The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1006: Abnormal love

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"Master of the National Normal University, did you arrest me just to belittle me and insult me?" Gu Ye tried to think back, "we met outside the forest country?"

"That's not true!" The Master of the National Normal University sat down on the chair next to him and said slowly.

"My ancestors have grudges against your ancestors?" Since they have never met, there is no enmity between the two, it can only be the grievances of the two ancestors!

"You are born in Dongling, we are not from the same country, your ancestors, maybe you have seen it on the battlefield, who knows!" The Master of the National Teachers narrowed his narrow eyes and smiled faintly.

"Since the two of us have no grudges in the distant future, and have no grudges in the near future, you tied me back and tapped my acupuncture point overnight. What is the reason?" Gu Ye asked strangely.

"Oh, yes! I forgot that your acupoint hasn't been clicked yet! Yu'er, Ling'er, this is the clothes prepared for Princess Ning, you quickly put on the Princess!" The Master of National Normal University got up and went out of the inner room. Very gentlemanly waiting outside.

Gu Ye second understood what he meant. This is to prevent her from hiding medicine! Master of the Chinese National Normal University, you have miscalculated this time, my old lady's medicine has never been hidden in her body!

Her clothes inside and out were replaced with new ones, not even the jewelry on her wrists, neck and head. All in all, wherever the powder can be hidden, I have changed it all over.

The Master of the National Normal University came in again, did not grind, and unlocked the acupuncture points on her body. Gu Ye moved his shoulders, twisted his waist, and heard his own bones, making a "click" sound. Gu Ye complained: "If you relieve me later, I guess you will become a useless person!"

"Don't worry! There is no plan to make you a useless person!" The National Teacher smiled and warned, "However, there are many institutions in this courtyard. I advise the princess not to act rashly. If someone is killed, I can't stop it. Are you right?"

"Organization?" He didn't say that it was okay, but instead provoked Gu Ye's interest, "Do you know how to escape the armor?"

The National Normal University proudly nodded and said: "Understand a little!"

"Then...on the battlefield, you can also deploy troops? I have occasionally seen in miscellaneous books, the story of applying the Qimen Dunjia technique to the marching formation and defeating the enemy! Is this really the case?" Gu Ye couldn't help asking.

The face of the National Normal University changed slightly, and his attitude became alienated: "I have never heard of this! The girl hasn't had breakfast before, so I won't disturb the girl!"

"Hey, hey! How did you go? Let's talk for a while!" Gu Ye showed an unsatisfactory expression, "Is this going away? Really boring!"

what happened? He changed his face just when he mentioned the marching formation? Could it be... he was planted in her husband's hands before? what! Let's just say that he can't catch her for no reason. It turns out that the reason for this is here!

Gu Ye finished washing and sitting at the table for breakfast, chatting with her husband in a dual purpose: "Husband, I may have found the reason why the national teacher took me!"

Ling Juechen kept a touch of consciousness in the space. Hearing Gu Ye's voice, he immediately responded, "Oh? What's the reason? Seriously, don't talk nonsense!"

Gu Ye replied: "I have always been very decent, OK! Just now the national teacher relieved me of my acupuncture points, and told me that the courtyard is full of institutions, so I don't want to wander around. Besides, I just talked about Qimen Dunjia. With the march, his attitude changed, as if he was hiding something. Listen to my analysis, will he catch me to avenge you because he once lost in your hands?"

"Wait?" Ling Juechen frowned. In a long memory, it seemed that someone had mentioned to him that Qimen Dunjia was applied to the marching soldiers, but because of an operation error, it almost harmed the entire Ling family army. Annihilated...

"You tell me, is the national teacher of Sen State male and female, with long and narrow fox eyes, very attractive?" Ling Juechen asked suddenly.

"Yeah! Didn't I tell you? The teacher is very beautiful. If you dress as a woman, you will definitely be an oiran in the brothel. He does have a pair of fox eyes. No feeling. Because I only have feelings for you!" Gu Ye said a few words of love. I just made my husband unhappy, so I have to coax it now!

Ling Juechen knew that the little girl was talking, but he was still happy to be coaxed. No way, he has never resisted her.

Gu Ye suddenly asked with afterthought: "What? My husband knows the national teacher?"

Ling Juechen said apologetically: "Daughter-in-law, you should be tired of me this time."

"Couple, who is tired?" Gu Ye asked curiously, "This national teacher came to Sen country 13 years ago. At that time, your husband, you were sixteen or seventeen years old, you should be in the early ages. At the exhibition. Will not be your defeated man?"

The person who lost to her husband on the battlefield does not know where, this national teacher also has a small belly, right? If she was defeated and kidnapped the other's family, wouldn't she be busy in the future?

Ling Juechen sighed slightly, his voice mixed with mixed emotions: "My wife, I will explain this to you later. This national can tease him, don’t hurt him. life."

"As long as it doesn't hurt my life, I can play whatever I want?" Gu Ye asked playfully.

"Uh... the best person is everything! If I'm not wrong, the national teacher should be our Yan country..." Ling Juechen's thoughts returned to the years that he was about to forget.

At that time, he became famous due to two battles and established prestige in the Ling family army. Grandpa also has plans to hand over the Ling Family Army to him. At this time, besides his brothers like Gangzi and Dapeng who had grown up together, there was also a think tank comparable to a military teacher—Situ Yan.

For these brothers, UU Reading is comparable to his right-hand man, especially when he became famous in World War I, Situ Yan was even more indispensable.

Situ Yan is not only resourceful and far-reaching, she often advises him behind him regardless of gains and losses, because he is two years older than him and takes care of him in every possible way. In his opinion, Situ Yan is a big brother who can take care of others.

But he never expected that Situ Yan, who he regarded as his elder brother, would actually have that kind of thought for him!

They were in an ambush by the enemy when they led the troops once. In order to protect Situ Yan, he was seriously injured and was in a coma for five days. He woke up...somewhat at the wrong time.

Why do you say that? At that time, Situ Yan, after listening to the military doctor's words, if Ling Juechen didn't wake up, he might never wake up.

Situ Yan, who had just lost his father and brother, heard the sad news that Ling Juechen was about to lose again. The secret hidden deep in his heart, like a wild beast, could no longer be restrained.

The moment Ling Juechen woke up was when Situ Yan touched his face and confessed to him. After hearing this, he really didn't know how to face his former brother. To avoid embarrassment, he decided to pretend to be unconscious.

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