The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1017: Ask for support

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"What's the consultation! The concubine Yin concubine injured her body when she gave birth to the fifth prince, and her body is not well maintained. How can she be pregnant?" Gu Ye watched the excitement.

The lady of the palace raised her eyes with tears and looked at her: "You didn't say that to our empress. You said that at most three or five months, you can help the empress to maintain a good body."

"The patient's emotions and mood are of great help to recovery. I say this, not to let the concubine Yin concubine regain her confidence and actively cooperate with the treatment!" Gu Ye sophistry.

"You!" What else does the grand lady don't understand? Empress, this is the way of this person!

Sure enough, a few more imperial doctors came, and the results of the diagnosis were all the same-Empress Yinfei was not pregnant!

The concubine Yin who had just woke up heard the conclusions of the imperial physicians, and all the blood rushed toward her head, a mouthful of blood came out, and she passed out again. This faint, fainted for three days.

When Concubine Yin woke up, no one recognized her, she only hugged a pillow and shrank at the corner of the bed, struggling desperately as soon as someone approached, yelling that someone would rob her of her child. When there was no one, she hugged the pillow, patted gently, sang an out-of-tune tune, and said to herself to the pillow...

The imperial doctors all diagnosed that the empress was too irritated and mentally disordered...

Gu Ye doesn't care whether she is crazy or pretending to be crazy. Since she is willing to be crazy, let her go crazy forever!

Concubine Yin was imprisoned in the most partial yard-commonly known as Leng Gong. The big maid and the maid beside her were all killed, and there was only one little maid waiting on her side.

No matter the master or the slave in the palace, they are all rallies. If it weren’t for the filial piety of the fifth prince, he would often go to see his mother and concubine. I’m afraid that Concubine Yin would eat the worst meals and wear the most torn clothes like other concubines in the cold palace...

The fifth prince learned that it was the mother's concubine who had taken the little genius doctor back, and was almost insulted by the person who sent him. After thinking that it was a success, he ordered the killing of the little genius doctor to kill him, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Although Yin Fei has a lot of dislike for him and is not close to him, he is his only son after all, and he has all the care he should have on weekdays. In the palace, the five princes were squeezed out and discriminated against everywhere, but the mother and concubine were the only ones who could get a temporary spiritual rest. For the concubine Yin, he truly respects, is filial, and has a bit of admiration.

Concubine Yin is too well hidden on weekdays, and she always shows her weakness and kindness. The fifth prince always thought that the mother concubine was the purest kind in the palace, but never expected...

When the little genius doctor gave him acupuncture and medicine, the fifth prince didn't know how to face her. The servants in the palace didn't know who was provoked, saying that the mother and concubine's madness was inseparable from her.

If the five princes were still the previous five princes, they would definitely believe them and hate the little genius doctor. But now, his intelligence is close to the level of a twelve-year-old child, and he has recently learned a lot from his husband.

The fifth prince knew from the bottom of his heart that the grievance between the two was rooted in the mother and concubine. The little genius is nothing but tooth for tooth. The mother and concubine treated the little genius doctor like this, but she still helped him treat him. Such a heart made the five princes who still had a bit of resentment in their hearts ashamed.

These are things to follow. To clarify the whole story of the "national treasure theft", the perpetrators have also surfaced. The next step is the issue of compensation! Ling Juechen was not good at this, but Emperor Sheng De had already sent a powerful messenger to assist him.

Throughout the whole process, King Ning only needed to sit there with a cold face, and he was able to bluff people. Situ Yan cast contemptuous glances at him from time to time-do you dare to let go of your wife's little hand? Don't think that you can't see it with a table!

In the end, in addition to the two cities treated for the prince, Yan Guo dug two more cities from Sen State as compensation. As the defeated party, Sen State also compensated one hundred thousand taels of silver. The goods are reduced by one third according to the old rules...In short, the forest country suffered heavy losses.

This is only compensation between countries. The compensation for the parties, apart from the previous promises of Linlang and Prince Edward, is that Gu’s pharmaceuticals purchase drugs from the forest country are tax-free, and Gu’s pharmaceuticals are also tax-free when they are sold to the forest country. Jinniu Mountain at the border of the forest country and the Yan country. Free lease to the little doctor for 50 years...

There are also various precious medicinal materials, silk satin, gold and silver jewelry, forest treasures, etc. Although Gu Ye made this trip, he made a lot of money!

Seeing his daughter-in-law happily, Ling Juechen closed his mouth from ear to ear, and jokingly said: "Little rich woman, beg to support you! I will rely on you to raise my husband in the future!"

Gu Ye threw himself into the piles of gold and silver and treasures, pretending to be a fan of wealth: "Do you eat too much? Can you raise it? If you eat too much, I can't afford it!"

"I eat less, work hard, and don't lose money by raising me!" Ling Juechen tried his best to promote himself.

Situ Yan on the side had no idea how many rolled his eyes: "You two, are you enough?"

