The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1005: Husband is here

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When she woke up early in the morning, she took advantage of no one to sink her consciousness into space. As soon as I entered, I heard her husband calling her.

Gu Ye quickly responded: "Husband, stop shouting, I'm here!"

"What's the matter? Last night, the surname Jin came to tell me that you were kidnapped by a group of people in black in the palace. Are you okay now? Can you be sure where you are?" Ling Juechen There was anxiety and worry in his voice.

Gu Ye hurriedly said: "I'm fine. I was taken away by the National Teacher of the State of Sen. I am not sure if this is the National Teacher's Mansion. Husband, are you in the capital?"

"Yeah! I just arrived at night!" Ling Juechen replied and asked again, "The national teacher takes you away, so you will follow along? I heard that the national teacher of Sen is a beautiful man who is unparalleled in the world— —You won’t let him kidnap you on purpose?”

"Who said that? The face of the national teacher is far from it in front of your husband! Who gave the seal of "Universal Unparalleled"? It won't be self-styled, right? Who gave him his face?" Gu Ye responded very much. strong.

Gu Ye murmured: "When he was abducting people, he was wearing a black face towel. I didn't see through. I knew whether his face under the face towel was handsome or ugly. I just didn't check for a while and got acupuncture. !"

"If you have a see-through eye and know that his face is high, you will follow him?" Ling Juechen said with jealousy. His daughter-in-law, has a history of seeing a good-looking man who can't walk!

"Absolutely impossible!" Gu Ye said firmly, "That was all the absurdity of being young and ignorant before. I now have a husband's person, and no matter how good looks, I can never impress me! Husband, you must find it quickly I, save me from the fire and water, I was spotted all night and I was so uncomfortable!"

Ling Juechen almost ran away: "What, I didn't relieve you all night? The acupuncture took a long time, the lighter has a bloodline, the severer...When did you offend this person?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Gu Ye was also very depressed. "Old Jin said that the national teacher suddenly appeared in Sen country 13 years ago. I don't know how to gain the trust of the emperor of Sen country and make him become the emperor. National Teacher. Thirteen years ago, how old am I to offend him? I’m sure, it’s the first time I came to Sen Country in my life, and I saw the National Teacher for the first time!"

Thirteen years ago? Something flashed through Ling Juechen's mind, but he didn't catch it.

Gu Ye continued to narcissistically again: "You said, this national teacher would not appreciate my beauty and wisdom, and imprisoned me to give him medicine during the day and warm him at night..."

Ling Juechen's teeth grinding sounded from the space side: "Who said that she already has a husband? What you said just now, is this what a person with a husband should say?"

"Husband, I was wrong!" Gu Ye is the kind of person who admits mistakes quickly but never repents. "Husband, I have a more reliable inference. Would you like to listen?"

"Can you not listen?" Ling Juechen was about to explode. He was worried about this little conscience night, she was well, and she fell asleep until dawn, and even forgot to call her every day. Now there is another gibberish, without considering his feelings!

Gu Ye apologized and acted like a baby: "I was wrong, I apologized. Don't be angry, okay!"

Seeing that my husband's anger couldn't go down, he pretended to be pitiful: "My husband, my bones hurt. All night, I was lying motionless like a wood. At this time, my waist was sore and my back hurt. , The whole body is uncomfortable. Husband, hurry up on the colorful clouds and descend from the sky, save me from the fire and water!"

"I still feel poor, I don't think you can feel uncomfortable!" Ling Juechen had already transferred all the hidden guards in his hand to find someone. Knowing the identity of the masked person, the circle has shrunk a lot.

From his tone of voice, Gu Ye judged that his anger had faded a little, and said with a smile: "Husband, look, he is two years older than you. He hasn't married a wife and children yet. Hidden disease, right? He took me over in private, didn't he want to let people know his condition?"

Ling Juechen said amusedly: "When your husband married you, he was almost thirty. In the eyes of others, does your husband and I have any hidden illnesses that cannot be told?"

"Can it be the same?" Gu Ye retorted, "husband, you have a modern soul, but the guy from the national teacher is an authentic ancient person. Unfilial piety is the greatest of three things. Isn't the national teacher sick? "

"If he wants to ask you for medical treatment, he won't stop relieving you overnight. If you have any sequelae, wouldn't he risk taking you out of the palace in vain?" Ling Juechen analyzed carefully. With.

"Then you said, why did the national teacher take me captive and put me in this yard?" Gu Ye couldn't understand.

"What? Concubine Ning hasn't gotten up yet?" The voice of the Master of the National Normal University reached her ears.

Gu Ye hurriedly said to Ling Juechen: "Husband, someone is coming, I will contact you later. Hang up!"

What's hanging up? Is this really a communication tool from a previous life? Ling Juechen slowly opened his eyes, sat up from the chair, looked at the hidden guard who was kneeling in front of him, and asked, "How is it? What did you find in the National Teacher's Mansion?"

The hidden guard said: "The subordinates brought the twelve hidden guards of the Gui group and searched the National Teacher's Mansion all over the place, but no trace of the wife was found!"

"Search it again carefully to see if there are any darkrooms, tunnels, etc.," Ling Juechen ordered coldly.

"Yes!" The dark guard thought for a while, and then said, "The subordinates have received news that the Chinese teacher has never returned to the mansion since he went to court yesterday!"

Ling Juechen's brows frowned more tightly, UU Reading Guitu Sanku. The capital is so big, where would the national teacher put Ye'er? Wait, the daughter-in-law said that she was taken to a large yard, with pavilions, water pavilions, and rockery and lakes. A yard like this has long been occupied in the capital by relatives, officials, and dignitaries. Could it be...she has been taken out of the city?

For more than half an hour, if you work well, you should have no problem going to the suburbs. He said to the secret guard: "Order, focus on searching for yards with large gardens over three entrances. The range extends to twenty miles in the suburbs!"

Gu Ye opened his eyes and saw the national teacher standing in front of her bed, looking at her face carefully—what? Haven't seen a beautiful woman sleep?

The Master of the National Normal University was found in a sneak peek, and he was not embarrassed at all. He still said in a vicious tongue: "I don’t know how King Ning looks at you. He grinds his teeth in sleep, snorts, talks in sleep, and drools! Tsk, eyes are still muddy. ... disgusting!"

If Gu Ye hadn't been tapped, he would have jumped up and fought hard with him. Old things, can you accumulate some morals? So speaking of a lady, does her conscience hurt?

However, one thing is certain. This guy snatched her, definitely not because he liked her. No matter how poor EQ is, it is impossible to say such destructive words to a woman you like!

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