The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1013: Enchantress and Faint King

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"Yes! What my wife said is right! If there is something wrong, please refer to the previous sentence too!" Ling Juechen stood firmly on his wife's side, he didn't want to be kicked under the bed at night!

"You..." Situ Yan was so angry that he could hardly speak, "Chenzi, if you are an emperor, you must be a faint emperor! And you are a concubine who harms the country and the people!"

"You are a concubine, and your whole family is a concubine!" Gu Ye exploded again, "How come I am also a demon empress! The kind of harem who pets alone! Concubine and other creatures shouldn't exist at all!"

"Chenzi, this is a jealous woman. You really don't think about giving her up?" Situ Yan is really heartbroken for the brothers who fought side by side in the past-Chenzi, wake up!

In addition to helplessness on Ling Juechen’s face: "Let’s talk about it, how can you two live together peacefully? Ye Er, aren’t you very tolerant of good-looking men? Ayan, you’re not always elegant and gentle, Jiao. If the moon is bright, is Mu like the breeze?"

Situ Yan took the lead and said: "Anyone who has self-cultivation can be driven crazy by your woman!"

Gu Ye also followed: "Where is he good? With thin eyes, thin lips, and a small belly, it's a thousand miles away from the image of a beautiful male in my heart. Brother Chen like this is my ideal. Type! Let me live in peace with him? Simple, unless he doesn't care about my husband anymore!"

"Who cares about your husband? How many years ago did that happen? Are you still biting? Who did not commit stupidity a few times or do a few wrong things when he was a teenager? I have wanted to open it for more than ten years. Well, okay?" Situ Yan felt that this must be said clearly, or else how could he show up in front of the previous group of brothers in the future?

"Impossible! It is said that first love is the most beautiful and the most memorable! You said you don't care about my husband anymore, so why did you **** me here?" Gu Ye didn't believe it.

"You woman! It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin who doesn't know good people! If you don't think that you are Chenzi's wife, I will venture into the palace and fish you out? I regret it now! I should let the black heart's concubine , Give you...huh!"

Situ Yan felt that if he stayed in front of this woman for a while, he would definitely vomit blood. Flicking his sleeves, snorting coldly, turning around and leaving, if the steps are not so urgent!

"Hey! How did you leave? I haven't said it yet, how do we solve our dinner! Is this the way the Chinese teacher treats guests? If you don't say it clearly, my husband and I will go out to eat hand in hand! "Gu Ye shouted at his back with a small voice.

"Supper is here for you!" The groaning back left behind the voice of gritted teeth.

Ling Juechen chuckled and nodded his wife's little forehead: "Why are you arguing with him?"

Gu Ye rolled her eyes and said, "I'm not for you yet? If I didn't have my active atmosphere, it would be embarrassing for you two to meet! He might not even dare to see you! No, he should only dare to see from a distance. Looking at you. Look, how energetic is he after arguing with me?"

Situ Yan, who had walked far away, also recovered his energy - Chenzi, wife, is really different.

Ling Juechen slapped a little flattery: "My wife is smart and knows the big picture!"

Gu Ye grabbed his ears: "Rainbow farts can't save you! I have to kneel durian today! How many other affair accounts I have in the past, tell me honestly!"

"How can this be called a romantic account? I didn't make three trips outside, and I was also very stunned!" Ling Juechen flattened his mouth aggrievedly, his small appearance is very pitiful.

"Why? Do you still want to hook up three times outside?" Gu Ye tried hard to make a glaring expression, but it was nondescript, like a naughty cat staring at a toy. "You said you, you don't have such a good look, what do you do? Girl, I recruited a male rival for me!"

"Can we turn this story over? Whenever I mention it, I feel uncomfortable!" Ling Juechen pitifully, "Besides, if I don't look good, I won't be able to marry your good wife. ,dont you agree?"

"Know that this good wife of mine is hard-won, do it and cherish it! Listen well, no matter whether you are a beautiful girl or a beautiful boy, you are not allowed to give them a good face. You must carry forward your cold-faced God of War style!" Gu Ye squeezed His face.

Ling Juechen raised her hand, put her chin on the palm of her hand, fanned her long eyelashes, and blinked Ka Zilan's big eyes. Where is there a little bit of cold arrogance and fierceness? If Situ Yan made money back at this time, he would definitely feel that the Ling Juechen in front of him was not Ling Juechen, but someone else disguised herself.

Gu Yeben didn't have much resistance to his appearance. Under his unlimited cuteness and coquettishness, he quickly surrendered: "Okay, okay! This will pass, and I won't talk to you in the future. Turn over the old account, don't do this, my little heart can't stand it. This... is the princess's future residence, not our back garden."

