The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1000: Very cheating

Although those who come to Qingfeng Building for dinner, they are all people who don't need money. However, the shopkeeper knows how to do things and speaks beautifully, making them feel comfortable after listening.

Although there was a murder case in the store today, I was frightened again. But it was hard to reserve a table, and few people were willing to give up. Except for the officials at the table with Mr. Jiang, the others stayed and waited for the dishes to be served again.

"Girl, don't you want to come to have a meal together?" The old man's table, next to Mr. Jiang, was also affected. The dishes were served again soon, and the old man's son kindly invited Gu Ye to eat together.

Gu Ye had almost eaten here, so he declined the invitation of the old man's family. The old man's son forcibly stuffed a silver ticket, in the hands of the fifth prince, saying that it was the consultation fee.

The fifth prince held the bank note and sat back at his table again. When he was out of the palace for the first time, he encountered such a thrilling scene, and he was a little shocked. The fifth prince stared blankly at the bank note in his hand, and asked in a low voice, "Why did he stuff me a piece of paper?"

Gu Ye took the bank note from him and said, "What paper? This is a bank note, which can be exchanged for silver! That's right, you live in the palace all the year round. There is no chance to use the bank note. It is not surprising that you have not seen it. ."

The fifth prince heard that he could exchange money, and wanted to grab it back: "This is for me!"

"For you? Then tell me, why did they give you the silver ticket?" Gu Ye slapped him on the forehead and said, "I didn't see that I just saved their old man. This is for my consultation fee. . It’s just that I’m a woman, it’s not easy for him to give it to me. The uncle saw you with me and asked you to transfer it to me!"

"Not for me? You didn't lie to me?" The fifth prince was skeptical.

Gu Ye squeezed a snack, put it in his mouth and chewed it carefully: "You are getting smarter now, how can I dare to lie to you? If you don't believe me, ask Xiao Hongzi, who is this cash ticket for?"

"You're right! I'm getting smarter and smarter, no one can fool me! This bank note is indeed yours, you can collect it!" The fifth prince smiled, very happy. Suddenly, a sly look appeared in his eyes, "You have earned so much, please do this!"

"Tsk! It's not what you said, to celebrate your father complimenting you and allowing you to go out of the palace, would you be a treat? Kids, don't be unbelievable!" Gu Ye watched the five princes relish snacks and a table of dishes. Almost all this fat boy eats, and I am embarrassed to let her treat.

The fifth prince remembered the "Pinocchio" story that Gu Ye had told, touched his nose, and hurriedly changed his words: "Okay! I'll ask for this. Next time I go to the palace, I will change you. The doctor is too quick to make money If I study medicine with you now, is it too late?"

"Tsk tusk! Five princes, are you sure that your father will allow you to study medicine?" Healers, among the scholars, farmers, commerce and industry, are only slightly higher than the merchants, and after the farmers, you can see their lower status. Many children from other families are unwilling to send them to study medicine.

In other words, only after becoming a famous doctor and gaining a certain reputation will he be respected by the world. Are you a good prince not going to study medicine? It's strange that your father doesn't interrupt your dog legs!

"My father won't! Isn't my father also learning to refine medicine? Pill refining is also a kind of medicine?" The fifth prince suddenly felt that learning medicine would be okay, if he could make medicine that would make his father live longer. , Father Father would not shut himself in the Shengxian Hall all day long!

"Don't think about it! No matter whether you study medicine or pharmacy, you are not talented. Follow your husband to learn literature and martial arts, and help your prince brother when you are done. Being an emperor is very tiring. You should not be a younger brother. Do you share some for your brother?" Gu Ye patted the fifth prince on the shoulder and persuaded him to dispel the idea.

The little Hongzi on the side wanted to poke his ears. Damn! How can this little doctor dare to say anything? If the concubine Yin concubine knows, not only will he suffer, but the little genius doctor will probably be hated.

Empress Yinfei still needs the little genius doctor now. Once she succeeds in conceiving the dragon son, according to the temper of the empress, the little genius doctor will... Xiao Hongzi is a few steps behind, pretending to hear nothing. In the palace for so many years, he knows how to protect himself-not listening, not talking!

The fifth prince drooped his head: "I also want to help the prince brother, but...I don't know anything, I can't help much..."

"You can't learn! Diligence can make up for your weaknesses, as long as you are willing to learn!" Gu Ye encouraged him.

The fifth prince squeezed a piece of fruit, thoughtfully: "You are right! I must cooperate well with the treatment, become smarter earlier, and work hard to learn what my husband teaches. The prince's brother is not well, so I can help him run errands or something. ."

"Yeah! I am born to be useful. I believe in myself and I will definitely be able to be on your stage in the future." At present, what this fat boy lacks most is self-confidence, and he needs someone to encourage him.

The Concubine Yin was not a qualified mother, she would just blindly criticize the requirements, and coupled with the ridicule and ridicule of other princes and companions, the five princes had a big heart and did not develop a cowardly temper. Therefore, being fat is still good-a heart wide!

The fifth prince could hardly get a trip to the palace. After lunch, despite Xiao Hong's obstruction, he insisted on strolling in the street. He was surprised to see everything, children's toys, snacks on street stalls, and even women's jewelry, he had to pick up and take a look. With a group of children, surrounded by an old grandfather who was making dough, he did not want to leave for a long time.

In the end, Gu Ye bought him a noodle like him, and he reluctantly left. The fifth prince was really poor, and the money he brought out was only enough to pay for the table in Qingfeng Tower.

The fifth prince also asked the grandfather who squeezed the dough to squeeze a doughter in a court lady's uniform just like Gu Ye, and clapped his hands and laughed and said that the doughter had sneaky eyes, very similar! Gu Ye knocked him on the head with the face man--what is meant by sneaky eyes? That is called bright eyes and good eyes, with affectionate eyes!

The fifth prince held his head, UU reading ran around in the street, avoiding Gu Ye's chase. There was a bright and innocent smile on his face, no worries, and no haze.

"Oh!" When the fifth prince looked back at Ye Ye, he accidentally bumped into someone and hurriedly said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you. Didn't it hurt?"

Gu Ye, who followed, saw the fifth prince apologizing to a white man in a cautious and shameful manner. As soon as the man turned his head, she saw his face clearly—a handsome face that was indistinguishable from the male and female, the narrow and raised eyes, the picturesque willow eyebrows, the slender figure...

He stood there quietly, the crowd around him faded away like ink, leaving only his pretty, no matter where it was, it was a beautiful scenery.

The Chinese National Normal University saw two children chasing in the crowd from afar. The little girl in the back has moving eyebrows, with pure joy in her smile. The fat figure in front of him was so happy that he squeezed his eyes out.


Yuhuan was fortunate enough to attend the annual meeting! The updated chapters in the past few days are slightly shorter, but we promise to keep updating! Sanya! I'm coming! !

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