The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 1019: you've changed

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His Royal Highness got up from the couch...Hey, he can easily stand up by himself without being supported by others? ! Although he could still feel the weakness coming from his body, he could clearly feel the changes in his body.

Hahaha... he can finally get rid of the torture of the sickness, and he doesn't have to be with the sick bed anymore! His life, his ideals, will start again from this moment! !

"Don't laugh! The five senses of anger, joy, thought, sorrow, and fear in Chinese medicine are connected to the five internal organs, liver, heart, spleen, lung, and kidney. Excessive five senses will affect their corresponding organ functions. Anger hurts the liver. , I like sadness, thinks about hurting the spleen, sad for the lungs, fear of hurting the kidneys. His Royal Highness has just been detoxified, and his body is still weak, so it is not suitable for great grief and joy." Gu Ye interrupted his laughter and admonished.

His Royal Highness quickly adjusted his emotions and gave a deep bow to Gu Ye and Ling Juechen. Ling Juechen helped his arm, only to accept his half courtesy. The crown prince was a precious person, but he and his wife saved his life and deserved his half courtesy.

Bloodthirsty Gu was forced out, and Gu Ye gave the prince some medicine orally to completely kill the worm eggs in his body to prevent future troubles. The rest is slowly recuperating. After all, the body has been hollowed out by bugs for many years. If it is not properly maintained, it will affect the life span.

Emperor Sen and Princess Linlang paid particular attention to the prince's body. They urged Gu Ye and his wife to stay in Senguo-Kyoto for a few more days, and sent the Master of National Normal University to receive them, eat and play with them... Situ Yan and Gu Ye disliked each other and rolled their eyes and mouths.

Coming out of the palace, Gu Ye took her husband's arm and said to the "follower" behind: "You don't need to follow, my husband and I have been to the two-person world. Your third party is in the middle, what is it? "

"Why didn't you tell your majesty just now?" He didn't bother to follow it! The two were greasy and crooked all day long, and he looked sour. However, this is the will of the emperor. Is it possible to resist the will if he does not comply?

"Don't be so circumspect, can you? Go back to your National Teacher's House for a beauty sleep, National Normal University Beauty!" Gu Ye nicknamed him playfully.

Situ Yanqi didn't hit a spot: "There were so many people in the temple at that time, you can call a little **** to test the medicine, why didn't you choose me? I said you must be deliberate!"

Since the "pregnancy" turmoil, every time he went to court, colleagues would hold their eyes and peep at him with a smile. Those who are more familiar will look at his stomach half-jokingly, and ask when he can drink his family Xisanhe Full Moon Wine. He is a bachelor, where's the child to do the washing of the three and the full moon?

There is something closer, staring at his face and confessing to him: "Master, you admit, you are a woman disguised as a man, right? You are a woman, I will definitely marry you!"

The National Normal University was so popular that he gave him the word "roll" and kicked people away. If the tiger doesn't show his power, when he is hellokitty? Blame that stinky woman, and even his face was scandalous, so he didn't dare to go out to see people!

"It is your honor to test the medicine for this genius doctor! Anyone who is qualified to try the medicine of this genius doctor?" Gu Ye proudly said, "Don't feel that you are at a loss. If you become ill in the future, consult Jin, I’ll give you a 20% acquaintance price based on the Prince’s price, how about it? Isn’t it interesting?"

"I thank you!" Situ Yan gritted his posterior molars. The lion really opened his mouth, and the price was set according to the standard for treating the prince. It is estimated that there are not many people in the world that can afford it. You little genius doctor, wait for unemployment!

"No thanks! Who made you look good and like my husband!" Gu Ye made a gesture of "I am generous, I am so generous".

Situ Yan took a breath and asked gnashingly: "Can this chapter be turned? Honestly turning over the old calendar, are you interesting?"

"Interesting! Things that make you uncomfortable, I think it's quite interesting!" Gu Ye smiled and raised his eyebrows: Come on, have the ability to hit me!

Situ Yan looked at Ling Juechen: "Chenzi, your daughter-in-law is too arduous! You don't care?"

"The grievances between you two, don't get involved with me. I don't want to go back to kneel and washboard." Ling Juechen tried to clear it away. What a brotherly love!

"You spoil your daughter-in-law so infinitely, can the eldest princess be used to seeing it?" They all say that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are natural enemies, and they don't see each other. In many families, the better the son is to the daughter-in-law, the more the mother-in-law toss the daughter-in-law. The eldest princess looked at a very powerful person, should she be able to control this stinky woman?

Ling Juechen showed an expression of indescribable expression, sighed for a long time, and complained to his brother: "Ayan! The eldest princess is so many times better to her daughter-in-law than to my son. Once the eldest princess returned to the palace, Just grabbed my wife from me. But I couldn't steal her. The two of them were relatives. I was the poor little one who picked it up..."

Situ Yan looked at Ling Juechen with a complicated expression. Is this still the cold, bold, brave, and fearless young general? Too shattered, there is nothing? Except for the face of the young man he admired in his memory, everything else...Would you like to invite a high monk to exorcise evil spirits for a friend?