Ling Juechen hugged her slender waist, measured it with his hands, and reprimanded himself: "I am thin, and the waist is thin again. The fleshy meat raised in the winter has returned to the pre-liberation period! I am It's not very useless. I can't even protect my daughter-in-law, so she always suffers with me!"

"It's not your fault, don't always take it on yourself. Blame it, blame the instigator this time. Concubine Yin is so vicious and can't stay... However, the five princes are very poor, and they were treated unfairly when they were born. Such a mother on the stall!" Gu Ye said unbearably.

"What? Your heart is softened? You don't plan to let Concubine Yin, are you?" Ling Juechen hugged his wife tightly. If Xiao Ye'er can't make a move, let him come!

Letting his wife be kidnapped under his nose is a shame for him. What's more, Concubine Yin had the idea of ​​killing her. If you leave her, I'm afraid it will be a major disaster.

Gu Ye shook his head and said, "I'm not such a virgin! It's just that I don't want the fifth prince to know about her mother and concubine's misdeeds. In his heart, leave him a beautiful dream!"

Ling Juechen's chin rubbed against his daughter-in-law's head-his little girl was still so soft and kind. However, her kindness has a bottom line. If anyone touches her bottom line, the little milk cat will become a terrifying beast. Even if he is such a great master, he may not be able to please her. Isn't Jin Moran just an example?

Situ Yan held the post of the national teacher of the country of Sen, and was called into the palace by the emperor to discuss major issues of peace. Ling Juechen and Gu Ye had lunch together. The meals were also delivered by Qingfeng Building.

The couple took a nap, and Situ Yan walked around in the yard before he returned. The formation is arranged in the yard, on the one hand to prevent Gu Ye from escaping, on the other hand, it can also prevent the subordinates from the outer yard of the princess mansion from entering it by mistake.

This kind of simple formation was difficult for Ling Juechen. When Situ Yan studied this kind of "wrong way", he was also dragged to learn for some time. If he is interested, he should learn faster and specialize than Situ Yan. Unfortunately, he is not here!

Gu Ye was interested. With her husband by her side, she can travel through the formation without any worries. After walking a few times, she found that Situ Yan had lied to her. What dangers and traps are all deceiving her. In this formation, if people who don't understand rush into it, at most they will circle around the place!

She happily circled the formation, let her husband take her out, and then ran in and circled, so back and forth, extremely naive. But the couple had a great time. Until the evening when Situ Yan came out of the palace, the two of them were still having fun in the formation!

Situ Yan pointed to the destroyed flowers and trees, almost speechless with anger: "These are precious flowers and trees, and they were finally found from all over. You guys...were pulled out!!"

Ling Juechen said with some regret: "Ye'er wants to prove that the surrounding vegetation is destroyed, can he break the formation...Or, in a few days, I will send someone more precious flowers and plants to make up for you?"

Situ Yan pointed to him, "I don't like my spoiled wife like that. Look at you, what do you get used to with your daughter-in-law? Don't you be used to getting her courageous and courageous?"

"No, Ye'er has a sense of measure." Ling Juechen looked at Gu Ye and smiled lightly.

Situ Yan pointed her finger in his direction in the air, looking speechless. Gu Yebai glanced at him and said, "It's just a few flowers and plants! As for the relationship between our husband and wife! If you feel bad for money, I will help you grow it again!"

After that, he dug a hole and buried the flowers and trees he pulled out. These flowers and trees are pulled out, and the root system is more or less injured. Precious flowers and herbs are delicate, so it is strange that they can survive if they are planted again! Not only did Chenzi not stop his daughter-in-law, but he helped dig a hole on the side. It's—it's hopeless!

Gu Ye certainly wouldn't just just plant it like When she was buried in the pit, with her back facing Situ Yan, she added some nutrient and growth fluids to the roots of the flowers and plants. These are what she made when she improved the pearl plum, which is conducive to the survival of the plants.

"Okay!" Gu Ye patted the soil on his hands, gently twitching his nose, "I asked about the aroma of the food, there are braised pork, and my favorite spicy rabbit head!"

"Dog nose!" Situ Yan whispered, calling to Ling Juechen, "Get hungry! Wash your hands for dinner!"

Gu Ye washed his hands well, sat at the table and looked at a table of delicious food, instantly feeling beautiful, even Situ Yan, this annoying fellow, looked much pleasing to the eye.

She reached out for a rabbit head and found that the sleeve was a little in the way, so she handed it in the direction of her husband. Situ Yan's brows loosened a little bit-even knowing that Chenzi's affection was not given in vain...

But when he saw that Chenzi didn't pick up the rabbit's head, but helped his wife roll up her sleeves, he realized that he had understood it wrong. Looking at Gu Ye, who was able to chew on the rabbit's head, and at the dusty face looking at her, Situ Yan sighed in his heart-these two, one would fight and the other would suffer. Why should an outsider like him point fingers?

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