The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1003: Have grown

"Second and third brothers are the ones who love to bully me! I have a shadow!" The fifth prince bowed his head like a defeated rooster.

"I have grown a lot recently, and the word'shadow' is used to a level!" Gu Ye couldn't bear to hit the poor child again, and gave him a thumbs up in admiration.

The fifth prince grinned, and his smile disappeared soon: "Xiao Ye Zi, you have recently been careful not to wander around in the palace. If your second brother grabs the pigtail, even the mother concubine may not be able to save you!"

"Do you understand what they are saying?" Gu Ye asked in surprise.

The fifth prince nodded and said, "Probably the meaning can be heard. The mother concubine also said, they are all worried about the position of the prince brother. Sister Lin Lang went to find the genius doctor for the prince brother. They were afraid that the prince brother would be cured, so they sent someone to go. Assassinate and intercept sister Lin Lang! Fortunately, God has eyes and didn't let them get what they wanted!!"

Stupid boy, assassinate your sister Lin Lang, and don't want the prince to be cured, it is your mother and concubine! However, in the eyes of others, the easiest to get rid of suspicion and not to be suspicion should be the Yinfei empress?

Imagine that she has lost her fertility and is surrounded by a stupid son. Even if the prince died a thousand times and ten thousand times, it was not her turn to succeed her stupid son. She should be the most motivated! But it was her hand-it is indeed puzzling!

After the fifth prince returned to the palace, he first went to Raoliang Hall to report to Concubine Yin for information before returning to his yard. When Gu Ye followed him and routinely took the pulse of Concubine Yin, he was rejected!

"Just now the imperial physician has already asked the empress for the Ping An pulse, so I won't bother the little genius doctor. The little genius doctor goes out for a day, and is tired, so let's rest early!" The big lady beside the concubine Yin had uncontrollable joy in her eyes. Desperately not to show it on the face.

Gu Ye left the main hall, standing under the moonlight like water: The bait has been cast down, just waiting for the net...

Suddenly, several masked men in black appeared quietly beside her.

Jin Mo Ran, who was hiding in the dark, drew his sword and rushed up when the man in black appeared. However, the kung fu of this group of people in black was very good, and the other four went straight to Gu Ye against Jin Mo Ran.

Gu Ye never felt the killing intent from this group of people, and was very curious about the identity of the other party. The medicine in his hand had not been shot under hesitation, and he was led to hit the acupoint.

After the leader succeeded, he quickly retreated. The rest of the masked people fought and retreated, and dealt with the aftermath. This group of martial arts were powerful and light-hearted, and soon left the guards in the palace and disappeared into the vast night.

The Concubine Yin Concubine guarded her belly and summoned the secret guards: "Didn't you say that you should wait for the order of the palace? Who asked you to do it today?"

Her small day of this month was postponed for five days. When she ate her meal in the morning, she saw the meat and retching a few times. Recently, the taste has changed. I always feel that there is no taste in her mouth, and she likes to eat sour food—with her Huaiyuer Same time.

While Concubine Yin was happy, she invited the imperial physician who had taken refuge in her in the imperial hospital, and helped her diagnose her with the opportunity of Ping Pingmai. The imperial doctor said that it looks like a slippery pulse, maybe the days are short and not obvious. It will be clear in ten days.

Yin Fei combined her symptoms and almost concluded that she was pregnant. In this way, the little genius doctor is useless, and keeping it is a disaster. What if the prince finds out and gets him to treat him? Isn't she tossing about it these days? Make wedding clothes for others for nothing!

Her plan was to let the dark guard quietly take Gu Ye out of the palace once she was determined to be pregnant, and kill the person without knowing it. These days, most of the time, the little genius doctor wandered in the temple in the palace dress. Those who knew her true identity were the five princes, master and servant, except for the concubine Yin and the grand palace maid beside her.

The loyalty of the people around her can be guaranteed. Let me warn her son and Xiao Hongzi again. Who knew that the little doctor had ever appeared in the palace?

She thought she had a thorough plan, but she didn't expect to get Cheng Yaojin halfway.

"What? Didn't you do it? You trash, people broke into our palace, and they couldn't stop it! What do you want?" Yin Fei dropped a cup and pointed angrily at the guards' noses Yelled.

Her close-fitting court lady hurriedly reminded in a low voice: "My mother calms down your anger, you are now a double body, you can't get angry easily!"

Concubine Yin took a deep breath, tried to calm down the anger and anxiety in her heart, gritted her teeth and said, "What are you still doing? I want to find out, who actually ate the guts of the bear heart and leopard? Captives in my temple!"

Jin Moran followed the secret guards withdrawing, and asked in a low voice, "What is going on?"

One of the secret guards sighed and said to him: "What else? The concubine Yinfei crossed the river and demolished the bridge. Just after learning the news of her pregnancy, she was ready to do something to the little genius doctor. Unexpectedly, someone would act first to be strong and bad. After her good deeds, let her anger on our brothers."

Jin Moran shook his head secretly in his heart: This concubine Yin, he is indeed not authentic! Fortunately, he has repaid their family's kindness, and has drawn a clear line with her, otherwise she will be involved sooner or later.

No, to be precise, I have been involved. His original identity has become a super wanted criminal and he is arrested by the whole country!

But, who sent the wave of people tonight? Where did he seem to have seen the head of the person, body shape and voice-what is the purpose of this group of people taking the little genius doctor?

Gu Ye was carried on his shoulders like a wooden man and ran all the way. This group of people in black wandered around the streets and alleys of the capital for a long time, and read her who was not familiar with the capital. successfully turned into confusion. Finally half an hour later, he jumped into a compound.

Through the moonlight, she saw that the pavilions, buildings, plants and trees in the yard were all very elegant, and they were definitely officials and eunuchs! Thinking of the familiar sound in her ears when she retreated, she frowned and tried to recall-where did she ever hear this sound?

In a remote and secluded room, Gu Ye, who was carried as a sack, was finally put down. The headed man in black, after shaking the others back, praised: "Princess Ning, really courageous!"

There was a flash of inspiration in Gu Ye's mind, and he smiled faintly: "I knew that I was the person Yan Guo was looking for, so I broke into the palace and tied me out! Master of National Normal University is not too courageous!"

"Princess Ning committed a risk with her body, and she gave the Concubine Yin to nursery care, but secretly treated her for His Royal Highness... Let's each other!" The master of the National Normal University took off the towel and looked at Gu Ye with a smile.

Gu Ye said to him, "Master, my acupuncture point, shouldn't it be solved?"

"Princess Ning has a high level of medical skills and superb use of medicine. She thinks she can't hold the medicine in the hands of the princess, so it is safer to speak like this! What do you think?" The National Normal University talents will not be fooled by her.

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