The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1007: Can you swear

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At this moment, Ling Juechen felt like a beeping dog in his heart. I treat you as a brother, but you want to **** me!

However, he never expected that Situ Yan could not help but leaned over to kiss him while speaking. How can this work? His first kiss, his body, including his soul, are all for the little girl in his heart-even if they are separated by two worlds...

The moment he came up with Situ Yan, he covered the other party's mouth and said in a cold and cold voice: "I didn't hear it. From now on... we can still be brothers!"

He felt that he was enough for the right face. Who knows that Situ Yan broke out: "Fuck you brother! Now that it is said, I will tell you. I like you! It is not the affection between brothers, but the affection between lover, lover, and lover! Me! I don't want to just stand behind you anymore, I can only look at you silently!"

"Then what do you want?" Ling Juechen asked rhetorically, not wanting to be too unsympathetic to his good brother.

"I think my feelings can get the same response. When you look at me, don’t take a little warmth like you look at Dapeng and others. When you think you’re hurt, I can hold you rightfully. Kiss you..."

Ling Juechen's hairs were standing up, and he hurriedly interrupted Situ Yan's words and said, "Impossible! A Yan, there is already someone in my heart!"

"How is it possible! We almost grew up in a barracks together. We have never seen any girl close to you. There are quite a few girls who were scared to cry by you... You must have lied to me, right? Isn't it right?" Situ Yan's long, narrow and beautiful eyes stared at Ling Juechen closely, as if to find evidence of his lying from his expression.

Ling Juechen met his gaze and looked at him: "I didn't lie to you! I really have someone in my heart. Except for her, I won't like others! I just treat you as a good brother, a good comrade, and a good partner. Even without her, I would not like you!"

"It's because... Am I a man? Do you think it's embarrassing to be liked by me?" Situ Yan asked the words that had been held in his heart for many years and had never dared to ask, "Why can't men like men? Why must love be divided into men and women? Why can't I like you?"

"Ayan!" Ling Juechen didn't have a trace of disgust or discrimination in his eyes. He slowly said, "I don't think it's wrong for men to like men. However, everyone has the right to choose who they like, and so do I. Can't you like me, so I must respond to you?"

"Why can't you like me? Is it because I am not good enough? Is it because I am not good enough to be worthy of you?" Situ Yan asked slowly with sad emotions in his eyes.

"No, loving someone has nothing to do with whether the other person is good or not, good or bad. The person in my heart can burn the kitchen because of his stinky body and cooking porridge. He has a weird temper and is lustful... But I like it. I just like it." Ling Juechen usually talks very little even in front of his brothers. Today, in order to solve Situ Yan, he said more than the amount in the previous month.

If Gu Ye knew what he described her like that, I wonder if he would go crazy!

Situ Yan showed an incredible expression: "You actually like this? You wouldn't make up to lie to me just to refuse me? You don't have to..."

"Ayan, you are so smart. Did I make it up, can't you tell?"

Situ Yan swallowed the bitterness in his mouth vigorously, and asked softly: "Could it be that I really don't have any hope?"

"Sorry, Ayan!" Ling Juechen felt that it was better to talk about it. "Today's matter, I assume nothing happened, and we will still be good brothers fighting together in the future!"

"Good brother? Chenzi, do you think we can go back?" Situ Yan said with a sad smile.

"As long as you want, we can!" There is no one else in this tent. God knows and knows you and I know. As long as Situ Yan can control his feelings, nothing is impossible.

No one thought that when Ling Juechen's injury was about to heal, the news that Situ Yan liked him had spread in the army. Then, Situ Yan disappeared from the army, and there was no more news of him.

Ling Juechen would never forget the scene before Situ Yan disappeared. Situ Yan rushed into his camp, grabbed his clothes, and yelled desperately: "Didn't you tell me not to go out? Didn't you say that we can still be brothers like before? Why? You want to force me into the army I’m happy if I can’t stay here, don’t you? Okay! You don’t want to see me, as you wish!!"

Ling Juechen wanted to stop him, but the injury had not healed, and he was not the opponent of Situ Yan who had fallen into madness. When he looked for Situ Yan in the army camp, the people had disappeared. After that, he never saw Situ Yan again!

Calculate the time, don't you just match the time when the national teacher came to Senguo!

If the national teacher was Situ Yan, and he kidnapped Ye'er and imprisoned her again, what would he want to do? After so many years, is he still obsessed with the original sinful love?

In fact, Ling Juechen didn't think that Situ Yan was in love with him. At that time, Situ Yan's father had just died in battle, and his elder brother was missing on the battlefield, his life or death is unknown. When people are most vulnerable, they always regard the closest people around them as the support of the soul.

At that time, his injury was not optimistic. Situ Yan was afraid of losing him, so he mistakenly believed that he liked him. Ugh! At that time, he was too shocked that he could not give this kid psychological counseling. Unexpectedly, he actually ran to the country of Sen, and also mixed with a national teacher Dangdang!

Soon, UU read and the people under his hand found out the house where the National Teacher had frequent visits in recent days. The kid Situ Yan, worthy of the title of "sly fox", actually hid people in the newly built princess mansion in Beijing.

This princess mansion was built by the emperor when he saw that Princess Linlang had reached the age of being a pavilion. It took two years to finish the work. Princess Linlang did not return in Yan Country, but Situ Yan actually borrowed the Princess Mansion temporarily as a place to imprison the little genius doctor.

His trick is pretty good. No one would have imagined that the newly built princess mansion was actually confined to the characters from the emperor to the concubine to the prince.

Apart from a few handymen in the outer courtyard, few people come and go in the newly built Princess Mansion. The yard that cares about the night is the most partial one, and it is rarely seen on weekdays.

When Ling Juechen turned into the yard, he glanced hastily. The layout in the courtyard is just the simplest formation. He has been with Situ Yan for many years, and the general formation can still be cracked.

Just when he swaggered into the yard and walked towards the room where his wife was kept. A familiar voice with a bit of strangeness came from behind him faintly: "You...finally found it!"

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