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Although it is not practical, this kind of silver jewelry with ethnic minority style is very novel to Gu Ye. He wanted to try everything, and he was reluctant to move away for a while.

The little girl, the stall owner, spoke unskilled Chinese, and squatted: "Girl, if you like it, just buy it!"

Every young girl from the Miao family, from the moment she was born, the family began to save her silver jewelry, enough to save her, she also reached the age when she should be married. Looking at the young girl's age and the silver jewelry on the stall, Gu Ye couldn't help but ask: "These should be what you want to wear when you get married? Why do you want to sell them?"

The little girl glanced at Princess Lin Lang timidly, bowed her head silently. Gu Ye said: "It's okay, what's the difficulty, say boldly, Princess Linlang is in charge of you!"

"Home... My family just paid a heavy tax, and the family owes a lot of money. For my marriage, Abba and Brother ventured into the old forest to collect medicinal materials, but they strayed into the miasma, inhaled the miasma, and both got sick. It's true. The family really didn't have money to treat them, so I thought about selling the silver jewelry and asking a doctor to go back to Abba and Brother..." The little Miao girl touched her silver cap a little bit reluctantly.

After selling these, the marriage will not be completed. Brother Longsha... isn't it another saying that the Han people call "fate and no points"? He...deserves a better girl!

Gu Ye's eyes lit up. The places with miasma are generally virgin forests. The old forest in the mouth of this little Miao girl must have abundant medicinal materials. Otherwise, her father and brother would not venture into the woods.

"Little girl, did you hear what the princess called me just now?" Gu Ye pointed to his nose and asked.

The little girl thought for a while and nodded: "The princess calls you a ‘little genius doctor’..."

Suddenly her eyes burst into light, and she cautiously asked: "Girl, are you...doctor? Do you...can cure miasma? I have asked doctors in several medical clinics and drugstores, and they all said they would not... …"

"Can it be cured? I only know after seeing the patient. Is your home far away? I happen to be fine today, so I will accompany you on a trip!" Gu Ye mainly wanted to see the so-called "Miasma", whether it is really like a martial arts It's so powerful in the novel.

The little girl was happy, and then said anxiously: "My house... is quite far away. I'm going to walk for two days..." After speaking, the little girl took a peek at Gu Ye's face, for fear that she would be too far away and regret it. .

"You came here on foot? If you ride a horse or a carriage, you don't need so much time." Gu Yezheng wanted to go to the field to investigate whether the deep mountains and old forests here are suitable for planting medicinal materials. She hasn’t figured out how to plan the mountain forest where she received compensation...

The little girl has never ridden a horse, but she knows that the horse runs very fast. With an excited expression on her face, she nodded and said, "Hurry up on horseback, you should be there in less than a day! But...I don't have a horse!"

If the family has money to buy horses, A-Ba and Brother-in-law will not enter the mountains to pay off their debts, and she will not have to sell her dowry...

"You don't have one, your Royal Highness has it!" Gu Ye looked back at Princess Linlang.

Princess Linlang was taken aback and nodded hurriedly: "If the little genius doctor needs it, why not give you a few horses?"

"I don't have to send it, let me borrow a horse for the time being!" Gu Ye pulled her husband a bit, but didn't.

She looked up at him in wonder. Ling Juechen looked helpless: "Did you forget that your husband was by your side again? Horses, we also have them, and we all stay in the post."

Gu Ye smiled embarrassedly and said, "Um...husband, we just got married within two months and we separated. Aren't I used to it? Don't worry, I will depend on everything when I return to Yan Country. You, don't be annoying me when the time comes!"

"Never!" Ling Juechen felt a bit sour in his heart. His little girl, regardless of past and present, is very independent and distressing. If someone can rely on, who would choose to be strong alone?

"Husband, it doesn't really matter who owns the horse. Isn't this place closer to the princess mansion? Saving people is like fighting a fire, and the patient will have more hope of survival in a minute!" Gu Ye laughed. I've been single for a long time, I am used to a person, and I have an extra husband.

To Gu Ye, Ling Juechen has never had a temper. Simply, he also borrowed a horse from Princess Linlang. The three of them, plus a little Miao girl, took the guards from the princess mansion and went out of the city with a horse!

"Huh? The ones who just passed by, seem to be the generals and the princesses! Where are they going on horseback? Or did the princesses in the city get tired of shopping and go out of the city to play?" Gangzi stretched his head from the teahouse and looked down. Doubt authentic.

Situ Yan followed his line of sight and saw the backs of three people surrounded by guards. He was silent and said: "Don't worry, Princess Linlang will follow!"

After Situ Yan was annoyed by the fussy couple and walked away, he met the Gangzi who was dangling in the street not far away. The two brothers hadn't seen each other for many years, so it was natural to find a place to recount the past. At this time, it was not noon, and the restaurant hadn't started business, so I went to a nearby teahouse and asked for a pot of tea and two plates of dim sum. After he didn't sit firmly, he saw the back of Ling Juechen and his wife leaving the city.

Gangzi laughed and said: "The generals and his wife joined hands and said that they can reach thousands of troops and horses. That winter, the great prince of Lebanon despicably invited a poisoner to poison our Northwest Army like a plague. .

The princess was not a princess at the time, but she rushed to help us. Not only did we detoxify the Northwest Army’s poison, UU reading www.uukanshu.com also gave a tooth for a tooth and dropped some medicine on the territory of Lebanon... Was it pulled down?

Brother, you say, how insightful is our general? Fancy such a powerful princess! Our princess is not only a well-known little genius doctor, but also the youngest great pharmacist! There are many medicines in her hand to save people, and there are also many strange medicines.

You, recruit the highlights, let alone me, even the general can't save you! "

Situ Yan's expression was hard to say, and he shook his head and said, "I have seen it!"

Colorless and tasteless, medicine that can turn people into puppets. The antidote that makes people spit out stomach acid. And... the fake pregnancy drug that made many people suspect his gender! The stinky woman was too careful, he said that he had let go of the past, but she kept remembering it for him!

Gangzi smirked and said, "The princess is too tight. You actually tried your fake pregnancy medicine... I said, did you offend the princess? If this is the case, brothers really can't help you!"

Situ Yan sighed and said, "Women, be careful. Why did I leave, should you remember? Princess Ning... After hearing this story, I have to treat me as a love rival. What can I do? "

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