The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1001: National teacher, what do you mean

The fifth prince, in his impression, always shrank silently behind the brothers, facing the teasing and bullying of his elder brothers, he just swallowed his breath and endured silently. It turns out that he can laugh happily and carefree like a normal child!

"I have seen the fifth prince," the national teacher saluted the fifth prince and asked with a smile, "the fifth prince is out of the palace today?"

Seeing him polite and polite, the confusion on his face disappeared, the fifth prince nodded and said, "Well, I got the compliment from the emperor two days ago. Let me leave the palace this time...How do you recognize me?"

Xiao Hongzi carried things in both hands, panting and catching up, leaning close to the fifth prince, and whispered: "His Royal Highness, this is the National Teacher!"

"Master of the National Normal University! Have you seen this prince?" The fifth prince frowned and thought about it seriously, but he still didn't find the master of the National Normal University from his memory.

The Master of the National Normal University smiled and said, "I saw it once in the Imperial Study."

The fifth prince once went to the Yushufang with his brothers. The father took the exam for their brother's homework. At that time, he was nervous and didn't pay attention to whether there were anyone else in the royal study room.

The Master of the National Normal University knowingly asked: "May I ask if this girl is... I'm familiar with it when I look down."

Gu Ye hurriedly performed a very standard palace ceremony, and smiled with eight teeth: "Master of returning to the country, the servant girl is a maidservant from the Palace of the Liangdian. Our mother heard that the five princes are going to go out of the palace. By the prince."

The fifth prince gave her a strange look, and then nodded vigorously-yes, Xiao Ye'er often pretended to be a court lady. This time he brought Xiao Ye'er out secretly, so he couldn't let his mother know. He didn't bring the little doctor out of the palace, he just brought a little palace lady! Yes, exactly! !

"Oh? Look at the girl, she doesn't look like a court lady!" The Master of National Normal University smiled meaningfully.

It stands to reason that a beautiful man smiled and turned his country all over the city, which should be very exciting. But Gu Ye didn't like it intuitively. To ask why, she couldn't tell. Intuition?

Or maybe it's because she already has the beautiful man in her heart that makes her most fascinated, so she is indifferent to others? Didn't the beautiful man in her family say that he is going to Beijing to discuss compensation? She missed him when she could arrive in Beijing!

"Xiao Ye'er, Master of the National Normal University is talking to you!" The fifth prince noticed that Gu Ye was distracted, gently pulled her sleeves, and whispered.

Gu Ye looked back at the beautiful man in white, with a mischievous smile at the corner of his mouth, and asked, "Oh? Is it true that the maids are all carved out of a mold, and they have to be the same? Our master is lenient, and he is especially kind to the next person. I am. ...The slaves and maids have a more vigorous temperament and do not behave like other sisters."

"I think Xiao Ye'er is good like this!" The other little palace ladies in the mother concubine hall follow the rules one by one. They dare not laugh, and they dare not say, they are boring to death!

"Xiao Ye'er?" Guo Shi thought of the news he had just received not long ago. Princess Ning, named Chu Muye. Not long after she was born, the Chu family was in trouble, and Miss Chu's family moved to the people and changed her name to Gu Yeer. When he was thirteen years old, he came to Fanjing to participate in the pharmacist examination and was found by the Chu family.

That's right, it's her! At only seventeen years old, he can count at least the top three in this world. At the big medicine fair, she was only thirteen years old, and obtained the qualifications of ninth-level advanced pharmacist. There are three pharmaceutical factories under her name, two daily chemical factories, and a winery under the name of her grandfather, who also have her members.

Such a young, fame and fortune, and married a good husband, what luck is this!

But... she sure has seventeen? No matter how you look at it, it looks like a young girl who hasn't been in time. Some people believe that it is the cardamom years. If the dark guard coach was not with her when he first saw her, he would really not dare to think of her about Princess Ning!

The man in front of him is either superb or has a natural affinity. Being able to level the head of the hidden guard and coax the five princes into compliance, even Concubine Yin did not dare to do other actions against her-this princess Ning, what an extraordinary!

Gu Yezhu felt that the national teacher's eyes looked a little wrong with her. But after careful observation, she didn't realize what was wrong. Is it because she is so attractive that she will make people look at it more? Gu Ye was so complacent with shame.

"As a court lady, the smell of girl Ye'er won't make the master disgusted?" The Master of National Normal University suddenly asked again.

Gu Ye sniffed his body, rolled his eyes, and said in his heart: ignorant humans, this is called medicine fragrance, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand it!

She smiled faintly: "Recently, the empress and the fifth prince were taking medicated diet to recuperate their bodies, maybe they got it when they helped the empress pick up medicine. The empress and the fifth prince are generous, but they didn't say anything."

The fifth prince leaned over his nose, sniffed like a puppy, and shook his head: "The medicine on Xiao Ye'er doesn't smell bad, it smells quite comfortable."

"That's because the fifth princes have gotten used to it recently." Gu Ye smiled. "If the fifth princes like it, you can ask the sister in the palace to make a sachet for you, and the servants can accompany some flowers and herbs, which can refresh your mind and prevent mosquitoes, snakes and ants. ."

"Okay, okay!" The fifth prince belongs to the physique of attracting mosquitoes. In summer, as long as he is there, mosquitoes will not bite others, but only chase him. Every summer, there are red packets on his fat arms and legs, which are itchy and uncomfortable.

"Girl Ye'er knows about medicinal properties?" The National Normal University asked with a slight smile.

"I know a little bit." Gu Ye smirked modestly.

The Chinese Teacher said with earnest and sincere words: "The palace is no better than other places, so you have to be cautious when you take medicine!"

Why did Gu Ye listen to this guy's words! She falsely thanked the Master of National Normal University:

"Thank you for the reminder! The slave and maid will be careful...Fifth Your Majesty, it's too early. If UU reads and doesn't return to the palace, the palace gate will be locked. If you stay outside the palace the first time you leave the palace, Let the emperor know, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to come out next time! Empress will also worry about you!"

The fifth prince reluctantly said goodbye to the National Normal University, almost returning to the palace one step at a time.

Gu Ye asked him how he played today?

He said with great interest: "It turns out that the outside of the palace is so fun. No wonder my brothers always love to run outside the palace when they haven't gone out to open the palace before! You say, if I study hard, the master often praises me, and the next time I take a break At that time, will my father allow me to go out to play again?"

"Definitely! When you recover to be like your brothers, your father will let you go out of the palace and build a mansion! Then, you can go out whenever you want! I heard that there are so many delicious snacks in Kyoto Very, when we come out next time, we will taste them one by one!"

Gu Ye is also a snack food, discussing delicious snacks with the fifth prince happily.

"Yo! Isn't this the fifth brother? You are... coming back from outside the palace? You went out of the palace privately, and you are your father and your mother and your concubine, and you are not willing to punish you, are you?" A slender figure, fair complexion, and face The feminine youth stopped in front of the fifth prince.

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