The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1015: Fake pregnancy?

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Ling Juechen didn't want to watch her sing and play, and said: "Oh? Since this lady wants to keep the little genius doctor in the forest country for your majesty's use. Why then order the secret guard to kill the killer? "

"The concubine is wronged! Your majesty, think about it, the concubine is already at an advanced age when she is pregnant with a child. She has to rely on the little genius doctor to help with the pregnancy and childbirth. How could it be possible to order him to be harmed? Master, this matter. Is there a misunderstanding?"

Situ Yan frowned lightly, then smiled faintly, and said, "Is there any misunderstanding, the empress will explain to your majesty herself. Your majesty, when the Weichen brought Princess Ning out of the Palace of Raoliang, a few hidden guards withdrew from the temple. The Weichen and the dark guard who borrowed from your Majesty had fought with them and recognized the identities of two of them."

"Then what are you waiting for, bring people up!" The Emperor Sen glanced in the direction of King Ning, the man condensed, his eyes flashed with anger. If I don't give him an explanation today, I'm afraid I can't be kind.

Two guards were brought up. The Emperor Sen seized their weakness and gave a truthful explanation within a few seconds. Empress Yin Concubine suddenly hugged her belly and leaned against her confidant maid, crying.

Another confidant maid pounced on the ground, with her forehead heavily knocked on the ground, begging bitterly: "The emperor, the empress has finally become pregnant with the dragon son after fifteen years. In these years, she always held it in the middle of the night. The jade pendant given to the little prince by the emperor washed his face with tears.

When the Huamai was first diagnosed, the empress said that it was the little prince who had returned. She dreamed of the little majesty who left her, re-entering the dream, smiling at her, calling her "mother concubine"... the emperor, for the sake of the unborn little majesty...

Emperor Sen looked at Concubine Yin with complicated eyes. Before the fifth prince, Concubine Yin had a baby. However, at that time the queen was newly funeral, and Lin Lang and the prince were taken care of by her. At that time, Princess Linlang was just four years old, and the prince was less than two years old.

Concubine Yin was exhausted because he had to take care of the two children because he caught up with the queen's mourning. When the prince almost fell naughty, when she hurried forward to help him, she accidentally fell to the ground. The prince was pressed on her stomach, and the fetus was moved immediately, and a baby boy who had already formed was born...

Although Concubine Yin raised her body and soon became pregnant with the fifth prince. But the child who miscarried was her first child, and she devoted a lot of maternal love. She was beloved by herself at that time, and the emperor had great expectations for this child. In order to save the prince... it's gone!

Although she was more favored by the emperor and soon had another son, the shedding child was still a pain in her heart.

The resentment and resentment in the heart of the Emperor Sen were gradually replaced by guilt and distress. If, in the belly of Concubine Ai, it is really that child...

"His Royal Highness? Are you sure, Concubine Yin is pregnant with His Highness?" A crisp female voice came from outside the hall.

Everyone in the hall looked in the direction of the voice, and a thin, petite girl with a handsome face was walking into the hall with a smile. Ling Juechen stood up from the seat and greeted him a few steps.

After the Emperor Sen learned that the national teacher had rescued Princess Ning, he ordered people to go to the princess mansion and invite them. Concubine Yin couldn't help but twitch at the corner of her eyes when she heard the national teacher said that she would hide people in the newly completed Princess Mansion. The people she sent out have been searched almost all over the capital, except that they would hide there!

After the concubine Yin concubine learned that she was the teacher of the country, she left for the little genius doctor, knowing that the situation was over. Now I only pin my hopes on the emperor who can recite the child in her stomach, leaving her with a chance to change...

After listening to Gu Ye's words, she suddenly had an ominous premonition: "What do you...what do you mean? With the evidence of an imperial doctor, does my palace still cheat in this regard?"

Gu Ye handed his hand to the handsome husband who greeted him, and smiled at the concubine Yin: "The diagnosis of the imperial physician may not be correct. There is a phenomenon called pseudopregnancy. Have you heard of what is pseudopregnancy? .Let this genius doctor give you some popular science.

Pseudo-pregnancy refers to women who have some pregnancy-like symptoms, such as cessation of water, nausea, vomiting, etc., and even conscious fetal movement and abdominal swelling.

What caused it? One is the cause of the disease-of course, every month the empress will have an imperial doctor to ask for a peace pulse, this reason does not exist.

What about the other? It’s the desire to be able to get pregnant in my heart - the mother's desire for a child has been going on for more than ten years, and her obsession is getting deeper and deeper. It is not uncommon for a false pregnancy to occur when this genius doctor gives you a recuperation and intentionally makes some psychological hints! "

"But... the imperial physician gave me a pulse and said that from my pulse condition, it is most likely to be pregnant. The reason for the lack of obvious pulse condition is that the days are too shallow, and it can be confirmed in a few days!" Yin Fei refused to believe it. Her remarks opened her eyes and stared at her nervously.

"Pulse condition! I said it can be faked, believe it or not?" Gu Ye hooked his finger at Situ Yan like a pup.

