The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1014: Senior White Lotus

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Pouring a glass of wine for Ling Juechen, the two recalled the past, talking about their experiences over the years, talking about their old times... I don't know if Situ Yan has let go, or buried this abnormal love in his heart.

The two can be regarded as having a good chat! Until Gu Ye lay down on the bed in the inner room and fell asleep, the two outside were still drinking and talking...

When Gu Ye got up early the next morning, there were only two maids, one tall and one short, guarding her. Before asking what she said, she turned a bit: "Where is the National Teacher?"

The tall maid waited for her to wash, and replied: "Today Yan Guoyi and the delegation entered Beijing, and the Master of the National Normal University was ordered to greet her. At this time, should the envoy be settled in the post?"

Correct! Today is the day when Brother Chen brought Yihe Tuan to Beijing. Is she going to join in the fun? forget it! Concubine Yin and the family behind her should be looking for her all over the capital, maybe they are lying in ambush around her post, waiting for the rabbit!

Husband is about to negotiate with Sen State, this time he will dig a lot of benefits from Sen State, including her compensation. For the sake of money, she will be honest for two days and will not cause trouble to her husband!

The formation in the yard has already been withdrawn, so Gu Ye watered the flowers and plants and added some nutrient solution when nothing happened. In two days, the flowers and plants in the yard grew well like hormones. No one died after being planted by her. Humph! See what else the smelly national teacher can say!

Ling Juechen asked the emperor to personally discuss the matter of peace. The venue was in the chamber of discussion, and all ministers of civil and military affairs were in the audience. Emperor Sen agreed.

As a result, the peace talks have changed, and they have become a three-house trial! The youngest kidnapper with the identity of the dark guard, Princess Linlang, appeared in the conference hall as witnesses.

Princess Linlang's injury has long since healed, and she served deliciously in Yan Country, and she was raised white and fat - there are more delicacies in Yan Country than in Sen Country!

She tearfully stated the dozen or so assassinations she had experienced on her way to Yan Country. Among them are assassins, as well as the guards of Mori. She also provided physical evidence-the waist card of the dark guard killed by her guard, and the testimony of Yan Wangge's steward.

The secret guard's third confession was brought by their boss Jin Moran to carry out the mission. The person who issued the task to them was the Concubine Yin Concubine who was around the Liangdian.

The Emperor Sen did not believe it. Concubine Yin is gentle and virtuous, and considerate. After the death of the queen, Lin Lang and the prince took good care of their two children. Even if the prince is gone, this country will not have her son's turn to inherit. She has no motive to harm Lin Lang and the prince!

The deployment and origin of the dark guards are all documented. The waist card provided by Lin Lang quickly found out the background of the hidden guard, and it was indeed implicated in Yin Fei's family. And Yan Wangge's testimony all pointed to the concubine!

The maids in the palace around the beams, the chief in charge of medicinal materials, and the imperial physicians in the imperial hospital who had something to do with the concubine... were soon brought up. Finally, I came to a conclusion-these days, a young girl with very good medical skills came to Raoliang Hall, who was reconditioning the concubine Yin and the fifth prince. And he cured Yinfei's years of infertility.

Concubine Ning, who is also known as the "little genius doctor", met the young girl's age and appearance. Concubine Yin's motive to rob Princess Ning has been-heal her!

If you only treat infertility, you can wait until the little genius doctor comes to treat the prince. Why take the risk of provoking a dispute between the two countries and rob people from it? Yin Fei's approach is very puzzling.

Pass the Concubine Yin to the main hall. Yin Fei denied it, saying that someone knew that she was pregnant and framed her. Her illness is a secret formula for nurses and nurses that the family has asked for a lot of money. The maid of the palace beside her said very well how to moxibustion, how to bathe in medicine, and how to fumigate. There is no little doctor...

The prince strongly proved that the little genius doctor had indeed appeared in the palace, and found out the cause of his weakness, not a chronic illness, but a kind of gu worm named "Bloodthirsty Gu". Someone gave him a gu when he was about ten years old. At that time, it was the time for Yin Fei to take care of their siblings.

Concubine Yin didn't expect the little genius doctor to have contact with the prince in private, but was not panicked. Instead, he said: "Your Majesty, if this matter was done by a concubine, and the concubine hid it before it was too late, how could it be possible to let the little genius doctor go in and out of the Raoliang Hall at will? Go to the prince’s palace to treat him? Don’t you call on yourself? If the emperor doesn’t believe me, please send someone to search the concubine’s palace and return the concubine to be innocent!"

At this time, the Master of National Normal University stood up: "Weichen has something to report!"

The Emperor Sen frowned, his head was numb, and he wanted someone to take care of him. Hearing this, he hurriedly said: "Aiqing, please speak!"

"On the order of your majesty, we will conduct a thorough investigation of the harem, and rescue a person from the dark guard in the Raoliang Hall. Although this person is dressed as a court lady, she has an extraordinary bearing. And the order given by the concubine Yin to the dark guard is... The Master of the National Normal University gave Concubine Yin a look and continued, "This person's body and appearance are as good as the Concubine Ning in the mouth of King Ning!"

Emperor Sen stood up from the dragon chair and asked eagerly: "Where is Princess Ning who was rescued by you?"

"Weichen has placed Princess Ning in a proper place, please rest assured!" Situ Yan bowed.

"That's good, that's good!" The Emperor Sen looked at Yin Fei and asked in a deep voice, "Yin Fei, what else can you say?"

When Concubine Yin heard that the little genius doctor was rescued by the national teacher, she knew that the situation was over. However, she was holding her belly, tears streaming down slowly, her voice still melodious: "Your The concubine is very favored by the emperor, but she has not given birth to her majesty for many years, and she is ashamed. Please, the emperor. Understand the mood of the concubine's desire to be a mother!"

" can't go to Yan Country and tie Princess Ning back!" The Emperor Sen looked at the pretty face of pear blossom with rain, a little softhearted. But the current situation does not allow him to soften up!

"The concubine... also wants to share your worries for your majesty! Princess Linlang, without your approval, took the two cities to others. Although it was because of the prince’s illness, she had thought about this city, one pool, Both the emperor and your majesty, you fought with one blow, one soldier and one horse!

The concubine thought, if he could steal the little genius doctor back without knowing it. Can we stay with these two cities? Your Majesty has been uncomfortable for two months in the past two years, and the concubines looked at them and wished to replace them with their bodies.

The little genius doctor can cure the poisonous old emperor, so how difficult is it to take care of your majesty's body? Alchemy and medicine have something in common. The concubine thought, if the little genius doctor stays in the forest country forever, it will be helpful to your majesty's alchemy...

It was the concubine's inconsiderate thinking, and his subordinates did not work well, which caused a disaster. The concubine's death is more than guilty, but... the child in the concubine's belly is innocent! Your Majesty, this is also your own flesh and blood! "

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