The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1010: Past life enemy

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Gu Ye shrank her neck, made a "Please continue" gesture to him, and then retracted behind the two of them again, and continued to eavesdrop with her little ears erected.

Situ Yan gritted his teeth, rearranged his thoughts and emotions, and continued: "Perhaps it is because you know what you are thinking about, or maybe it is because you are rejected because of your confession. When things go out, my mind becomes confused, thinking that you want to force you to leave. I deliberately revealed this matter..."

"Impossible!" Gu Ye's soft, crisp voice came from behind him, "My husband is not like that! You still keep saying that you have been in friendship with him for more than ten years, and there is no sense of trust at all!"

If Situ Yan was able to move, she would have caught her and beaten her. If you eavesdrop, can you not interrupt? Situ Yan decided to ignore her. He can see it through, this guy is crazy, the more you care about her, the more joyous she will be.

"After I calmed down, I quickly figured it out. I ran away, most of the reason is that I don't know how to face you..." Situ Yan sighed and paused.

"What's the matter then? If you can't be a lover, you can still be friends! You two parties, if nothing happens, then it will be?" Gu Ye was very happy eating melons by the side.

"I'm not like you, with such a thick-skinned face!" Situ Yan originally wanted to have a very emotional memory to kill, but was interrupted again and again by this stinky woman. The emotions of embarrassment, hesitation, and nostalgia were all caused by her. If you do, the impact will be great.

Gu Ye's head came over again: "Let's compare each other, see who has the big face?"

"Just like your sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, are you bigger than a human face?" Situ Yan said disdainfully.

"Oh, you, you can’t even hear the kind words. Whoever has a big face is thick-skinned. I have a small face because of thin-skinned faces! You have a fox face when you say my sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, and A pair of fox eyes that specialize in hooking up people!" Gu Ye stuck out his tongue at him.

Without giving him a chance to refute, she turned her head and said to Ling Juechen: "Husband, your friend's IQ is worrying, so be stingy, throw it away as soon as possible! Stupidity will also be contagious."

However, Situ Yanqi also looked at Ling Juechen: "Chenzi, why don't you think you can't think about finding such a wife? Are all women in the world dead?"

"Hey, I can't tell you, you don't have to belittle yourself!" Gu Ye didn't get angry, and shook his head. "No matter how bad I am, my husband didn't choose me? He didn't choose you. There is only one reason-you are better than you. I might as well!"

Situ Yan stared at Ling Juechen fiercely, his chest undulating violently: "Chenzi, hurry up and take your wife away. Do you want to **** me off so hard that you will never have to face me in the future?"

"Why are you unreasonable!" Gu Ye rushed to him and pointed to his nose, "You won't forget it, you caught me from Concubine Yin!"

"I regret it now! It's time to let Yin Fei cross the river to demolish the bridge and kill you!" Situ Yan's state at this time, like a robot, can only move slowly and slightly at the joints. He stretched out his hand in Gu Ye's direction, with an expression of wishing to pinch her to death.

"Oh! It turns out that you took me captive to save me! You said it earlier! I thought you wanted to use me as bait to lure my husband over and use my life to threaten him!" Gu Ye made a mistake on his guilty expression.

Situ Yan snorted coldly and said, "If you are not Chenzi's wife, I will take care of you! Also, what kind of "threat him and commit it", do you treat everyone like you, full of dirty thoughts?"

"You dare to swear to God, you didn't want to take this opportunity to see my husband side by side?" Gu Ye didn't believe that he would be so kind!

"Chenzi came to Beijing this time, we always have the opportunity to meet, do we need to use you as an excuse?" Situ Yan glanced at her lightly-take yourself too seriously!

Gu Ye wrinkled her little nose and snorted: "If I were not here, my husband would appear in the capital of Sen Country? You should thank me, which indirectly contributed to the first meeting of you thirteen years. Otherwise, You hide here shyly, my husband turned Yan Country upside down, but he couldn't find you!"

Situ Yan tried his best to ignore the word "shy answer" she used, and moved her eyes to Ling Juechen's body. After a long time, she slowly asked, "Have you looked for me?"

"I've found it! The military camp, the frontier gate, and even the enemy's camp have been searched many times. Until it is confirmed that you are safe and you leave the camp." Ling Juechen nodded, "I overheard our conversation back then. And the person who was maliciously spreading in the barracks, I also punished him heavily for spying on the military situation and expelled him."

"My husband did this purely for the friendship of your brothers for over ten years. Don't be passionate! Besides, if you approach the general's tent for no reason, you might have been spying on the military affairs." Gu Ye explained superfluously. .

"I grew up in a barracks with Chenzi since I was a child, so what do you say?" Situ Yan said impatiently. He glanced at Ling Juechen, disgusted with the authenticity, "You have always been reticent, how can you not think about marrying a silly man? To this day, don't you bother her?"

"You don't provoke the feelings between our husband and wife! I and my husband, this is called moving and quiet, complementing each other! If he finds someone who is as reticent as him, and does not say a word for a few days, is it still called living? Typical? The'respect each other like ice'!"

Gu Ye took a breath, UU read www.uukanshu. Com drank pear juice to moisturize the throat. Situ Yan stared at the cup in her hand, the ghost knew when the woman took the cup.

Gu Ye continued: "Speak out, I'm afraid you will be envious! My husband and I are called Qinse Heming, are like glue, love each other, and have raised eyebrows... Haven't you noticed any changes in your brother? "

"Yes! There are too many words! So tuberculosis can be contagious too!" Situ Yan smiled sarcastically.

"This is called mutual influence, and development towards a good direction. You may not know it, your brother can talk about love... Of course you don't know, because he only said sweet love words to me!" Gu Ye deliberately Showing off in front of him, his big eyes gleamed with a thunderous light, and the whole person was so vivid.

Situ Yan suddenly understood that Ling Juechen was a big iceberg, so many ladies dismissed it, but she had taken it down! Those ladies are too gentle and can't melt this iceberg. Only this faceless woman with a fire-like personality can move his frozen heart?

However, it was said that Ling Juechen, the big iceberg, would talk love, and he didn't believe that he would kill him. Situ Yan: "You don't have to make it up. Don't I know what Chenzi's character is? If he can say love to the little girl, I will walk backwards!"

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