The Master of the National Normal University reluctantly moved a few steps in front of her and warned her with his eyes: This is the meeting hall, above the court, you woman... pay attention to your identity!

When he was three steps away from Gu Ye, Gu Ye raised his hand. Situ Yan only felt a faint fragrance drifting from the tip of his nose. He suffered a loss in Gu Ye's hands, and flew back to a safe position.

"Master of the National Normal University, your reaction is a little bit louder." Gu Ye barked his teeth, "You are the savior of this genius doctor, how can I harm you?"

Situ Yan stood cautiously in place. This woman's methods are endless, and the strange fragrance just now is absolutely nothing!

Sure enough, Gu Ye looked at the old emperor: "Your Majesty, his eyes are dark and his complexion is dull, maybe there is some hidden illness. Please also send your majesty an imperial physician to the Master of the National Normal University to get the pulse, lest you lose a talent..."

Situ Yan stared at Gu Ye: Why do I have a bad complexion, others don't know, don't you know? First of all, I was so angry that I was half-dead by you, and then my husband was drunk for a long time. I got up in the morning with a headache. It's weird to look good! What kind of tricks you woman want to do?

The emperor of the State of Sen still attached great importance to the competent minister of the national teacher, and hurriedly invited the Taiyuan Hospital to diagnose the pulse of Situ Yan.

Taiyuan Hospital was putting his finger on the pulse of the national teacher, and suddenly his eyes opened like a copper bell, with an expression of disbelief. He carefully looked at the National Normal University for a long time, and then asked him to change his hand again and continue to feel the pulse-the result was still the same!

"Why... how could this happen!" The hospital was looking like hell.

The emperor of the State of Sen shook his heart, and hurriedly asked: "Master of the State Teacher is sick?"

"Master's pulse condition is... Huamai!" The hospital was wiping sweat from his forehead, and he hesitantly reported the "ridiculous" result of his diagnosis to the emperor.

"What? Huamai? That's not..." Isn't the pulse of pregnancy? The Emperor Sen looked at his courtiers. Although he was taller and his chest was flatter, he had a masculine face. Could it be that... the courtier he valued was actually his daughter's house?

"Your Majesty, the minister is a man!" Situ Yan was full of black lines. He knows his pulse, don't ask, it's definitely a ghost of this stinky woman. Can't help but grind his teeth again!

"Huamai? Impossible, right?"

Gu Ye pretended to be surprised, and went up to take the pulse for the Master of the National Normal University: "Oh! The pulse is fluent, like a rolling jade plate... Although, under pathological conditions, slippery pulses can also be seen in anemia, rheumatism, Acute infection and fever, acute and chronic gastroenteritis, liver cirrhosis and ascites (xianhua pulse) and other symptoms.

But experienced doctors can still easily distinguish the differences. Master, this is obviously a happy pulse. Congratulations, Master of National Normal University, I will be a father in ten months... No, I am a mother! "

There was a dull laughter in the hall. Master Fox of the National Normal University looked over, and several ministers hurriedly arranged their expressions and made serious gestures!

Situ Yan gritted his teeth, tried to control his violent temper, squeezed out a smile, and asked: "Princess Ning, can you tell me what is going on?"

"Master of the National Normal University said this. You are pregnant, but what is the situation with this genius doctor? I am not the father of the child..." As soon as Gu Ye said what he said, many ministers couldn't help but laugh.

Some ministers even stared at the master of the National Normal University, wondering whether he would be a tall woman-no wonder he hasn't seen him close to female **** for more than ten years...

The emperor of the State of Sen interrupted his courtiers’ speculation: "What are you thinking about? I used to soak in hot springs with the national teacher. He is a man or a woman, don't I know?"

Gu Ye showed a sudden look--oh! Soaked in hot springs with the old emperor? The two met frankly... it wouldn't be after being stimulated by her husband to change their and the old emperor... No wonder the promotion is so fast, at a young age, one person is under 10,000!

Although she didn't say a word, Situ Yan could see all the os in her heart from her eyes and expressions, so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He can't take Gu Ye about it, he can only stare at Ling Juechen next to her-you are in charge of your wife!

Seeing Situ Yan being bullied by his little Ye Zi, Ling Juechen couldn't bear it. He opened his mouth and said: "Your Majesty, my princess is naughty. In fact, what she meant is that Huamai is not necessarily pregnant, it may also be a fraud!"

Concubine Yin was holding her belly, staring at Situ Yan's belly in a daze. Hearing that, she was clever, her voice was never sharp: "What do you mean? Suspect that I pretended to deceive your Majesty? Why should I do this? How can I do such self-deception?"

"Your Majesty, you must believe in your concubine! Your concubine's body has been restored! The little genius doctor can cure even smallpox and such a serious disease. Healing the concubine's body is just a matter of effort. I really am pregnant with you. Longzi, this is the child that my Majesty and I have been looking forward to for more than ten years. It is our little prince who is back again! Your Majesty..."

Concubine Yin didn't know whether she was nervous, worried or scared. She trembled all over, and her voice lost her former softness and charm.

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