However, Chenzi was raised in front of the old general since childhood and had no relationship with his princess mother. The eldest princess has her own princess mansion, and she worships the Buddha in the nunnery all year round. It stands to reason that there should not be a lot of time to stay in the Ning Palace. You said you sir, why are you so clingy to your wife?

Ling Juechen listened to his old friend's complaints, sighed and sighed more diligently: "That's before! Since I got married, the eldest princess has come down from the mountain, except for special festivals and when there are ceremonies. Antang. My daughter-in-law is so lovable. With her company, how can she leave?"

When he said this, he didn't mean to dislike his mother. But... Princess mother, do you want to hug your grandson earlier? If you want, don't always dominate your daughter-in-law, can you?

Situ Yan glanced at the "wife slave" in disintegration, shook his head, and said, "Chenzi, you have really become better..."

"My changes are all because of her!" Ling Juechen looked at her daughter-in-law affectionately, and the lingering expression in his eyes was even more tangled than the twisting silk.

Situ Yan trembled all over, got goose bumps, and his scalp was tingling. He really couldn't stand it now, so he quickly found an excuse and said: "I think there are still some things that have not been done at the Yamen, you go shopping first, and in the evening, our brothers will drink together!"

Looking at the back of Master National Normal University, Gu Ye laughed so much that his stomach hurts. She clutched her belly, tapped her husband's forehead with her finger, and said with a smile:

"You are really fainting! However, your tricks are useful, and they scare people away. However, let alone the appearance of the young woman who resented you just now, even I am not used to it."

Ling Juechen grabbed his daughter-in-law's little hand, put it to his mouth and bit, and said, "I'm still laughing! In order to live the two-person world with you, I'm going to give up! This face is about to be lost. Say, you How to compensate me?"

Gu Ye waved his small hand, and said in a deep and authentic way: "Whatever you want, pick it up on this street! Sister will pay for you!"

"I want you! I don't know, I am a poor ghost, can I afford it?" Ling Juechen held his daughter-in-law's little hand and shuttled among the crowds on the street. His face was serious, but what he said was not serious at all.

The Mori national style is relatively bold, and there are many men and women in pairs on the street. However, like them, there are not many openly holding hands, but they will not attract too much attention.

Gu Ye dug his palm with his finger, raised his eyebrows and said, "Want me? That would cost you all and affection for your entire life. I don't know the son, would you like it?"

"Don't talk about being affectionate for a lifetime, this king is also willing!" Ling Juechen spoke the hottest love words in the coldest voice. This kind of contrast, love, love!

"Little genius doctor, prince! Why are you two? Master of the National Normal University?" Princess Lin Lang's hearty voice interrupted the stickiness of the couple.

Gu Ye glanced at her, then bowed his head at a stall selling Miao silver, looking at her unique Miao ornaments, and jokingly said: "His Royal Highness, are you looking for our husband and wife, or is she looking for Master Guoshi?"

"There is no such thing as looking for someone but not looking for someone! Since I met on the street, and the Master of the National Normal University is not there, then I, the host, will do my best as a landlord and take the two to stroll around!" Princess Lin Lang looked down. Glancing at Miao Yin jewelry, shook his head and said, "These craftsmanship is rough. If the little genius likes Miao decorations, I know a century-old shop, how about taking you to see it?"

Gu Ye picked up a silver hairpin. This is fanned out by dozens of silvery silver flowers, dotted with green, yellow, red and white stamens. There are five silver phoenixes in the heart of the fan with their heads up and screaming, arranged densely and densely, spreading out like bird tails, very beautiful.

She put the hairpin on the bun and asked her husband: "How is it? Does it look good?"

Ling Juechen nodded without thinking, "It looks good! My wife looks good in everything. UU reading"

Princess Lin Lang glanced at the stick, with some shaky hairpins. The little doctor's face is small, and this hairpin is a bit big for her, and it feels a little overwhelming to wear it, which is really not beautiful. She glanced at King Ning-is it really okay for you to open your eyes and talk nonsense?

Gu Ye happily picked up a silver handkerchief and hung it around her neck with the help of the little girl, "Does it look good? Am I beautiful?"

"Beautiful! Very beautiful!" Ling Juechen nodded, carefully admiring the beauty of his wife.

"I like it all, but it's a bit heavy!" Gu Ye looked at the silver hat on the stall again.

The crown of the hat is made up of hundreds of dried silver flowers, clustered and very dense. The top of the hat is in the middle, and the silver fan towers high. Around the silver fan, there are several phoenix birds, butterflies, and praying mantis on the high flower clusters, flying or standing, and their shapes are lifelike. The hat hoop is embossed silver with a pattern of two dragons playing with beads, and there are children playing images on both sides. There is a row of hanging ears hanging along the hat hoop, all connected by silver chains, silver bells jingle. After the crown, drag three sets of silver feathers, a total of twelve, and the feathers are waist-long. It's so gorgeous!

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