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Gu Ye was a little disappointed, and asked, "Master, won't you keep me like this for the rest of my life? It's tiring to always keep a posture!"

The Master of the National Normal University clapped his hands, and the two maids came in: "I thought of Princess Ning earlier, these two are good at massage. Where the princess is uncomfortable, you can let them press. From now on, the princess will eat and drink Lhasa. These two are solely responsible. Don't be embarrassed to ask them!"

"Master of the National Teacher," Gu Ye saw that he could not get a bargain from this old fox, so he opened the door straight to the point. "Let's open the skylight to speak up. I don't know if the Master of the National Teacher will venture into the palace and take me back, why?"

A mysterious smile appeared on the handsome face of Master of National Normal University that was indistinguishable from male and female: "If I said, since the first time I saw the princess, I have fallen in love with you at first sight and will never forget. Do you believe it?"

"I believe you are a ghost!" Gu Ye rolled his eyes. She can't do anything she wants to do except facial movements now, "No matter what your purpose is! My grandfather will soon be in Beijing, you'd better let me go early. Otherwise...huh!"

"Princess Ning, you may not recognize your identity." The Master of the National Normal University approached her two steps, pinched her pointed chin, slowly reduced the smile on her face, her eyes flashed with chill, "You For the fish, I am the knife, it is better not to anger me!"

"What's wrong? You can still eat me?" Gu Ye looked at him defiantly. She figured it out clearly, this guy was a bad person and wouldn't hand her over to her husband smoothly.

The corner of the Chinese teacher's mouth raised gently: "I don't eat people! But I have thousands of ways to make life worse than death! The princess is pampered, tender and tender, don't you want to try it yourself?"

Gu Yenao made up for the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty, and immediately counseled: "I don't want to, I don't want to at all! The Master of the National Normal University must be very busy every day. I will not delay you here, please..."

The Master of the National Normal University amused her with her dog-leg tone: "Unexpectedly, King Ning, who is ruthless and heart-hearted, actually likes you!" After finishing speaking, he shook his head with great regret.

Gu Ye was upset: "What's wrong with me? A big man can bend and stretch. I am a wise man who knows the time! My father-in-law will not be willing to let me face hard, and he will feel distressed if his head is broken and his body is bruised."

"If you don't want to die, just shut up!" What did she say? Why is the Master of National Normal University acting like a cat with its tail trampled on? Didn't you just sprinkle some dog food with stitches to show off your affection?

Could it be... Master Guo Shi really has a crush on her, so upset? Ugh! People, too much love is also a sin!

The National Normal University hummed his sleeves and left-er, the National Normal University, you are wearing a tight-sleeved dress today, and you just slapped the air. Isn't it embarrassing to fail to play handsome?

Gu Ye suddenly realized that she was still standing upright. by! If you don't solve the acupuncture points for her, can you keep her standing like this? She turned her gaze to two maids who were more like wooden stakes than her.

"Two sisters, can you help me sit down or lie down?" Gu Ye said with a smile.

The two maids glanced at each other, put the person on the side of the bed, and helped her to lie down. The taller one said with a wooden face: "The princess rests first. If you have any requirements, please tell the servants."

"Uh...I want to drink saliva, okay?" Gu Ye felt wronged: After spending a day with the little fat man outside the palace, he was "invited" by the Master of the National Normal University before returning to the palace even to drink the saliva. Come here.

The two maidservants are still quite skilled. One was supporting Gu Ye's head, feeding her mouth spoon by spoon with water. The technique was good, and not a single drop came down.

"Thank you two sisters," Gu Ye said apologetically, "I ate early for dinner today. I am a little hungry at this time. I don't know if I have a snack. Let me pad it?"

The short maid stood up in silence and walked out, and soon she opened the door again, holding a plate of snacks in her hand.

"Oh! This pastry looks like a dessert in Qingfeng Tower. It's really a good way for the Master of National Normal University to get this!" Gu Ye wondered, when did the dessert in Qingfeng Tower be so bad? Isn't it a few days left?

After eating two snacks, Gu Ye started a new round of tossing: "Two sisters, I have been a little angry recently, and I want to eat some fruits before going to bed. Look..."

The short girl frowned slightly, her mouth moved, and the tall girl patted her arm, returning to the expressionless masked person.

The tall maid said without ups and downs: "Wait, the maidservant will get it for you!"

After eating the fruit, Gu Ye showed an embarrassed expression and whispered: "Two sisters, I...I want to go to the clean room..."

Half-armed and waited for her to go to the toilet, and when she was lying on the bed again, Gu Ye's face was embarrassed again. The short maid had not raised her temper and asked impatiently: "What are you going to do?"

"I...I take a shower before going to bed every day. If I don't take a shower any day, I feel like lice on my body, and I feel uncomfortable!" Gu Ye looked at the two maids with expectant eyes.

The tall maid stood in front of the bed, looking down at her condescendingly: "Sure, after washing, you will fall asleep obediently?"

Gu Ye opened his big round eyes and nodded obediently.

The tall maid dragged the short maid, and the two went to get hot water. Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and almost didn't hum a song. At this time, if she was able to move, she would lift her legs and move her feet comfortably-toss people, UU reading www.uukanshu.com really is one of the effective ways to make her mood better.

When the hot water came, Gu Ye said to the two maids: "When I take a bath, I'm not used to being served by people. Otherwise, you can untie my acupuncture points, and when I finish washing, you can order them again. ?"

The short maid curled his lips and said, "Don't say we can't solve the acupuncture points, we can, and we can't solve it for you. Your lord said, you are very cunning. If you say a flower, we will not be fooled! Two A choice, we will wash it for you or not. Choose for yourself!"

Gu Ye didn't have much hope of relieving his acupoints. Hearing this, he made a disappointed expression: "Then...I won't wash it!"

Don't wash you toss, we bring you hot water in? The short maid has a tendency to run wild. The tall maid tugged at her sleeve and said: "Wang Hao, sure you won't wash it? Let's wash it if we don't wash it!"

Gu Ye fell asleep at the sound of the two girls splashing in the clean room-I was tired from shopping today. There is no time even to talk to her husband once a day.

When she woke up the next day, she seriously suspected that the two maids had added ingredients to the water or snacks! However, there are really few medicines that make her tasteless! Master, good means!

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