion? I am a doctor who travels outside of the Medical King Pavilion. Among the younger generation in the pavilion, I can count to the top three. Say no. If you are modest, if I can't cure the disease, few doctors in Beijing can cure it!"

"I know the Medical King Pavilion! It is very famous in the rivers and lakes! A few days ago, the old man Juxian Zhuang Zheng had a birthday. His enemy was poisoned by the poison of Qi Jue scattered in the food, and was relieved by the Qin girl in the Medical King Pavilion I don’t know how the girl’s medical skills compare to that of Girl Qin?" He looked like a man guarding the old man’s house and stepped forward and asked.

Gu Ye smiled confidently: "My medical skills are comparable to that of sister Qin!"

Qin Mengxuan's medical skills should be one of the best among the younger generation of Medical King Pavilion. If she said that she was better than Girl Qin, she might be self-defeating and would not be believed. We can only use "matching" to gain trust.

The old man’s mood gradually stabilized, and he shook his hand at his children, and said with difficulty: "Let’s let the little doctor from the Medical King Pavilion show it first..."

As he said, he obediently opened his mouth. Gu Ye squinted his eyes and said to the family members of the old man around him: "Keep away a little bit, blocking the light!"

The old man’s family quickly dispersed. Still not working, the light in the room is too dim.

Gu Ye took out a small box from his wide sleeve, and quickly took out a small medical flashlight, as if being missed by others, pressing the old man’s tongue with chopsticks in one hand, and taking a flashlight in the other hand...

Some of the old man’s family members saw the flashlight shining, but they didn’t know that they were awkward—the Medical King Pavilion was indeed well-deserved, and the equipment used for examinations were so powerful!

After the examination, Gu Ye relaxed, smiled and said to the old man and his family: "It's okay, the bone is stuck in the throat, and the stick is not deep. Just take it out with tweezers. Uncle, you can help the old man. s head."

The old man sat on a chair with his head half tilted. His son stood behind him, holding his head cautiously.

Gu Ye took out a long tweezers from the box, and said to the old man: "Grandpa, it may be a little bit painful for a while, please bear with me. I will try to be lighter!"

The old man was a little nervous, but still smiled: "I am not a child, and I am afraid of pain. I think back then, I was injured in dozens of places on the battlefield, and I didn't even say a word! This pain, what is it? !"

The old man's son smiled awkwardly--the old man always looked for opportunities to show off his young achievements. At this time, why do you say this?

Gu Ye gave the old man an admiring look: "Unexpectedly, you are still an iron-blooded soldier! To protect your family and the country, bleeding without tears, is an indomitable man! A soldier's bounden duty is to obey commands. Now, you do what I say. Come on. , Opened his mouth...'Ahhhhhhh'"

The old man’s family found that his own cow-like and weird old man was coaxed into obedient by the little doctor. The degree of cooperation was very high, and he obediently obeyed every instruction of her!

Gu Ye made a swift fight. She slid the tweezers into the old man's mouth. She firmly and accurately clamped the bone stuck in the soft flesh of her throat, changed the angle, and applied lightly. I saw the old man let out a retching sound, and the tweezers had retracted.

At the top of the tweezers, there is an inch-long chicken bone, which looks like it should be on a chicken wing, and one end of the bone is still stained with blood.

The old man shook his son's hand away, touched his throat, swallowed hard, and smiled openly: "Okay! It turns out that this is the bones! Thank you, little girl!"

"You're welcome, this is what you should do as a doctor! Don't eat greasy and spicy food for the past two days, use water to rinse your mouth more!" Gu Ye gathered his tools and exhorted.

One of the father’s sons, working in the Ministry of War, stared at her stainless steel tweezers and asked, “If I’m not mistaken, the tool that the girl just gave my father’s bones to be made of steel? What is your identity?”

"This uncle does not know that the doctors in Shengjing, Yanguo, can already purchase stainless steel surgical tools under their real names! Our Medical King Pavilion has already started to learn surgery. Sister Qin and I will go to Shengjing Medical in a few days. Exams in the hospital, working hard to become a disciple of the medical school!" Gu Ye glanced at him and smiled faintly.

At this time, there was another commotion at the door of Qingfeng Building. The old man's grandson has invited the doctor. The doctor looked at the chicken bones over an inch long on the table, swallowed, and said:

"Just take it out, UU reading www.uukā and take it out! Last time our hospital came to a patient with a chicken bone stuck in his throat. After he got stuck, he choked down with a bun and vomited a lot of blood. The card was too deep, and our hospital was unable to do anything. It didn’t take long to pull it back and it died out..."

When the old man's eldest son heard this, he was terrified and quickly thanked Gu Ye. Fortunately, there is this little doctor from the Medical King Pavilion, and fortunately she has such tools. Otherwise... today's happy event has become a funeral instead!

It turned out that this grandson celebrated his three-year-old birthday. The little guy has been in poor health since he was a child, so he decided to have a meal in Qingfeng Building because he was afraid that his life would be compromised. The little guy likes to eat snacks at Qingfenglou the most. Those who come to Qingfenglou for their birthday can also order a birthday cake in advance.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing!

At this time, the assailant boy had been taken away by the officials, and Lord Jiang's body was also taken away by the officials. The guys in Qingfeng Building were swift, swept the floor out, washed them with clean water, and replaced them with new tables and chairs—everything was restored to its original state. It seemed that the scene that had just happened was just an illusion.

The shopkeeper said to the affected tables: "Every guest officer is frightened, and the shop re-opens a table for the guests. Other tables will also give away a signature dish and signature snack for free to everyone!"

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