The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1009: Is it impulsive or affectionate?

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Situ Yan, who was described as a "mad bee wave butterfly", rounded the narrow eyes of the fox. But now he is not only unable to move his hands, but also stiff all over his body. Don't say you want to beat someone, you can't even move it.

"Also! You dare to be aggressive with me! Are you brave enough to eat the bear heart and leopard?" Gu Ye stood on tiptoe, pinched her husband's ear and turned around.

Ling Juechen glanced in the direction of Situ Yan, and resigned his wife to hold her ears, and whispered: "Daughter-in-law, my brother is watching. Is it okay to give face?"

"Brother?" Gu Ye pointed to Situ Yan, and said in a hateful tone of iron and steel, "You treat people as brothers, but they miss you... No, I want to be **** by you! Frankly explain, when will you hook up? of?"

Situ Yan's white and tender face instantly rose to purple eggplant after hearing her words. He tried to raise a hand, pointed at Gu Ye, looked at Ling Juechen, gritted his teeth and said:

"This is the woman you are looking for? It's so rude to speak like this, which is a bit like a woman? To have a face without a face, a figure without a body, to be restrained, and a bad temper... Unexpectedly, you have such a bad vision!"

"Hey! Love rivals return to love rivals, without personal attacks!" Gu Ye walked up to him, looked at him carefully for a while, and said, "I admit, my face is not as pretty as you. But my **** are bigger than you. Always admit it?"

"Furthermore, which smart and capable woman has no temper? You like that kind of boring woman like wood and bumps? You don't like it anymore. Why do you ask my husband to like that?" Gu Ye saw through him. The expression of the subtext in the mind.

Situ Yan calmed down and said, "You can only compare with a man!"

"I just have to compare you!" Gu Ye lowered his head and glanced at the Xiao Long Bao on his chest, his eyes full of danger. Damn it! Dare to underestimate her! Originally, I only intended to avenge him for acupuncture, and only let him pretend to be wood for one day. Now it has been increased to two days! !

"Okay, can you two stop pinching like children?" Ling Juechen was in the middle of the mud, "A Yan, we haven't seen each other for many years, sit down and talk?"

"Talk to him!" Gu Ye said angrily, "He kidnapped your daughter-in-law, choked your daughter-in-law's neck, and poke your daughter-in-law's sore spot. You are a husband, shouldn't you beat him first to vent your anger? ?"

"Humph!" Before Ling Juechen could speak, Situ Yan snorted coldly and said, "I and Chenzi, that's more than ten years of brotherhood, can it be destroyed by a woman who doesn't know where it came from?"

"Sneez!" Gu Ye sneered, "Between you, you still use me to destroy? In these thirteen years, I didn't have any trouble with me? I think it's plastic brotherhood, right?"

"You..." Situ Yan glared at her.

Gu Ye was unwilling to show weakness, and his eyes were bigger than him: "What are you? Don't want to approach my husband by socialist brotherhood! He already has me, so just give up!"

"Ye'er, don't talk nonsense! Just like Gangzi and Dapeng, I and A Yan are comrades-in-arms and brothers! Why are you close to each other, and you can't grab them?" Ling Juechen didn't want his wife to wade more water. Muddy, I was also afraid that her mouth would blow Situ Yan to death.

If you are a brother, it depends on whether you accept it or not! Gu Ye turned her back, pouting her mouth and sulking.

Situ Yan looked at Ling Juechen with complicated eyes, and then asked quietly, "Do you still consider me a brother? Just like Gangzi and Dapeng?"

"Of course! In my heart, you have always been a good brother who fought side by side with me." Ling Juechen came to him and stood there, standing side by side with him, looking at the flowers and plants in the courtyard, "The defeat of the battle back then , It’s not the reason for your formation, but someone deliberately sabotaged it! I was injured, and it was not your responsibility. At that time, you were under too much pressure, so..."

"No!" Situ Yan listened quietly, and suddenly interrupted Ling Juechen, "I am two years older than you. How could it be an impulsive illusion?"

"From the time I was thirteen or fourteen, I knew that I was different from others! Gangzi and Dapeng privately talked about which woman had **** and that woman's buttocked, but I was not at all interested. In fact, so far , And there has never been a woman who can focus my attention on her. I have also sneaked to the brothel to try, but..." Situ Yan shook his head.

At first, Gu Ye just raised his ears and listened to the conversation between the two of them. At this time, his feet could not help but moved behind them, and he blatantly eavesdropped.

Situ Yan's gaze swept across her faintly, but he did not stop talking: "Chenzi, I don’t know when I started to feel good about you. But I have become more and more determined that I am Your feelings are different from Gangzi and others. I have struggled, struggled, and disgusted myself...

Thirteen years ago, the confession when you were seriously injured. It's really because I'm afraid that you won't make it through that night, and I don't want to leave regrets. Thinking about it now, God is not on my side. Otherwise, how can I wake you up when I want to kiss you? "

"Then... Did you kiss?" Gu Ye asked when he stopped, scratching his ears and cheeks anxiously.

Ling Juechen pushed away the little head she had leaned in, with a straight face: "Of course not! I said, my first kiss is for my wife!"

"Oh, hello! It's twenty-seven and eighty, and I still have the first kiss. Didn't I pick up a big deal?" Gu Yejie smiled.

"Daughter-in-law, you are wrong! My first kiss was only left until I was 23! When I was seriously injured and unconscious, a naughty little doctor stole my first kiss in my sleep. Will you forget? "Ling Juechen knocked her head. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Gu Ye rubbed his forehead, and said embarrassedly, "I just... just touch it and stop. What kind of kiss is that?"

Situ Yan looked at the couple of dog men and women bitterly: If you don't bring them, please take into account the feelings of others when spreading dog food!

Wait, when Chenzi was twenty-three, this girl was only eleven, right? Take advantage of Chenzi's coma and kiss him? So proactive? The world has changed, or has he left Yan Country for too long to keep up with the times?

Who is Chenzi likes? correct! Thirteen years ago, Chenzi said that the person he likes is a bit lustful, is it really this woman? When this woman saw herself for the first time, she couldn't wait to stick her eyes on him, even the little girl from Sen country was not so bold and unrestrained!

"You two! Just enough!" Situ Yan gritted his teeth. He finally forced himself to face up to that period of time, and felt distressed about the hard-pressed himself, but he was ridiculed by these two men, destroying the atmosphere completely!


The teacher who took the class asked for leave and had seven classes a day, and the baby was exhausted!

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