"Women, I bought a hen and gave you a make-up. In the future, I have to lose more than you do. The body is the most important!" Lu Junyi took the little hen to the yard and slaughtered it. A pot of thick hen soup.

His two older children, a seven-year-old and a five-year-old, came back from the outside, smelled the smell of chicken soup, and kept swallowing water. The two children were taught very well by his wife, and they did not open their mouths to eat chicken.

Lu Junyi gave the daughter-in-law a bowl of thick chicken soup, and the chicken was torn into filaments, watching her eat. The two children separated one chicken leg, and a bowl of soup, and they ate at the table. He simply drank a few soups, the remaining chicken and chicken soup, and kept the chicken soup noodles for the wife and children at night. I haven't eaten white noodles in my family for a long time. It is time to improve my family.

Hearing that he is going to buy white noodles, Lu’s wife said: “Although I’ve just entered an account, I have to be careful. After all, I don’t know when I will meet such a generous customer. You need to add some silver to the winery. The object. We eat less, it is ok!"

Lu Junyi’s nose was sour, and the wife married and smiled: “Women, don’t worry, Gu’s said, as long as the quality of the wine is the same, they will continue to cooperate with us!”

“Oh?” Lu Jiaxuan’s face was a joy, and he quickly asked, “What kind of wine is in the end, it takes so much wine. In a few days, it’s hundreds of jars. It’s going to be renewed in the future. Is it south? The wine seller who came?"

"No, no!" Lu Junyi was the most stupid. He took the jar of wine he had brought back, opened the wine seal, and took a drink to let the wife know. The daughter-in-law is still sitting on the moon and cannot taste it. However, she is a wine-savvy person. From the wine, she can judge the quality.

"Good wine! If you can make such a wine, why can't you sell it?" Lu Jia's wife praised.

Lu Junyi was excited and said: "This is the wine of the family!"

"What? Your family's wine? Are you not lie to me? I haven't been to the winery for a few days, can I make such a good product at home? Are you new to the brewing party?" Lu Jia's wife excitedly moved Moved the **** and made a mess to the man.

"No, no!" Lu Junyi didn't know where to start talking. He sorted out his thoughts and said, "Exactly, this is a batch of wine that Gujia Winery has just released today!"

"What? Gujia is also brewing? Can he brew such a wine and buy what they drink? What kind of conspiracy will there be?" Lu Jia's wife began to conspiracy!

"Gujia does not brew!" Lu Junyi hated his own mouth at this time.

"Where isn't this wine coming from? Are you kidding me?" Lu Jiaxuan had a sigh on the man's arm. "What the **** is going on, let's talk!"

"Gu Jia has a prescription, can turn our wine into a wine like this through the 'secondary processing'!" Lu Junyi used a fresh word from the mouth of Gu Jiaxiao's granddaughter.

Although the Lu Jia daughter-in-law did not hear it, she also guessed what it meant. She was pleasantly surprised: "When you are a family, you are saying that Gu Jia bought a family wine, and used a method to turn the unremarkable wine into a valuable wine now?"

Lu Junyi nodded hard. The daughter-in-law is so smart!

Lu Jia’s wife was completely relieved. She lay back on her knees and leaned on the quilt. She said happily: “The wine of the family is not sold out in the future! When you are home, you say, if you have such a recipe, you can’t catch up. Fuchun's Fuchun wine? Become the number one brewing workshop in Yancheng?"

"Why can you catch up with the rich? It is the floating spring of the royal family that may not be able to get along with this wine! I inquired, the backstage of this family can be hard, when they moved, the family and the family came to congratulate, the old general He also personally arrived! It is said that Gu’s father was once a subordinate of the old general. He did not like the officialdom, he resigned from his office. He came to Yancheng to run the winery. Let the soldiers solve the cold! "It is difficult for Lu Junyi to say so much in one breath.

"When you are a family, you have to take care of the quality of Yanjiajia Lujiajiu. Don't lose this big customer! When you go to the winery, pay attention to it. Don't inquire about the craft of making wine. Offended the taboos of others!" Lu Jia's wife is not worried about her own man. He is too honest and his mind is slow. If you don't have a bad heart, you are afraid of being used by people!

Lu Junyi nodded: "Do not worry, my wife. I can save it! However, Gu did not seem to guard me, and today I took a tour of the winery. I dare not look around, just look at my own feet, and almost hit Go to the back of the old man. It was awkward at the time!"

"You are right! People, maybe you are testing you! Afterwards, you will have a long-term mind, and everyone's prescription is no better, we are not jealous, as long as the books do their own thing!" A daughter-in-law can be described as bitter.

Lu Junyi put his wife in her arms and rubbed her head with her chin. She said with emotion: "The most correct thing I have done in my life is to marry a good-natured wife. You can rest assured that I will let you live well. Days!"

"Well! I have never regretted marrying you! Our days will surely be better and better..." Lu Jia's wife nestled in the arms of her own man, and her heart was filled with incomparable happiness. Suddenly, the small candle bag lying next to her, making a loud cry, broke the tranquility between the two ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Lu Junyi quickly picked up his own niece, gently squatting in his arms. The little guy didn't cooperate, he still cried a lot and his face was red. Lu Guangyang, the boss, said: "My sister is not urinating or pulling, or is hungry! My sister is very embarrassed, and I rarely cry!"

Touching the diaper, it is really wet. Lu Junyi awkwardly changed the diaper to the little daughter, and looked at the little white face of the little baby for more than 20 days, and lost a little. It doesn't matter, he will try to get the day better and better, and raise the little daughter to be fat.

Thinking of Gu's sweet and lovely, sweet and lively little granddaughter, Lu Junyi showed a thick smile - I don't know what my own prostitute looks like after growing up. If there is a granddaughter of the family, she will not marry in the future.

The wine of the Gujia Winery is actually the recipe that was taken out when the girl was in the pharmaceutical industry. I didn't expect the little girl to be a pharmacist! The pharmacist is a respectable profession, and the future is boundless!

He looked down and glanced at the stunned eyes in his eyes, and the prostitute who kept his eyes bent and turned around was a clever one. In the future, he also respects the choice of prostitutes and loves to learn what to learn. It is precisely because of this thought that Lu Jia has a famous female winemaker. This is something.

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