The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1018: Worm out of the mouth

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Gu Ye said to the prince: "His Royal Highness, you will need to use internal force to force out the gu worm. Look, should you use your guard or let my prince help?"

"What about the opinion of the little genius?" Since her life is in her hands, she must be trusted with twelve points. The first thing that His Royal Highness thought of was her suggestion.

Gu Ye was taken aback for a moment, and said, "My suggestion...Of course, my husband came. After all, there are few who can surpass him in the world's internal control. Moreover, he is better than your guard, It’s easier to understand my instructions."

His Royal Highness nodded and said, "Then trouble Lord Ning."

Gu Ye smiled slightly, took out a vial from his sleeve, and poured out a round and red pill. The fragrance from the pill is refreshing. Obviously extraordinary.

"Take it... However, the cost of this pill will be calculated separately." Gu Ye felt distressed when she thought of the pill, costing her two dollars to change the medicinal material. "Nothing else, if the rough stone in your warehouse is returned Yes, move me some more!"

If Situ Yan was there, she would definitely complain about her and get into Qian's eyes.

After the prince took the pills, Gu Ye gave a brief explanation to her husband. I saw Ling Juechen's palms suddenly lifted up, up and down like an enclave, slapped towards the prince's big acupoints, his palms were raised and lowered again and again, from fast to slow, from rapid to slow...

When the prince's body began to sweat slightly. Gu Ye suddenly issued another command. Ling Juechen jumped onto the soft couch and sat cross-legged behind the prince, placing his right hand on his Baihui acupoint, and his left palm against the Lingtai acupoint. The surging internal force passed through it like a tide. The two acupoints rushed towards the Dantian.

The prince seemed to have endured an unbearable pain, his body trembling slightly, and the big beads of sweat soaked his clothes. Not long after, the whole person was as if falling into the water, soaked all over, even the bedding on the couch was also wet.

Princess Lin Lang clenched her hand tightly, staring at the prince brother without blinking. The nails that went deep into the palm of her hand showed her inner tension and worry.

Gradually, the prince's sweat faintly revealed the smell of food, the originally transparent sweat beads, at this time, also slightly contained a viscous crimson liquid. The white Xieyi was dyed red by the liquid, as if he was covered with blood.

Princess Linlang's heart seemed to be grasped by someone. Seeing the prince's painful expression, she couldn't wait to pull Concubine Yin from Lenggong and shave her with a knife!

After Concubine Yin went crazy, from her intermittent crazy words, pieced together the whole story of Prince Zhonggu.

After losing her first child, Concubine Yin quickly became pregnant with the fifth prince, and the pain in her heart was washed away a lot. But she became pregnant shortly after the miscarriage, and her body was not well maintained. When she gave birth to the fifth prince, she was difficult to give birth and almost killed two dead bodies. Fortunately, the medical immortal was collecting medicine in the suburbs of Senguo and was invited by the emperor to save the lives of the mother and son.

When the fifth prince’s intellectual problems first began to emerge, the hatred buried in the heart of Concubine Yin was unearthed little by little. If it were not for the prince, she would not have a miscarriage or hurt her body. She will have a smart and healthy son, even more. With the emperor's love for her, her child is not without the opportunity to claim that position!

The hatred gathered day by day, and finally one day, she started with the prince. Bloodthirsty Gu was given to her by the wizard kept secretly in her family. At first, it was just a small worm egg, which could easily be put into the prince's diet. Ether's trust in her and the food she sent will not have any doubts.

The hatching of bloodthirsty Gu worm eggs takes two to three years. The number of Gu worms in the prince's body should have been recruited seven or eight years ago. The prince at the time was only a teenager. The fifth prince is less than seven years old, but his intelligence is only equivalent to that of two or three-year-old children...

Although the misfortune of the concubine and the fifth prince, the prince was the direct cause. But at that time, he was just a child who was still walking on an unstable road, not intentionally. Such hatred and revenge are ridiculous!

"Oh..." Princess Lin Lang's thoughts were interrupted, she looked at the prince brother who was on the couch with a sharp spirit. The prince tilted his head to vomit. Fude held a washbasin and knelt by the couch, followed by the Prince's vomit.

Princess Linlang walked to the bed with concern. At this time, Ling Juechen opened his eyes quickly, and his hands against the prince's back vigorously pushed toward the prince's body. The prince seemed to vomit his heart, liver, lungs and kidneys, and he was vomiting.

The vomit in the basin is increasing. Suddenly, Princess Lin Lang widened her eyes. It turned out that there were many slender bugs in the vomit in the basin, writhing appallingly.

Princess Linlang covered her mouth-these are the culprits that caused the prince's younger brother to become weaker day by day? This... also really disgusting! Although Princess Linlang felt sorry for her younger brother, she couldn't help retching when she saw this scene and the smell floating in the air.

Gu Ye had already put on his mask. Some essential oils of rose flowers were used in the mask to isolate the unpleasant smell.

Ling Juechen stopped his hand movement and adjusted his breath until His Royal Highness could no longer vomit.

Princess Linlang walked to the couch. Although the prince brother was tired at this time, his face was no longer a little pale in haggard, and his spirit seemed a little better.

Gu Ye put a pill into the prince's mouth and said to Fu Fu: "Then what, Fu...Manager Fu, go get your master of the house a basin of bath water, clean him and throw him on the bed to sleep."

"Yes, the villain Fude obeyed!" Father Fude said his name intimately again. At first, Fude thought that the little genius doctor didn't take the **** seriously, and he would never remember his name. UU reading later found that this was not the case.

The little genius doctor was very kind to him, even the most insignificant little **** in the East Palace, and did not look down upon him. But for their names, either can't remember or get confused. Just now, the little genius doctor called Xiao Guo Zi a "little table".

Alas, no one is perfect, and little genius doctors are good at everything. Why is it so hard to remember names?

Ling Juechen's face was also a bit tired. Gu Ye wiped the sweat from his forehead with the kerchief, and gave him a kiss on his cheek to express the reward-the husband had worked hard, and the reward should be rewarded.

Princess Linlang and His Royal Highness who happened to open their eyes at this time:...

The thought in Princess Linlang's mind is: These two people are too bold and unrestrained, right? Don't your relatives avoid people?

His Royal Highness really realized that the little genius doctor was already in charge. Ugh! Why didn't he meet her earlier?

If Ling Juechen knew the thoughts in his heart, he would definitely spray him: No matter how early he is, he will be early. He and Xiao Ye Zi, it was the fate of the previous life! If you want to dig his corner, you have to have that ability!

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