The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1011: Clever silly wife

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"Man, you are the one who speaks!" Gu Ye frowned and said, "If you admit that you are a little woman in your heart, you can just go wrong!"

This woman is really owed! It is estimated that if she hadn't married a good husband, she would have been beaten so that her mother would not know her! Situ Yan endured his anger: "You don't have to use aggressive methods, I won't break my promise!"

"You two, can't you talk well?" Ling Juechen looked helpless on the side.

"No!" the two answered in unison.

Gu Ye even coldly snorted, and said: "Have you ever seen a woman who can be so magnanimous to be with a rival in, is it possible to live peacefully with Xiaosan? I don't have that good cultivation and stomach!"

Although Situ Yan didn't know the meaning of "Little San", he guessed it was not a good thing, so he sneered and said: "Don't provoke me with any rivals or rivals! The big man can afford to let it go! The one he rejected me back then In a moment, I’ve put it down! You don’t have to always hold your pigtails and talk about it!"

"You put it very nicely. Since you have put my husband down, why did you take me into captivity? Didn't you use me to lead my husband to see you?" Gu Ye asked back.

Situ Yan smiled coldly again, and said, "Yin Fei is pregnant, do you know? She called the secret guards today, and ordered that once she is pregnant, she will do it on you. I will **** you over, yes Save you! Do you know how to be grateful?

No, you don’t understand! There is a paste in your woman's mind. Concubine Yin took you captive from the country of Yan, and coaxed you with a few good words, and tried her best to restore her body. Not to mention, your medical skills are indeed worthy of the title of ‘Little Genius Doctor’.

It has only been more than a month, and the poisonous concubine's belly has news. Chenzi, you are such a smart person, so you can choose, why did you choose a fool to be your wife? "

"Who is the fool scolding?" Gu Ye was unhappy.

"Who scolds anyone!" Situ Yan was not fooled. The two people are like roosters. You stare at me and I stare at you. There is a tendency to fight if you don't agree.

"Have you two done it forever?" Ling Juechen stood in the middle of the two dumbfounded, blocking their sight. Originally, I was worried that Situ Yan's appearance would make his wife a nympho. It now appears that the two are guilty!

"Husband... he scolded me, saying I was a fool!" Gu Ye covered his face and threw a fake cry in Ling Juechen's arms.

"If you can't tell, can you just point your face?" Situ Yan was ready to fight, and was stunned by her sudden **** operation.

"Look, he still said that I was shameless--" Gu Ye turned into a stranger, holding his man's thin waist and continuing to drill into his arms.

Ling Juechen patted his daughter-in-law on the back, and said softly: "Girl, being stupid is not a bad thing. It is said that stupid people have stupid blessings! Or, how can you marry me such an excellent mate?"

Situ Yan was so shocked that his jaw was about to fall off. Damn! Chenzi is possessed by something dirty? Such disgusting Bara's words were actually spoken from his mouth.

Just now he thought that the stinky woman said those things to irritate him, and he didn't believe that Chenzi would talk about love, and now his face was cracked. Well, in the next few days, he will be walking head down!

Gu Ye was dissatisfied with her husband's answer: "Who is stupid? If I am stupid, I can become a great pharmacist at the age of thirteen, and the title of ‘peerless little doctor’ at the age of fourteen will make the world famous? I’m smart!"

"Yes, yes! My daughter-in-law is the smartest, and there is no one in the world who is smarter than my daughter-in-law." Ling Juechen hurriedly gave her daughter-in-law a smooth hair.

"What? She is a great pharmacist? At the great pharmacy meeting four years ago, she was the mysterious great pharmacist?" Situ Yan showed a shocked face.

Gu Ye was triumphant and raised his little tail in front of his rivals and said, "Exactly! Don't adore sister too much, sister is just a legend!"

Situ Yan showed a thoughtful expression, and looked at Ling Juechen sympathetically: "I can understand, you marry her. You are wronged!"

"What do you mean?!" If it wasn't for Ling Juechen to hug her waist, Gu Ye would rush to scratch his face, "Brother Chen and I are in love with each other, and we are more in love than Jin Jian. It's not because of the great pharmacist. Identity!"

Ling Juechen resolutely stood by his wife this time: "Ayan! I really like Ye'er. Our fate was destined in a previous life..."

"Chenzi, don't say anything! I understand your feelings!" Situ Yan's face was sad.

"You understand what a fart!" Gu Ye Xiaodan kicked over. Situ Yan couldn't avoid it in time because of medication, and there was a cute little footprint on his snow-white clothes.

"The gentleman speaks but doesn't move!" Situ Yan glanced at her contemptuously and said to Ling Juechen, "Your wife kicked it, aren't you responsible for the aftermath?"

Gu Ye put his hands on his hips: "I'm a woman, not a gentleman! Besides, I didn't move my hands, but my feet moved! Husband, why are you taking clothes for him? Are you honest, do you have a leg with him? Woo... I never expected that I would guard against women but not men. My life is so terrible—"

Seeing her covering her face and crying fakely again, Situ Yan looked at Ling Juechen with a black line: "Can you bear this kind of actress?"

