The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1002: Everyone deceives

"Three... Three brothers!" The fifth prince was obviously a little afraid of young people, and stood on the spot with his hands bound, his head drooping, as if he had made a mistake and waited for a child to teach. However, today he plucked up the courage to argue for himself, "Brother, I got the permission of my father to leave the palace."

"Father, don't worry about you leaving the palace alone? Don't you be afraid of being kidnapped by a kidnapper?" The third prince smiled ironically.

The fifth prince thought for a while, and seriously explained: "The kidnapper only kidnap children. I've grown up, and the kidnapper can't go away!"

"You've grown up? You're really stout, and you can eat like a fat pig. It's just two hundred kilograms of meat. Here, it's not as good as a child!" The third prince pointed to his head. Said with a smirk.

"The third brother, I touched the nail at the father's place and took the old five to exasperate. You are really getting better and better!" A young man who looked a bit more refined but had a bit of cold eyes in his eyes came to the two of them. In front of him, sneered at the third prince.

The fifth prince hurriedly yelled "Second Brother!" He shrank aside as a quail. Since childhood, he has been bullied by his brothers. Although his intellectual development is slow, he is not a fool. He can still tell who is really good to him and who is false.

The third brother's bullying was straightforward. The second brother pretends to be a person to his face, but secretly incites the companion to tease him. He knows all this! Among the elder brothers and brothers, except for the prince brother, none of them is really good to him! !

The second prince obviously didn't mean to let him go. Seeing Gu Ye behind him, raised his eyebrows, pointed at her with a fan and said, "Fifth brother, who is this little girl? You brought it back from outside the palace. Don’t blame the second brother for not reminding you that the rules in the palace are not to bring people in casually!"

The fifth prince stammered and said: "Second brother, Xiao Ye'er is the mother and concubine who is worried about me. The maid sent to take care of me is not an outsider!"

"The maid...Go back and tell your mother and concubine that this prince is the prince of the maid!" The second prince's concubine is a noble concubine in the palace, and her position is higher than that of the concubine.

The mother is expensive by the child, and the second prince is currently the prince who has the highest voice of supporters. Ever since the frontier pass was rejected by King Ning, he has been in a bad mood.

The fifth prince moved his steps nervously, stood in front of Gu Ye, and plucked up the courage to say: "Second brother, this is a maid for the mother concubine. I can't give it to you!"

"A maid, you said that if I beg the Concubine Yin, she can still refute my face?" The second prince stretched his face unhappily, and the light in his eyes became even more gloomy.

"Haha! Brother, since coming back from the border, even the fifth brother dare not listen to you! No wonder many of your supporters voted for the eldest brother and the prince!" Fan the flames aside.

The second prince glared at the fifth prince fiercely, then looked back at the third prince, and smiled coldly: "It's as if you went to the frontier and didn't get rejected! Including the eldest brother, let's not laugh at anyone. The prince... is the biggest winner!"

In the hearts of the second prince, the eldest prince and the prince were really not in his eyes. How can a child of a low-level laundry girl, without the support of his mother, compare with him?

One, I'm dying of illness, and I'm still holding on to the peace talks. I'm afraid I'll be tossing my life when I come back this time. If I can't afford it this time, I will die. Isn't it a wedding dress for others in the end?

The third prince saw that the second prince looked like "the position of the prince is in his pocket", and couldn't help but want to hit him: "Did you not hear? Princess Linlang has invited a peerless little doctor to treat the prince. The prince's If the disease is cured, coupled with the achievements in facilitating the peace talks this time, it is estimated that no one can shake his position!"

The second prince's expression changed, and his saneness quickly recovered: "That's great! The prince is the foundation of the country. Only when the prince is healed can the Sen country be stable and peaceful!!"

Gu Ye heard a bit of gritted teeth from his words.

"But-I heard that Lin Lang was double assassinated by the guard and the killer on the way to Yan Country. If it weren't for the little genius doctor to rescue him, he would have lost his life. You said...who did this? Third brother?" The second prince suddenly turned around and asked back.

The third prince looked surprised and hurriedly said: "Second brother, what do you mean by this? Do you suspect that I did it? Do you have evidence? You can't talk nonsense in front of your father!"

"I didn't say that you did it, why are you panicking?" The second prince said again, "You may not do it, don't forget, the family behind you, what will they do!"

"What do you mean? Just relying on the words of the national teacher, you can bite people? I also said that you and your mother did it! As far as the energy and capital behind it are concerned, who has a strong Jin family? You and the imperial concubine, have you considered that position as something in your bag?"

The third prince was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and after a brief panic, he began to fight back.

Gu Ye watched with gusto from the sidelines-the scene of a dog biting a dog is something you never tire of! However, you two, saying this in front of the fifth prince, really didn't put him in the eye!

"Third brother, who did what he knew! To put it bluntly, isn't it all for that position? When the prince was too sick to get out of bed, the father didn't even think about changing another heir. We were fighting fiercely in private. What's the use?" The second prince made a frustrated look.

The fifth prince suddenly interrupted and said, "Are you unhappy that the little genius doctor is here to treat the prince brother?"

The second prince and the third prince, then I remembered that there were others! The second prince had dark eyes and swept across Xiao Hongzi and Gu Ye warningly. Seeing them standing upright, UU reading www.uukā looked like he wanted to be away.

He snorted coldly: "Take care of your own mouth, what you should say, what should not be said, you should understand? It is not uncommon for a **** lady to die in this palace, is it?"

Xiao Hongzi immediately said: "The minion heard nothing!"

"Neither did the slave and maid!" Gu Ye couldn't help but follow.

The second prince patrolled them back and forth with a gloomy smile and a viper look. Shocked the cold sweat of Xiao Hongzi!

The second prince squeezed the dough-like cheeks of the fifth prince, and said, "Happy! The prince is cured. Those of us who are brothers are naturally happy. You and the third emperor are not trying to find murder. Your sister Linlang is the real murderer! Fifth, go back quickly, the concubine Yin Concubine will be worried when she is late!"

The fifth prince had long wanted to leave. Hearing this, he hurriedly took Xiao Hongzi and Gu Ye, and walked quickly towards the Luoliang Temple.

After hearing the voices of the two princes, Gu Ye said, "Look at you! It's like a thief behind the ass, running fast!"

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