"Not enough! Never enough! This is the fun between husband and wife... Forget it, your single dog can't understand it!" Gu Ye selected the thinnest gold chain from the jewelry, with meat on his face. With a pained expression, "Master of the National Normal University has worked hard to transport compensation back and forth these days. This is for you."

The corner of Situ Yan's mouth twitched, and Ling Juechen stared at Ling Juechen with a stinking face: Are you watching your wife bullying your brother?

Ling Juechen made an expression of helplessness: He can't do anything about it, he is afraid of it!

Situ Yan almost snapped the root of his tooth-this couple! He gritted his teeth and rejected Gu Ye's "kindness": "No, the National Teacher's Mansion does not lack this. You can keep it and support your husband!"

"Oh, Master National Normal University is really understanding!" Gu Ye quickly retracted the gold chain and put it back into the jewelry box. In this box of jewelry, the least valuable is this chain, which is used to reward people at most.

Sen State is located in the southwest, bordering Bagan (ancient Burma). Jade jewelry has begun to rise in Dongling and Yan Country, but in Sen Country, fragile jade is not so popular.

Gu Ye occasionally saw a few rough jadeite stones in the prince's warehouse, all of which had opened the skylight. Among them was a rough green stone of the emperor, which was as big as a millstone, and Gu Ye cheered for it.

The Emperor Sen also knew that she likes jade, and among the jewellery for compensation, there are many jade ornaments made of glass and high ice. A lot of rough stones are also included. One of the red jade is so beautiful that Gu Ye can't put it down!

Seeing her love, Ling Juechen ordered the two jadesmiths who were full of gold and jade to make a pair of bracelets, a jade pendant, and two hosta. This piece of red jade presents a perfect red color, bright and pure, free of variegated colors and flaws, which is the best. The bracelet is made of simple round strips that Gu Ye likes. It is full of colors, straight in shape, with enough material, good for old water, and lively with a bit of noble temperament.

Gu Ye wore these bracelets when he entered the palace to treat His Highness the prince. Although Princess Linlang was very concerned about the condition of the prince's younger brother, her eyes were still attracted.

Holding Gu Ye's hand, she admired the red jade bracelet, and couldn't help but admire: "This color is too correct! It's no wonder that jadeite is praised by so many ladies in Yan Country. It is indeed very beautiful! , Where did you get this pair of bracelets? Very expensive, right?"

"No money!" Gu Ye touched the bracelet in his hand, "This red jade was drawn from the rough stone sent by your majesty. I also have a pair of hairpins. If the princess likes it, I will bring it to you tomorrow."

There are so many materials for the bracelet, she is reluctant to give it away. One or two hairpins are still possible. Besides, she doesn't look bright and beautiful, wearing a red hairpin is a bit nondescript. She originally brought the two back to Princess Hejia.

There are still a lot of materials left, just let the craftsman sculpt it later. She is also preparing to give some to her second sister-in-law Yuan Haiqing, fifth sister-in-law Anya, and Princess Taijun. As for the others, aren’t there still green jade, blue jade, yellow jade, and purple jade? With so many rough stones, you can always get what you want.

After talking about jade for a while, Gu Ye soon started treatment under the gaze of the prince and Lin Lang's expectation: "What blessing... prepare a washbasin or a big bucket, the genius doctor will start to treat the prince."

Fu Fu hurried forward to take the order and reminded in a low voice: "What's the matter with the little genius doctor, even if you tell Fu Fu and Xiao Guozi to do it for you..."

Oh, it was called Fude! There are too many eunuchs called Fu, such as Fushun, Furong, Blessed... serving in front of the master, you really need names with better meanings. However, it is too easy to be confused, right?

"That's OK, get the washbasin ready, the room needs to be cleared. During the treatment, keep absolutely quiet, so as not to affect the treatment. Except for Linlang, everyone else should be gone!" Gu Ye carried out the preparation work methodically .

The emperor of Mori who came to express his concern for his son, the prince’s brothers who joined in the fun, a few concubines who expressed concern in front of the emperor, and the master of the country (why there is him everywhere? When the palace is his back garden often comes out and wanders.), it was all cleared out by Gu Ye.

When Ling Juechen saw that his daughter-in-law was busy alive, he forgot about him again. Gently tugged at the corner of her clothes...

Gu Ye glanced back and said hurriedly, "Msang Gong... stay and make a move too!"

The prince thought that he would soon ask for the pain of lying in bed and become a healthy and normal person. He was a little excited for a while, his eyes were tearing, his breathing was short of breath, and his yellowish face was flushed, as if he would faint at any time. .

Gu Ye patted him on the back and said: "Don't get excited, calm down! Come here, do it cross-legged here, calm down your breath, take a deep breath...inhale, exhale... During the treatment, don't fluctuate too much. Lest it affect the treatment."

His Royal Highness took a few deep breaths following her instructions, and quickly converged his mind, his heartbeat slowed down, and the expression on his face gradually calmed down. He sat cross-legged on the couch, quietly waiting for Gu Ye to treat him.

These years of illness have tortured his body and exercised his will. He was no longer the helpless boy who cried to his sister whenever he encountered difficulties.

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