"Don't you think... very cute?" Ling Juechen walked over, rubbed the little wife's head, and said with a smile.

"I don't think it at all!" Situ Yan seriously doubted the brother's aesthetics. "You two, are you two with mung beans, a strange flower meets a strange flower?"

"Who scold you?" Gu Ye took off his delicate embroidered shoes and threw them towards Situ Yan. Quite accurate, right in the forehead!

Ling Juechen gave Situ Yan an apologetic look, bent down to pick up the embroidered shoes, patted the dust on them, and squatted down to put them on his wife: "Stop it! Sit down and talk, okay?"

"Huh! If it's not for the face of my husband, I won't cut you to death!" Gu Ye looked fierce, like a little cat with fried hair.

Situ Yan lifted his lips and did not sneer again. It was obviously because of Ling Juechen's face.

Ling Juechen took Gu Ye's hand, and when he went into the house, he turned his head and saw the stiff Situ Yan, and then remembered that he had fallen into his wife's calculations. So he talked with her in a good voice: "You can solve the medicine given to him."

"He tapped my acupuncture point all night, you didn't seek justice for me. He only stood for such a short time, you feel distressed?" Gu Ye had the urge to kill Situ Yan with poison.

"No... if you don't give him the antidote, do you want me to move him in? Do you want your husband to have physical contact with him?" Ling Juechen asked back.

Gu Ye gestured with her hands: "Can't you hold his back collar with one hand and grab his belt with the other to lift people in?"

"He is my brother for more than ten years anyway, so I have to save him some face, right?"

"He is my rival in love, why should I save him face?" Gu Ye looked upset.

"Where is there any rival? My heart has always belonged to you. Good Ye'er, good wife! Untie him, I will hold him to apologize, can't it?"

Ling Juechen felt that it was not a problem for Situ Yan to stand there like a wooden stake. These two forbearance, can't always go down with the tip of the needle?

You two, can you not stop spreading dog food all the time. Have you considered how I feel? Situ Yan was disheartened: "Chenzi, leave me alone. Just let me stand here to the end of the day!"

Gu Yexin was unwilling, and finally took out the medicine. Soon after Ling Juechen poured the antidote into Situ Yan's mouth, he could move freely.

"Oh-vomit -" Situ Yan rushed to the side of the flowers, vomiting non-stop.

Ling Juechen looked at him sympathetically, remembering that the medicines Gu Ye sold to the disgusting person in the previous life were all that strange and disgusting Bara taste. He has also been teased a few times, and the taste is really-unforgettable in a lifetime!

"Ayan, are you okay?" Ling Juechen's tone was somewhat gloating.

Situ Yan slowly straightened up until he had nothing to vomit in his stomach. He wiped away the physical tears from the corner of his eyes, pointed at Gu Ye with a trembling finger, and then pointed at Ling Juechen: "You two, are you ganged up to fix me?"

"Sorry, the antidote doesn't suit your taste. I'll improve next time and try to make the taste you like. Can you?" Gu Yepi said with a smile.

"Okay! You can do it!" Situ Yan flicked his sleeves and said cruelly, "You better pray not to fall into my hands!"

"What can you do to me when you are in your hand? Can you still strengthen me?" Gu Ye glanced at a certain part of him and said with a curled mouth.

Ling Juechen was unwilling to listen: "Daughter-in-law, this sentence is too much! Comrade Gu Xiaoye, you have to pay attention to the way and occasion of speaking in the future. In front of your man, curse your man to cuckold, you think it is appropriate ?"

"Enough for you two!!" Situ Yan's face was purple with anger, "Chenzi, can you ask for a wife like this? If I were you, I would have given her up! It's...unreasonable and insulting! "

"If you were my husband, who wouldn't know if you were reading www.uukā!" Gu Ye knew what she had just said, and it was indeed inappropriate, so she muttered quietly.

"Shut up all to me!!" A chill filled the space between the two. The surrounding air seemed to be stagnant, and it was too heavy for people to breathe. Ling Juechen-Tigers don't show off their might, do you treat me as a sick cat?

When Ling Juechen became angry, the two of them knew the current affairs and shut up. However, until he entered the house and took a seat, he still used his eyes to kill. Ling Juechen was full of helplessness and helplessness!

"Ayan, let me talk about you first. Are you going back with me or staying in the country?" Ling Juechen looked at Situ Yan and asked.

Situ Yan didn't even think about it, so he said, "Go back? Can you go back?"

Ling Juechen glared at him and said, "Why can't you go back? Not long after you left, your brother found him. He was knocked down by the enemy and floated along the river, and was rescued by a farmer downstream. .Although he lost a leg, his life was saved.

Your father was posthumously named a Marquis of Martial Lord, and your brother inherited the title. Already married and had children, gave you a nephew and two nieces. Your brother hasn't given up looking for you, but you haven't heard from you for so many years, and people familiar with him think that you are more than auspicious.

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