The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1012: Large-scale dog abuse scene

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Ling Juechen continued: "Your brother is planning to give birth to a son, and adopt the continuation of the incense for you! Before I set out, his concubine was already pregnant with Liujia, and the doctor who was good at fetus said it was a boy. If there is no accident If you do, you will have more sons soon!"

Situ Yan's eyes lit up suddenly, and he muttered: "My brother is still alive? Does our Situ family have a queen?"

"Yeah! When you go back, there is no pressure to pass on from generation to generation. If you want to get married, you can do it. If you don't want to get married, I believe your brother will not force you!" Seeing his emotions, Ling Juechen trembled and patted him comfortingly. Shoulders.

Gu Ye stared at his hand firmly, and wrote him the account in his notebook: I haven't seen him for so long, and I haven't seen him take the initiative to touch her, give her a comforting hug or something. Actually took the initiative to have physical contact with her rival. Scumbag! !

Situ Yan hung his head and remained silent for a long time. Ling Juechen continued to swim and said, "Ayan, let's go back! Dapeng is about to get married, and even Gangzi has a favorite. They must be very happy when you go back to their wedding."

"They... won't look down on me? You think I'm sick?" Situ Yan slowly raised his head, glanced at Ling Juechen, and then turned his gaze away.

"If they are really your good brothers, they will never discriminate against you. Those who discriminate against you are not worthy of being your brothers." Gu Ye, a modern man who has also been a fan of Tanmei CP, cannot understand his self-pity, "Love is not right. Wrong, you just happen to like people of the same **** as you."

Situ Yan gave her a surprised look: Weird! Is it raining red? The stinky woman did not sneer, but comforted him. No... holding a big move, right?

"But!!!" Here comes! In Situ Yan's expression, Gu Ye swore sovereignty to him again, "It's not wrong to like the same sex. If you **** someone else's husband, you will be wrong. Therefore, I advise you to turn back to avoid mistakes and add mistakes!"

Situ Yan curled his lips, trying to reply to her, but held back. I just rolled my eyes in my heart: Apply the logic of this stinky girl's speech and send her a sentence-a husband who can be easily snatched away by others, don't worry!

"Why did you roll your eyes? Don't you have any worries about staying in the forest country? Look at your age and not getting married, what would the people around you think of you? If the old emperor has a whim, he will get you a red thread or something. , Will you accept it?" Gu Ye rolled his eyes back at him.

Situ Yan was lost in thought. Ling Juechen pushed back again: "It stands to reason that it is not your turn to build a princess mansion. You can move in and out freely in this princess mansion... the Emperor Sen would not want to give you and Princess Linlang Lalang, right?"

He raised his head sharply. No way? Princess Linlang... doesn't seem to be young anymore, the emperor at this age should have given her some advice... Also, Princess Linlang did appear by his side too often. When will the princess be free to enter and exit the palace gate? Could it be... the emperor really meant this?

"Ye'er and I will stay in the forest for a few days. You can think about it slowly and don't have to make a decision right away. Dapeng was injured and stayed in the barracks. Gangzi came with me and can enter the city tomorrow morning. Would you like to See him?" Ling Juechen looked at him, waiting for his decision. What Situ Yan needed was the hurdle in his heart!

"The emperor ordered me to be responsible for the reception of the delegation. I am ready to see you tomorrow. However, I did not expect to see you Chenzi today!"

"My husband was nervous about me! Knowing that I was in the hands of you, a big bad guy, I rushed over without stopping!" Gu Ye gave him a bragging look, her face sullen.

Situ Yan glanced at her faintly, and decided not to be familiar with this naive ghost, so as not to lower the style and identity of other teachers of the country. He looked at Ling Juechen: "Yinfei is looking for your daughter-in-law in the city at this time. It's still safe here, so just leave her here!"

"You, when making decisions for others, have you asked others for their opinions? I don't want to stay. This is all yours. Who knows if you will abuse me with Brother Chen behind your back. You Seeing your eyes are long and slender, you can see the face that Jiaxuan will tell you." Gu Ye hugged her husband's arm and resolutely resisted his arrangement.

Situ Yan grinned his teeth, gritted his teeth and said: "Let your husband stay with you tonight. Is this all right? I can't abuse you in front of your husband, right?"

"That can't! My husband will protect me, if you dare to do it, cut off your paws!" Gu Ye was triumphant, with a very powerful and reliable expression on my husband.

Situ Yan didn't look, he said to Ling Juechen: "Let's drink two glasses in the evening, and we should catch the wind for you in advance."

"I want to eat Spicy Rabbit Head, Spicy Boiled Fish, Spicy Chicken, Braised Pork... I also want to drink taro ball milk tea!" Gu Ye ordered a lot of Qingfeng House delicacies, and finally did not forget Put eye drops on him, "Husband, I am locked here, lack of food and clothing, and no freedom. What a pity!"

Ling Juechen could clearly hear Situ Yan's gritted teeth, showing how angry this brother was. He didn't say anything, but Situ Yan felt that he needed to explain, lest Chenzi believed his wife's provocative remarks, so that they would not even have a brother to do if Chenzi still recognized him as a brother.

"Lack of food and clothing? Where did your new clothes come from? The snacks packaged in Qingfeng Building in the morning, who eats them at UU reading" Situ Yan looked back at Ling Juechen without sympathy." Chenzi, your wife's mouth is too spooky. It must be hard to raise her, right?

Gu Ye's small face bulged in an instant, and his eyes stared round and round, really like a Q version of a little frog.

Ling Juechen squeezed his daughter-in-law's face, and said to Situ Yan: "You are wrong! My daughter-in-law raises me now. Those properties of mine have long been regarded as betrothal gifts and offered with both hands!"

Gu Ye's expression instantly turned cloudy, and he shook his head and stuck his tongue out childishly at Situ Yan.

Situ Yan looked at her old friend with disappointment, and said: "You! Wife is not so spoiled! A creature like a woman will not fight the house for three days. Be careful when she climbs on top of your head and acts as a blessing! Oh... true I don't know what is good about this woman, let you hold it carefully."

"Fortunately you don't like women, or your wife would have suffered. Domestic violence in marriage is the most unacceptable. The man who beats a woman is the most incompetent, weakest and most hopeless. He is out there. Only then will I use women to vent their anger. How could my husband be that kind of person?" Gu Ye promoted feminist ideas in a small way, and pulled her husband into an ally, "husband, am I right?"

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