He sent Lu Junyi, Gu night inspected the various factories in the winery, and was very satisfied with the management and staff that Grandpa was looking for. Two pounds of grain wine, steamed out a pound of Wuliangye, the wine rate is good. Ordinary grain wine on the market, a good one or two silver an altar, about ten pounds. There is no such thing as the Lu family. There are five hundred to eight hundred literatures and one place, and the profit is extremely low.

The winery takes the wine from Lujia, and the altar has eight hundred texts. The cost of a jar of Wuliangye is one or two yuan. With her family's steamed wine process, Dongling Country can no longer find a second home. Things are rare, a jar of ten pounds and ten silver, should not be expensive?

Gu Xiao listened, and thought deeply: "The floating spring wine, but it occupies the title of the royal servant, the taste is not as good as the wine of the family. The floating spring on the market, a pound of silver has to be dozens of dollars. Our prices are already close enough to the people!" The word "close to the people" was what he said to his granddaughter.

"Girl, Ling Gongzi is outside, saying that there is a pen business to talk to the girl." The flowers rushed from the outside, gave a gift, the voice was soft and courteous.

Gu night heart suddenly a happy, very good, the dust brother finally finished, she has not met with the dust brother for several days. I don’t see a day when I’m not exaggerated, but I really miss him.

Gu Xiao is arrogant: "The winery is Laozi! To talk about business and talk to Laozi, this little white face, the meaning of drunkenness is not in the wine! Even chasing the winery, it is not like!" After that, he took the lead in striding Go outside the factory.

Halfway through, the winery’s management asked him to have something, saying that there was a small problem in a certain factory and let him solve it. Gu Xiao frowned, and with his degree of attention to the winery, many seemingly small things, he was personally involved, this matter must be handled by him.

"Ye, you go first, wait for Grandpa to handle the things over there, and then you will be the kid!" Gu Xiao hesitated, and did not forget to say, "Take both of you, so as not to fall into the tongue. Female The reputation of the child is especially important. You are getting bigger... After two days, the education I have found for you will come. At that time, you will learn a little!"

The eyebrows that had been stretched in the night, I was shocked by this “bad news” and immediately became a little bitter melon: “Those who are cultivating, don’t worry... I am too busy now, where is the time to learn those...”

"Without time, I have to squeeze out time to learn! Busy? Are there still time to meet with surname Ling?" Gu Xiao pretended not to see the granddaughter's frowning face, hard-hearted.

Gu night argued: "Where, he is my wound, I have not recovered, my granddaughter is naturally responsible for him..."

"Injury? Whose injury dragged on for four or five months is still not good? I look at that little white face, do not have ulterior motives for you, will rely on you refuse to leave. You will be far away from him! A good man, unreliable Gu Xiao took a look at his granddaughter and turned and left.

Gu night squatting with a small mouth, came to the living room of the winery's outer court, staring at the dusty and beautiful, not like a mortal's face for a long time.

Ling was so confused that he asked softly: "What happened? How do you look at me like this?"

"My grandfather said, the man who is too handsome is not reliable!" Gu night sighed quietly. Indeed, this face is too tempting to attract butterflies. When he came to the pharmaceutical factory, there were no girl workers, and he sneaked at him. Walking down the street, there was a little girl who was courageous and deliberately fell in front of him. However, the dust brother turned a blind eye to these. Gu night is sweet in the heart.

Ling can't cry and laugh: "Is it good to look good, it's also a mistake? Long, I don't want to... If you don't, I scratch my face and let Grandpa rest assured."

"No!" Gu night shouted nervously. "That... it hurts! I don't want you to hurt yourself!" When he said this, Gu Ye was holding the face of Ling Jun, and his thumb was still Restlessly rubbed his face.

Ling Dapeng, the daring of the class, the eyeballs are as big as the bull's eye. God! Gu girl is cheaper in his family general? It’s amazing! The general also indulges her movements and enjoys it! The two have a good relationship, he is relieved...

Pretending to look at the sky, seeing the land, counting the ants' moon, and discovering Dapeng's unspoken eyes, screaming fiercely - not to be seen, do not understand?

Dapeng noticed a "hot" look and looked over in his own direction and looked at the past. I found that the mother of the future is close to him. He was happy in his heart. Was this handsome little girl stunned by his male charm and fell under his military boots? He quickly finished the whole shirt, gathered his hair, made a self-righteous expression, and raised his eyebrows.

The full moon is vomiting. This person will not be a problem! How did Dian Zun choose such a non-tuneful follow-up, not afraid of people who lost him!

At this time, the night and the silence, one standing, one sitting. The charming little girl standing, gently holding the face of the tall, handsome man sitting, the atmosphere between them is so harmonious, and brought some embarrassment. If you draw a comic, you must have a floral ornament around you...

Just as the two men stared for a long time, suddenly a piece of jade fell from the clothes of the night, and gently hit the nose of Ling Ling.

"What is this?" Ling held the lock-shaped jade pendant, and looked at it in detail. The jade is delicate and can hardly find a trace of sputum, as if it is a gelatin. This is the top grade of sheep fat warm jade, worth a lot. With his understanding of the little girl~www.ltnovel.com~ she would not take the initiative to spend a big price to buy such a pendant. Is it... Who sent her?

"This is a long life lock, my mother left it to me, saying that I will be a dowry in the future." The two worlds are human, they have not experienced the love of their parents, from this jade lock, they found a kind mother, right The daughter is deeply in love.

Ordinary people, such a good jade, will be left to the son to be a heirloom, and her mother specifically stated that this is left to her, no brother. Gu Ye has never liked to wear jewelry on his neck, but this jade lock, she has been wearing it. With it, it seems to make up for her hunger and hope for fatherly love and maternal love.

Ling Miao suspected: "Can I see?"

Gu Yu did not suspect him, took the jade lock from his neck and sent it to his hand: "This should be the most valuable thing for my mother and my brother, and some bracelets, although not worth the money, but for I missed it. I almost forgot what my mother looked like. Is it too filial?"

"When your mother died, you are still young! You always read her in your heart, even if you don't remember her appearance, but your love and love for her always exist. How can it be unfilial?" To her heart, she comforted her with enthusiasm.

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