The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1008: Love rivals meet

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Ling Juechen turned around slowly, saw that face that was a little more mature than before, and twitched the corners of his mouth: "It really is you!"

The Master of the National Normal University, that is, Situ Yan, was silent for a moment, and said, "I still can't hide it from you... When did you know it was mine?"

"Only these two days." Ling Juechen didn't know what to say, and greeted like an old friend, "These years, you should have had a good time? With your abilities, wherever you go, you are outstanding! "

Situ Yan thought that after he entered Beijing, he guessed his identity from the words of others. There is still a hint of happiness in my heart-after so many years, Chenzi has not forgotten him...

"For so many years, you are still the same, not much changed!" Ling Juechen said about his appearance. Situ Yan must be God's own son. He hasn't left any traces of time on his face for more than ten years, but has added a bit of mature charm.

This kind of him should be very popular with little girls. Why is he still single? Could it be...A Yan, this kid, still thinking about him? Ling Juechen thought awkwardly.

Situ Yan smiled faintly, and said, "You have changed a lot. You used to be cold and unspoken, and you talk a lot. After you get married, it's different!"

Ling Juechen didn't know how to continue. Fortunately, his relatives helped him out.

"Brother Chen!" Gu Ye's hearing was excellent, and she faintly heard her husband's voice. He opened the door and looked out. Her man was standing in the courtyard, talking to someone. She threw herself into the forest like a swallow happily, and rushed towards her husband.

But he was stopped halfway. Gu Ye shook the arm pulled by the master of the National Normal University, like a Pomeranian whose owner came to him, and said fiercely: "Let go of me! My mate is very good, be careful that he beats you to the top! "

Situ Yan ignored her threats, punches and kicks, patted the small footprints on the white clothes with the other hand, looked at Ling Juechen and said, " like this!"

"Which? You tell me clearly, am I bad?" Ling Juechen did not speak, Gu Ye was unhappy, "husband, someone else attacked! My soul has been hurt!"

Ling Juechen gave his wife a helpless look and said to Situ Yan: "Ayan, you let her go first..."

Seeing him take a step forward, Situ Yan not only did not let go of Gu Ye, who was jogging in his hands, but took a step by the hind legs of her arms. He looked at Ling Juechen with a bit of sadness in his eyes: "At the beginning, you said that someone was in your heart. Are you perfunctory?"

"Of course not!" Gu Ye grabbed the conversation and said, "The person in Brother Chen's heart has always been me. We are the fate bestowed by God!"

"Shut up!" Situ Yan was so patiently patience that she was so upset that she moved her hand from her arm to her thin neck, "If you say more, I will choke off your neck!"

Gu Ye didn't detect the killing intent from him, but he didn't want to stimulate him anymore. She made a pitiful expression at her husband-your wife has been bullied, so she doesn't rush to help find the place.

"Ayan, Ye'er is right. The person in my heart has always been her. There has never been anyone else, and there will be no one in the future!" Ling Juechen believed in his own judgment and Situ Yan would not hurt others at will. Especially the people he cares about. But looking at the hand on the daughter-in-law's neck, there is still an urge to cut it off.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Situ Yan sneered. "How old was your daughter-in-law 13 years ago? Has she been weaned? A baby doll can make you remember for more than ten years? What a lie!"

"If we say that we are in love between the two generations, do you believe it?" After Ling Juechen finished speaking, Gu Ye nodded vigorously in agreement.

Situ Yan smiled again, and slowly shook his head and said, "Chenzi, you have really changed! If you were thirteen years ago, you would never make up such absurd and ridiculous reasons to perfuse me! Past and present, love between two lives, Say it, do you believe it yourself?"

Gu Ye nodded under his big palm again: Believe it! This is a fact, okay! Her big ice cube has loved her since her previous life. It's just that she didn't know at the time, she missed it. Fortunately, I can meet him again in this life and continue the front line.

But... she listened to the conversation between the two, why did she listen more and more wrongly? What kind of **** plot? Isn't it what she thinks? The love and hatred between two equally handsome and excellent men-if one of them is not her husband, she must be very happy with CP!

"Master! I know that my father-in-law is handsome and handsome, Zhilan Yushu, Yushu Linfeng, and handsome, but he already has a family. It is very immoral to **** someone from their husband in the presence of their daughter-in-law. ,you……"

"Ye'er, shut up!" Ling Juechen and Situ Yan's brothers for more than ten years knew that he had hidden problems of narrow-mindedness and hatred because of his far-sighted, foresighted, and meticulous advantages. I'm afraid that when he gets angry, his hands are so hard...

Gu Ye pursed her mouth unhappily: "Husband, you murder me! You murder me for others! So... love will disappear, right?"

Situ Yan sneered and looked down at Gu Ye and said, "He is fierce to you, to protect you. You can't even tell this. What qualifications do you have to stand beside him and have his favor?"

Gu Ye looked back at him and sneered after learning from him, and said, "You are so stupid! This is the fun of our husband and wife! Alas, you are a single dog, why should I tell you this? My husband likes me like this. , It's not enough!"

Situ Yan's hand tightened slightly, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com's narrow and beautiful phoenix eyes narrowed and threatened: "Can you recognize your current situation? There is always the danger of being cut off by someone, and you are still stupid to offend the other party. Are you sure you are not stupid? "

"Is there any danger? Why didn't I feel it?" Gu Ye moved his neck in his palm and said confidently, "You will be in front of you who care about people, destroy the people he cares about most, and make him hate you. For a lifetime?"

"So what? People I can't get, and no one else can get it!" Situ Yan decided to teach the woman a lesson, but when she was about to tighten her fingers, she found that her hand was not at his disposal.

Gu Ye broke off his fingers, took a step back, turned his neck, and made a grimace at him: "Who are we stupid? Master, I'll give you a piece of advice: don't offend the pharmacist... …Also, at least ten steps away from the accident of the pharmacist you offended, barely considered a safe position."

"Daughter-in-law!" Ling Juechen smiled and walked in her direction.

"You stop me!" Gu Ye puffed up his cheeks, like a little frog humming, "I haven't settled your account yet! It's all right if you have a face that attracts bees and butterflies. Look at you. What mad bees and butterflies attracted?"

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